ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

WTIM 2012 - Agenda


Tuesday, 25 September 2012​
​08.00-09.00 Delegates Registration in Bangkok Convention Center at Central World
​09.00-09.45 ​Opening ceremony
The 10th WTIM will be opened by high-level representatives from MICT and ITU and introduce the Chair of the meeting, Ms Jirawan Boonperm, Permanent Secretary, MICT, Thailand.  
​09.45-10.15 ​Coffee break
​10.15-10.30 Introduction to the WTIM 2012
ITU will provide an overview of the work carried out over the past year and introduce the meeting agenda. 
10.30-12.30​ High-level panel on national coordination of ICT statistics
This session, which is added as a new feature to the WTIM, will address ways and means of establishing national coordination mechanisms to ensure the efficient and timely production of ICT statistics. This will be the first time that this topic is addressed by an international high-level panel, comprised of representatives from Ministries, regulatory authorities and national statistical offices. The outcome of the debate is expected to result in a set of recommendations on how to enhance national coordination in the field of ICT statistics, to be adopted at the end of the meeting.  
Moderator:  Brahima Sanou, Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU [biography]
Open discussion
​12.30-14.00 ​Lunch break
​14.00-15.30 Session 1: ICT infrastructure and access indicators: EGTI results
The Chair of the ITU Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators (EGTI) will present the results of the work carried out during the past year, complemented by country presentations. The focus will be on the following groups of indicators: (i) investment and revenue in the telecommunication/ICT economy; (ii) mobile-broadband quality of service; (iii) fixed (wired)-broadband quality of service; and (iv) broadband capacity and Internet data traffic. Changes to the existing definitions as well as new indicators agreed to be included in the ITU questionnaires will be presented. In particular, this session will propose detailed guidelines on international harmonization of indicators on investment and revenue in telecommunications.
Moderator: Susan Teltscher, Head, ICT Data and Statistics Division, ITU/BDT [biography
Open discussion
​15.30-16.00 ​Coffee break
​16.00-17.30 ​Session 2: Measuring data traffic
This session will discuss indicators and international practices for the collection of data on Internet traffic, including voice over IP (VoIP). It will address issues related to the measurement of mobile data flows and fixed data traffic. In addition, the session will present indicators to monitor network capacity, such as core backbone infrastructure. 
Moderator: Paul Hamilton, Hamilton Research [biography]
Open discussion
​19.00 ​Conference diner
​ Wednesday, 26 September 2012​
09.00-10.30​ Session 3: Wireless broadband
This session will present recent work carried out internationally and nationally to collect and benchmark mobile-broadband prices. Based on these experiences and the work of the EGTI on the subject, the ITU methodology for the collection of mobile-broadband prices will be presented. In addition, the session will look at issues related to the collection of data on terrestrial fixed-wireless broadband subscriptions, and share country experiences on this topic.
Moderator: Eun-Ju Kim, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific [biography]          
Open discussion
​10.30-11.00 ​Coffee break
​11.00-12.30 Session 4: Digital broadcasting
This session will present the latest progress on measuring digital broadcasting and provide an overview of how it has been affected by recent technological trends, such as network convergence and the emergence of new end-user devices. A number of countries and private data collectors will share their experiences in monitoring digital broadcasting, including cable television, direct-to-home satellite, IPTV and digital terrestrial television services.  The results of the discussions are expected to enhance future work in this area
Moderator:  Krishna Oolun, Executive Director, Information and Communication technologies Authority, Mauritius [biography]
Open discussion
​12.30-14.00 ​Lunch break (see side events)
​14.00-15.30 Session 5: WSIS+10 Review (Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development)
This session will present the latest progress on measuring the WSIS targets based on countries’ experiences. It will also inform participants of the Partnership’s proposed roadmap for the WSIS+10 review process and the activities planned for the preparation of a final WSIS assessment document to be released in 2014.
Moderator:  Susan Teltscher, Head, ICT Data and Statistics Division, ITU/BDT [biography]
Open discussion
​15.30-16.00 ​Coffee break
​16.00-17.30 ​Session 6: Measuring e-commerce (Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development)
This session will focus on the progress made in measuring e-commerce and discuss possible new indicators to better capture, for example, the value of e-commerce (nationally and internationally) and mobile commerce.  The results of the discussions will feed into the future revision of the Partnership core indicators on ICT use in businesses.
Moderator:  Torbjörn Fredriksson, Officer-in-charge, Science, Technology and ICT Branch, UNCTAD [biography]
Open discussion
Thursday, 27 September 2012 ​
​09.00-10.30 Session 7: Measuring ICT access and use through household surveys
Following the recommendations of the 9th WTIM, ITU launched this year the Expert Group on Household indicators (EGH), with the objective to revise the core indicators on ICT access in households and use by individuals. At this session, the Chair of the EGH will present the preliminary results of the expert group, which is working through an online discussion forum. The presentations and discussions will focus on indicators related to capturing Internet activities, barriers to Internet use, time intensity and frequency of Internet use. Both indicators that need to be revised, as well as new areas that should be included in future household surveys will be considered. The objective of the session is to propose guidelines, recommendations and follow-up actions to improve the core ICT household indicators.
Moderator: Héctor Nambo, Subdirector de Estadísticas TIC, Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), México [biography]
Open discussion 
​10.30-11.00 ​Coffee break
​11.00-12.30 Session 8: Gender and ICT indicators
The demand for gender-related ICT indicators is growing at both national and international levels. This session will present latest progress on measuring ICT and gender on the basis of data from both administrative sources and from household surveys. It will also discuss policy priorities in relation to measuring gender and ICT and look at specific gender-sensitive indicators. Proposals will be made on how to enhance the availability of comparable data on ICT and gender in countries and at the international level.
Moderator:  Lina V. Castro, Assistant Secretary General, National Statistical Coordination Board, Philippines [biography]
Open discussion
12.30-14.30​ ​Lunck break (see side events)
​14.30-15.30 Session 9: Conclusions and recommendations
In the concluding session, the Chair of the WTIM will present the draft summary and main conclusions and recommendations of the meeting.
15.30-16.00​ Closing ceremony