ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Past 2017 Events

​​​​​​​​​​​Past ITU Asia-Pacific 2017 Events

20 March 2017, Bali, Indonesia
ITU Regional Development Forum for Asia and the Pacific (RDF-ASP)
21-23 March 2017, Bali, Indonesia
ITU Regional Preparatory Meeting for WTDC-17 for Asia and the Pacific (RPM-ASP)​
27 March - 7 April 2017
ITU-D Study Groups
27 April 2017​​
International Girls in ICT Day
2-4 May 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
- 3rd Annual Asia-Pacific Spectrum Management Conference (2-3 May)
- ITU Regional Workshop on Managing Spectrum in the Age of Wireless Communication (3-4 May)
8-9 May 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
The 3rd Asia-Pacific Digital Societies Policy Forum 2017
[For more detail, contact Mr. Wisit Atipayakoon​]
8-12 May 2017, Nonthaburi, Thailand
ITU ASP COE Training on Internet and IPv6 Infrastructure Security 
[For more detail, contact
Mr. Ashish Narayan​]
9-12 May 2017, Geneva, Switzerland
22nd Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG-2017)
15-18 May 2017, Port Vila, Vanuatu
ITU Training Workshop on VSAT Fundamentals and Installation
15-16 May 2017, Port Vila, Vanuatu
Pacific Workshop on National Emergency Telecommunications Plan (NETP)
17 May 2017
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) 2017
Big Data for Big Impact
15-25 May 2017, Geneva, Switzerland
ITU Council 2017
22-23 May 2017, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
M​ongolia National Training Workshop on ICT Statistics
5 June 2017, Qingdao, China PRC
AIBD/ITU/ABU Regional Workshop on ​Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting TV and Radio Policy and Transition
[For more detail, contact Mr. Wisit Atipayakoon]
8-11 July 2017, Tehran, I.R. Iran
ITU ASP CoE Programme on "Internet of Things: Technology, Standards andPlanning”
[For more detail, contact Mr. Ashish Narayan​]​​ ​​
11-14 July 2017, Nassau, Bahamas
Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR-17)
31 July - 3 August 2017, Suva, Fiji
Submarine Cable Access for the Pacific
[For more detail, please contact Mr. Ashish Narayan​]
7-11 August 2017
ITU ASP COE Training on Cross-Sector Strategy and Platforms for Digital Economy​
[For more detail, please contact Mr. Ashish Narayan​]
15-17 August 2017
Pacific Media Partnership Conference 2017​
[For more detail, please contact Mr. Wisit Atipayakoon]
22-25 August 2017, Xi'an, China
Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on ICT Statistics​​
[For more detail, please contact Mr. Wisit Atipayakoon]
21-22 August 2017, New Delhi, India
ITU-TRAI Asia-Pacific Regulators' Roundtable "Addressing Regulatory Challenges in Digital Societies"
30 August - 1 September 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
International Satellite Symposium 2017
& Workshop on the Efficient Use of the Orbit/Spectrum Resource

[For more detail, please contact Mr. Wisit Atipayakoon]
4-8 September 2017, Singapore
Infocomm Media Executive Programme: Sharing the Singapore experience 2017​
11-15 September 2017, Xi An, China
ITU ASP COE Training on Spectrum Engineering and Cross-border Coordination
12-15 September 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka
19-22 September 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
ITU ASP COE Training on 5G Planning and Development for IoT​​
​[For more detail, please contact Mr. Ashish Narayan]
21-22 September 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
The 3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Forum on Smart Cities and e-Government
23 September 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
The Annual Internet of Things Asia Pacific Summit

[For more detail, contact Mr. Wisit Atipayakoon​]
27-28 September 2017, Busan, Republic of Korea
Young ICT Leaders' Forum 2017 & Busan Global Smart Cities Challenge 2017

[For more detail, contact Mr. Wisit Atipayakoon​]
25-28 September 2017, Busan, Republic of Korea
ITU Telecom World 2017
9-20 October 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina
World Telecommun​ication Development Conference (WTDC-17)
30 October- 3 November 2017, Shanghai, China
ITU Asia-Pacific Centres of Excellence Training on IOT ​Conformity and Interoperability​​
6-10 November 2017, Ghaziabad, India
ITU Asia-Pacific Centres of Excellence Training on Deployment of Broadband through Next Generation Networks
[For more detail, please contact Mr. Ashish Narayan]
14-16 November 2017
15th World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium (WTIS)​
22-24 November 2017, Nadi, Fiji
ITU ASP CoE Training on Implementing E-application strategies for telecom sector growth in the Pacific
[For more detail, please contact Mr. Ashish Narayan]
28-30 November 2017, Nadi, Fiji​
Workshop on of Spectrum Management and Harmonized use of Spectrum Resource​​
27-30 November 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
NBTC–ITU Training on Building IoT solutions for e-applications​​
12 December 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
13 December 2017, Bangkok, Thailand​
12-13 December 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
11-15 December 2017, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka