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World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Meeting

Geneva, Switzerland
15-17 January 2003

Room B, ITU Tower


The meeting will cover topics related to the definition, collection, processing, dissemination and use of telecommunication/ICT indicators. Sessions will include:

Telecommunication/ICT Indicators and Gender

Gender has moved to the forefront as a development issue. This session will examine which telecommunication/ICT indicators are important for gender analysis, the availability of telecommunication/ICT gender disaggregated statistics and ways to move forward.

Telecommunication/ICT Indicators and the Millennium Development Goals and the World Summit for the Information Society (WSIS)

The United Nations community has adopted a series of development targets backed by measurable indicators. These include three specific indicators to track the availability of telecommunication/ICT. The WSIS, to be held in 2003, will among other things, examine how telecommunication/ICT can be used as a development tool. Telecommunication/ICT improve well being, help eradicate poverty, illiteracy, etc. by providing electronic access to health, education and critical information. Discussion will focus on the choice of the telecommunication/ICT indicators and what kinds of indicators can be used to measure the impact of telecommunication/ICT on human development.

Telecommunication/ICT Indicators for Regulators and National Statistical Offices

It is the responsibility of national telecommunication/ICT government bodies and statistical offices to collect, process and disseminate telecommunication/ICT statistics. This session will look at best practice such as national regulatory authorities compiling statistics as well as national statistical offices collecting data at a household level. It will also provide guidelines for how national data can be collected, compiled and disseminated.

Telecommunication/ICT Indicator Handbook

The rise of mobile and convergence of broadcasting, computing and telecommunications calls for new indicators. This practical session will provide guidelines for a new set of globally comparable telecommunication/ICT indicators.

Telecommunication/ICT Indicator Developments and coordination

The telecommunication/ICT indicator work of other organizations such as the OECD and the World Bank will be presented during this session. The session will also discuss the coordination and cooperation between the different organizations involved in telecommunication/ICT statistics.


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