Page 31 - Policy benchmarks for digital transformation of people-centred cities
P. 31

Institutions and Mechanism                              Reference

              Legal Representation of Stakeholders            People have a fundamental and inalienable
                                                              human right to participate in public affairs at
                                                              every level, including community, local, national,
                                                              regional and international. (UNSDG Common
                                                              Minimum Standards for Multistakeholders)
              Policy Governance                               Inclusive, transparent and interactive
                                                              empowerment and oversight (UNDP Governance
              IT Governance in Government (e-government)      The direction of IT is governed through the
                                                              evaluation of the use of IT and the achievement of
                                                              goals. (ITG4TU IT Governance)

                              Digitalization                                    Reference
              Data Protection                                 Protection against unauthorized access to data.
                                                              (ITU)/ Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data
                                                              Protection Regulation) https:// eur -lex .europa .eu/
                                                              eli/ reg/ 2016/ 679/ oj
              Privacy Rights                                  The right of individuals to control or influence
                                                              what information related to them may be
                                                              collected and stored and by whom and to whom
                                                              that information may be disclosed (ITU-T X.800;
                                                              ISO/IEC 27701:2019, ISO/IEC DIS 27701
              Digital Governance                              System of evaluation, directing and controlling
                                                              (ITU + ISO 38500-2015)
              Confidentiality of Communications               The content of all means of communication that
                                                              is not revealed to anyone other than the parties
                                                              involved. Article 7 of the Charter of Fundamental
                                                              Rights of the European Union
              Digital Inclusion/Connectivity                  The equitable, meaningful, and safe access to use,
                                                              lead, and design of digital technologies, services,
                                                              and associated opportunities for everyone,
                                                              everywhere UN Techenvoy
              Data Literacy                                   The practices that allow people to access, critically
                                                              evaluate, and create media/data (ITU)
              Digital Skill Development                       Availability of programmes to learn and update/
                                                              advance digital skills and new technology know-
                                                              how in comparison to the total number of digital
                                                              professional educational programmes
              Level of Digital Innovation                     Innovation (Metaverse, digital twin and AI) of
                                                              associated technologies are exponential, digital,
                                                              and combinatorial to drive economic and social
                                                              transformation (UN Digital Economy)

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