Page 9 - ITU-T Focus Group on Aviation Applications of Cloud Computing for Flight Data Monitoring - Key findings, recommendations for next steps and future work
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ITU-T Focus Group on Aviation Applications of Cloud Computing for Flight Data Monitoringocus Group on Aviation Applications of Cloud Computing for Flight Data Monitoring
Key findings, recommendations for next steps and future workey findings, recommendations for next steps and future work
1 Introduction
The final Focus Group Report is presented in this document, with recommendations for next steps and future
work for the consideration of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG).
FG AC has structured its work into four working groups developing three reports/deliverables. The output of
these groups is interdependent. Definitions, terms and references can be found as an annex to this document.
This document was the result of compilation of Deliverables 1 to 4 from ITU-T FG AC working groups. The
development was built on the concept of the current knowledge and available technologies that were discussed
and deliberated within the period of the study group.
2 Objective
Based on the findings laid out in the Focus Group deliverables, the objective of this final Report is to make
recommendations for next steps and future work for the consideration of the ITU Telecommunication
Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG).
3 Key findings and recommendation by each deliverable
3.1 Deliverable 1: Existing and emerging technologies of cloud computing and data analytics
The approach of Deliverable 1 is based on the evaluation of current technologies and then discussions on
the consideration of emerging technologies applicable to real-time flight data monitoring (FDM). It also
identifies current cloud computing and data analytics technology such as available technology and solutions,
and acceptable to stakeholders such as airlines, industry operators and regulators. Please refer to Deliverable
1 for details.
3.1.1 Contributions
A total of eight contributions related to Deliverable 1 were received, as follows:
i. AC-I-009: Existing Recommendations and Standards Relating to Cloud Computing by MCMC Malaysia.
ii. AC-I-011: Technology for Cloud and Big Data Analytics by MIMOS Malaysia.
iii. AC-I-020: Update on ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC27 relating to security for cloud computing by Telekom Malaysia.
iv. AC-I-026: Draft progress report Deliverable 1.
v. AC-I-037: Draft progress report Deliverable 1.
vi. AC-I-041: Aviation Cloud for Real-time Flight Data Processing: A globally distributed Architecture.
vii. AC-I-050: Draft progress report Deliverable 1.
viii. AC-I-058: Draft progress report Deliverable 1.
1 All FG AC contributions are available at https:// extranet. itu. int/ ITU- T/ focusgroups/ fgac/ Input%20 Documents/ Forms/ AllItems. aspx
– Requires TIES or Guest account (https:// www. itu. int/ net/ iwm/ public/ frmUserRegistration. aspx).