Page 12 - ITU-T Focus Group on Aviation Applications of Cloud Computing for Flight Data Monitoring - Key findings, recommendations for next steps and future work
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ITU-T Focus Group on Aviation Applications of Cloud Computing for Flight Data Monitoring
                                      Key findings, recommendations for next steps and future work

               3.1.3   Recommendations and next steps

               Based on the above Working Group 1 findings, the following are the recommendations for ITU-T considerations.

               1    For TSAG to recommend to the relevant ITU-T study groups to further study the requirements and
                    capabilities needed to develop a specific real-time aviation cloud of the following technologies identified
                    in this deliverable:
                    a  Inter-cloud computing (e.g. ITU-T Study Group 13);

                    b  Audio and video analytics (e.g. ITU-T Study Group 16);
                    c  Digital asset profile system (e.g. ITU-T Study Group 16 and 17);
                    d  Machine learning (e.g. ITU-T Study Group 16);

                    e  Fog computing (e.g. ITU-T Study Group 13);
                    f   Quantum computing (e.g. ITU-T Study Group 13 and 16).
               2    For the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to determine further specifications to better limit
                    and establish the scope and needs of the system to be developed with consideration of the technologies
                    to implement the global aeronautical distress and safety system (GADSS).

               3    For ISO/IEC SC27, ITU-T Study Group 17 and CEN TC 377 (EASA) to provide the guidelines for additional
                    information security controls applicable to the aviation industry with reference to ISO/IEC 27002.

               4    For IATA to consider the adoption of ISO/IEC 27001 and/or ISO 16495 family as the assurance methodology
                    for security and privacy to protect airline operators as the cloud service customer (CSC).

               5    For ITU-T, ICAO, IATA, SC27, ISO TC 20 and other relevant stakeholders to continue the collaboration
                    works in reviewing the applicable technologies and the required capabilities to meet the requirements
                    for the aviation applications of cloud computing for FDM.
               6    Aviation authorities such as ICAO, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the Federal Aviation
                    Administration (FAA) to establish the appropriate definition of real-time FDM in terms of data types and
                    data volume (parameters and recording frequencies).

               3.2    Deliverable 2/3: Use cases and requirements

               This deliverable describes existing sources of flight data; categorizes different user groups for flight data;
               identifies and describes 28 use cases, from high-priority use cases as those defined in the global aeronautical
               distress and safety system (GADSS) to lower priority use cases related to the monitoring of flight data. The
               deliverable also identifies high-level requirements all these use cases have in common, e.g. security, reliability,
               etc. Please refer to Deliverable 2/3 for details.

               3.2.1   Contributions
               A total of 17 contributions  related to Deliverable 2/3 were received, as follows:
               i    AC-I-010: Use cases of real time flight data monitoring by NICT Japan.

               ii   AC-I-012: Use cases and service parameters by Thales Alenia Space Deutschland – this contribution also
                    covers some items in Deliverable 4.

               iii   AC-I-014: Considerations on data conversion and global flight data sharing by Travia Air Indonesia.
               iv    AC-I-016 (att1 & att 2): Real-time flight data streaming and flight tracking/following by Star Navigation
                    Systems Group, Canada.

               2   All FG AC contributions are available at https:// extranet. itu. int/ ITU- T/ focusgroups/ fgac/ Input%20 Documents/ Forms/ AllItems.
                  aspx - Requires TIES or Guest account (https:// www. itu. int/ net/ iwm/ public/ frmUserRegistration. aspx).

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