Page 7 - ITU-T Focus Group on Aviation Applications of Cloud Computing for Flight Data Monitoring - Key findings, recommendations for next steps and future work
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Table of Contents
Foreword iii
1 Introduction 1
2 Objective 1
3 Key findings and recommendation by each deliverable 1
3.1 Deliverable 1: Existing and emerging technologies of cloud computing and data analytics 1
3.1.1 Contributions 1
3.1.2 Key findings 2
3.1.3 Recommendations and next steps 4
3.2 Deliverable 2/3: Use cases and requirements 4
3.2.1 Contributions 4
3.2.2 Key findings 5
3.2.3 Recommendations and next steps 5
3.3 Deliverable 4: Avionics and aviation communications systems 6
3.3.1 Contributions 6
3.3.2 Key findings 6
3.3.3 Recommendations and next steps 12
3.3.4 ICAO linkage 13
4 Conclusion 14
4.1 Deliverable 1 14
4.2 Deliverable 2&3 14
4.3 Deliverable 4 15
5 Acronyms and abbreviations 16
6 Acknowledgements 19
Annex 1 Definitions used in the Focus Group Deliverables 20
Annex 2 References used in the Focus Group Deliverables 25