The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) jointly organized the "
ITU-TRAI Asia-Pacific Regulators' Roundtable" and the "ITU-TRAI International Training Program (ITP) 2017" during 21-22 August and 23-25 August 2017 respectively in New Delhi, India.
The ITU-TRAI International Training Program 2017 build skills to addressed the policy and regulatory issues in the era beyond convergence of telecommunications and information technology. In particular, the event focused on the implications of Collaborative Regulation for Digital Societies. The Program highlighted the building blocks required to ensure that regulatory measures remain relevant and appropriate for the new environment. It brought together international experiences in this area with a focus on India's experiences and the lessons learnt.
Interested participants are requested to complete the registration form and submit to ITU no later than 31 July 2017. Please note that participation in the Regulators' Roundtable is limited to senior representatives of telecommunication/ICT policy making and regulatory agencies only. The meeting will be conducted in English and will be paperless.
ITU provided one full fellowship to one participant duely authroised by the respective ITU Administration from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and low-income countries with a per capita Gross Domestice Product (GDP) not exceeding USD 2'000 from the Asia-Pacific region, subject to available budget. The deadline for fellowship applications is 21 July 2017.
Mr. Sameer Sharma of the ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (telephone: +66 2 575 0055, email: and Ms. Porntip Modethes (email: are at the disposal of participants who require assistance for the Regulators' Roundtable and the International Training Program.
For Agenda Click Here