Page 14 - ITU-T Focus Group on Aviation Applications of Cloud Computing for Flight Data Monitoring - Key findings, recommendations for next steps and future work
P. 14
ITU-T Focus Group on Aviation Applications of Cloud Computing for Flight Data Monitoring
Key findings, recommendations for next steps and future work
• Once the required data sets are defined, then streaming technologies described in Deliverable 4 can be
selected and applied to the flight data for optimum use.
• Operators, maintenance, repair and operations (MROs), original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), etc.,
shall continuously be involved in due course, so that they also understand what ITU/ICAO are doing in
that regard and what is coming their way.
• The list of use cases should be enhanced to meet future requirements of stakeholders. ITU-T SG13 is to
study the use cases and their applicability to Recommendation ITU-T Y.3600, Big data – Cloud computing
based requirements and capabilities. The study should also include the aspects of real-time monitoring
in cloud computing and big data environments.
• ITU-T SG16 to study on the 4D trajectory of predictive analysis.
• ITU-T SG17 and any other relevant SDO to study end-to-end (E2E) security for aviation applications.
3.3 Deliverable 4: Avionics and aviation communications systems
Deliverable 4 examines the feasibility of using recent developments in commercial broadband services, as well
as reusing existing infrastructure, for real-time flight data streaming where appropriate. There are a number
of current and future infrastructure components and data link services which will satisfy the objectives of the
global aeronautical distress and safety system (GADSS). Please refer to Deliverable 4 for details.
3.3.1 Contributions
A total of seven contributions related to Deliverable 4 were received, as follows:
i AC-I-018: Implementation considerations for real-time flight data monitoring by Teledyne Controls,
United States.
ii AC-I-017: Broadband services for flight data monitoring by Inmarsat, United Kingdom.
iii AC-I-013: Input to Deliverable 4 by Intelsat, Luxembourg.
iv AC-I-029: Draft progress report Deliverable 4.
v AC-I-039 (att1): Draft progress report Deliverable 4.
vi AC-I-052: Draft progress report Deliverable 4.
vii AC-I-060: Draft progress report Deliverable 4.
3.3.2 Key findings Real-time data
Data streaming can and will be used for a variety of purposes. Its application may range from search and rescue,
accident investigation to aircraft and engine maintenance management. The performance requirements
will vary depending on the application. Further definitional work will be required to set out what will be the
required performance for real-time data streaming based on the expected application. It is anticipated that
real-time data streaming performance values or standards are likely to be selected based on ICAO Standards
and Recommended Practices (SARPs).
3 All FG AC contributions are available at https:// extranet. itu. int/ ITU- T/ focusgroups/ fgac/ Input%20 Documents/ Forms/ AllItems.
aspx – Requires TIES or Guest account (https:// www. itu. int/ net/ iwm/ public/ frmUserRegistration. aspx).