ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU-FAO-DOA-TRCSL Training on “Innovation & Application Development for E-agriculture”


ICTs play an important role in socio-economic development of a country through job creation and entrepreneurship. ICT based business can be a powerful tool for economic growth. Keeping this importance in mind, ITU, TRCSL, Department of Agriculture and FAO initiated further training courses around “Innovation & Application Development for E-agriculture” in Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. 

This training is the second training, after the first training which was carried out from 12-15 September, 2017 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. 

The main objectives of the training course are to:  
- A greater capability within the Department of Agriculture to innovate using emerging technologies;  
- A greater ability to design, develop and deliver technology solutions to meet the development goals and challenges of the agriculture sector;  
- Learn the processes and skills to design, develop and deliver a prototype application for Android devices  
- Learn the processes and skills to design, develop and deliver a prototype web application using Ruby on Rails. 

The training will consist of three components. 
Training 1: 1.5 days (approx. 30 participants) Innovation and emerging technologies instruction 
Training 2: 1 day (approx. 20 participants) Design, develop a simple Ruby on Rails application 
Training 3: 3 days (approx. 20 participants) Design, develop and deliver a prototype application for Android devices

Target Audience

Training 1: This training is for a general audience of Department of Agriculture employees. 
Training 2 & Training 3: This training is designed for a technical audience who have experience with designing and developing software.

Medium of Instruction

English ​​​​​​​


​ ​11th Dec, 2017– Day 1



​Opening Ceremony 

o Mr. Sameer Sharma, Senior Advisor, ITU Regional Office Asia- Pacific [Speech​]
o Dr. D.B.T. Wijeratne, Assistant FAO Representative (Programme)
o Welcome Remarks: Director General, Department of Agriculture
o Welcome Remarks: Director General, TRCSL
​09:30-10:30​Keynote Address ICT Trends, Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Mr. Sameer Sharma, Senior Advisor, ITU [Bio​]  [Presentation]
10:30-11:00​​Morning break


​Business Optimization in Agriculture using ICTs

by Mr Shahryar Khan [Bio]  [Presentation]

• Challenges and Opportunities for agro-businesses
• Use of ICTs in agro-business Examples
• Programs available for incubation of small agro- businesses in Sri Lanka
• Promotion, marketing and branding
• Increasing Exports and access to International markets
• Activity related to creating an online store using Shopify
​12:30-13:30​Lunch break


​Innovation in the workplace

by Mr. Peter Argent [Bio​]  [Presentation]

• What is a culture of innovation?
• Supporting and encouraging a culture of innovation in your workplace
   o Hackathons, Hack days, other activities
   o Education and training
   o Leadership support
   o Skunkworks
   o Idea capture
​15:00-15:30​Afternoon break


​Social impact of improving innovation in:


• Agriculture
• Education
• Health
• Disaster management
• Ecommerce
• Banking

by Mr. Sameer Sharma / Mr. Shahryar Khan / Mr. Peter Argent


​ ​12th Dec 2017 – Day 2


​ICT enabled/based applications for business

by Mr. Shahryar Khan [Presentation​]

• Android and iOS applications
• Challenges and opportunities for start-ups
• Technical skills required to develop apps
​10:30-11:00​Morning break


​Leveraging Emerging Technologies for E-agriculture

by Mr. Peter Argent

• Demystifying emerging technology
• Leveraging Open Source tools and frameworks
• Case studies of communities using future tech to solve challenges for the Agriculture sector


​Lean Startup Design Processes

by Mr. Peter Argent

• Define the problem to be solved
• Propose a solution
• Human Centred Design
• User Experience Design
• Personas
• Business Model Canvas

Activity: In teams, propose a high tech solution to a challenge faced by Department of Agriculture
​12:30-13:30​Lunch break


​Developing Business Requirement and System Requirements

by Mr. Shahryar Khan [Presentation]

Document (Case Study from DoA)
​15:00-15:30​Afternoon break


​Developing Business Requirement and System Requirements

by Mr. Shahryar Khan

Document (Case Study from DoA)


​13th Dec, 2017– Day 3


​Introduction to web application development with Ruby on Rails

by Mr. Peter Argent

• Ruby on Rails intro & demonstration
• Development environment setup
• Rails MVC
• Open source tools
• Deployment options
​10:30-11:00​Morning break


​Create the basic application

by Mr. Peter Argent

• Basic Rails commands
• Rails project tour
• Theme with Bootstrap
• Static pages
​12:30-13:30​Lunch break


Create the basic application

by Mr. Peter Argent ​

• Authentication with Devise
• Authorization with Rolify, Cancan
• Other gems
​15:00-15:30​Afternoon break


​Create CRUD functionality

by Mr. Peter Argent ​

• Add data structures and CRUD functionality
• Modify Model, Views and Controllers for desired functionality


​ ​14th Dec, 2017– Day 4


​Introduction to Mobile app development

by Mr. Shahryar Khan / Mr. Sameer Sharma
​10:30-11:00​Morning break


​Introduction to Android platform and android development environment

by Mr. Shahryar Khan [Presentation] / Mr. Imran Tanvir

• Overview of android platform
• Understanding its development environment Creating a “Hello World” program
​12:30-13:30​Lunch break


​The basics

by Mr. Shahryar Khan / Mr. Imran Tanvir

• Application fundamentals The activity class
​15:00-15:30​Afternoon break


​The basics

by Mr. Shahryar Khan [Presentation] / Mr. Imran Tanvir             

• Developer classes • The intent class • Navigation and Tab bar


​ ​15th Dec, 2017– Day 5


​List Views and Fragment Classes

by Mr. Shahryar Khan​​ [Presentation] / Mr. Imran Tanvir
​10:30-11:00​Morning break
​11:00-12:30by Mr. Shahryar Khan [Presentation] / Mr. Imran Tanvir ​
• User interface class
• Text fields, Buttons and Labels
​12:30-13:30​Lunch break


​User Interface Classes

by Mr. Shahryar Khan  [Presentation​] / Mr. Imran Tanvir ​

• Map Views
• Image Picker
• Web View
• Data Persistence
​15:00-15:30​Afternoon break


​Concluding Session