Page 33 - Policy benchmarks for digital transformation of people-centred cities
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Society Reference
Availability of Mitigation of Technology Bias Remove automated judgement (HAAS Berkley
Accessibility of Resource Distribution Just and equitable allocation of resources
Accountability Refer to the country definition
Fairness Allowing people to be heard in processes
that affect them, ensuring decisions are made
without bias and acting consistently with the
rules that apply, also referred to as human right
or equality (Ombudsperson British Columbia)
Transparency Refers to a process by which reliable, timely
information about existing conditions,
decisions and actions relating to the activities
of the organization is made accessible, visible
and understandable. UNDP.
Standard of Living Protection Living Standard Dimension of the Human
Development Index UNDP
Unemployment Ratio of unemployed people to the labour
force UN
Inclusive Taxes on Imports Broadening tax base, while avoiding tax
avoidance and evasion UN
Corruption rate Crime committed by officials (public or private)
abusing of their role to procure gain for
themselves or somebody else Transparency
International UN
Digital equity Broadband distribution and digital
empowerment of society
Cultural Heritage Preservation Measures taken to extend the life of cultural
heritage while strengthening transmission of
its significant heritage messages and values
Public Art Artistic works that have been specifically
realised within/for the public realm Public Art
Research Report
Sustainability Reference
ESG Environmental, social, and governance (ESG),
is a set of aspects, including environmental
issues, social issues and corporate governance
that can be considered in investing ASDUN.
Climate Adaptation Adjustments in ecological, social or economic
systems in response to actual or expected
climatic stimuli and their effects OECD.