Page 30 - Policy benchmarks for digital transformation of people-centred cities
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• Establish a reporting system: Either for a specific verification of the policy in terms of its intended
purpose, or in the context of a specific outcome. Make it user friendly and understandable. Share
and transparently discuss multidimensions of technology, people centricity, inclusion, equity
and sustainability/carbon/climate change.
• Conduct Gap Analysis of Policy Execution: Develop an “action plan” or reporting process for
addressing current gaps identified in the city benchmarking exercise and how to resolve these.
• Establish a pool of best practices and listen to public suggestions
Across all the steps, the benchmark development must be assessed in terms of its effectiveness
and ability to evaluate policies in the scope of the mission across the objectives and components.
The benchmark development has to have the flexibility to be improved and changed. Changes
have to be documented.
I.2 References of Assessment Criteria
People Centric Reference
Protection of Human Rights Existence of HR related policies and an action plan
Legal Standards of Human Rights Human rights embedded in law and regulation
Adherence to SDGs Referral to SDGs, availability of SDG
implementation procedures and planning,
measurement and visibility
Policy Enforcement scope and recommendations of policy
Accountability through KPIs Clearly identified measurable actions ITU KPI
Citizen Participation Mechanism of ensure meaningful participation of
citizens in decision making
Non-Discrimination Mechanism to enable fair and unprejudiced
treatment of different categories of people.
Existence of Equity Efforts Allocating resources and opportunities as needed
to create equal outcomes for all
Inclusion Rights Inclusive development of all aspect of sectors and
civil life, the practice or policy of providing equal
access to opportunities and resources for people
who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized
Empowerment Policies Providing people with agency, skills and capacity
to meaningfully participate and contribute in
decision making
Corporate Responsibility Integration of social, environmental and
governance considerations
Access to Education Equitable access to lifelong education and
schooling (ITU)
Access to transport and mobility Availability of mobility options