Page 36 - ITUJournal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1
P. 36

ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

                                                               Wait for Stream
                                                              Removal, Addition,
                                                      Stream                     Stream
                                                     Addition  and Pending Event  Removal
                                                Resources                   Locate Stream in Registration Table and
                                       No       Available?                   release resources consumed by stream
                     TAS Traffic Class              Yes
                       Slot Full?                                   Yes
                                   No           Destination                        Stream completed
                                                 Switch?                  No        Successfully?    Yes
                                                            Yes                                  Report
                           Yes                                           Report Failed           Admitted
                                                No                         Stream                Stream
                   Terminate Registration              Allocate Resources or TAS
                   Procedure and Report                Traffic Class Slot (per stream
                     Stream Rejection                       properties)
                                    Forward CDT packet to next
                                     hop in path and wait for                   Recompute the TAS gating
                                        Pending Event                         schedule for remaining Streams in
                                                       Register Stream Record and
                                                      Report Stream Acceptance to   Registration Table
                                                       Source (in reverse direction)
          Fig. 4 – The main logical steps performed by each switch along the stream’s path are shown to apply stream registration and reservation. Each switch
          generally waits for an event (addition, removal, or pending) for each stream. For instance, a stream removal is usually based on the resource utilization
          time (stream lifetime) that was speci ied at stream establishment. The bridges that allocated resources for the stream can remove the stream after the
          stream lifetime has expired. For the cases of stream addition or pending, the event is the CDT message received (whether in the forward or reverse
          direction). Towards completing ( inalizing, con irming) a stream reservation (registration), the pending event is the event when a CDT message is
          received in the reverse direction where each switch (not the last switch) waits for the approval (con irmation of reservation) of the next‑hop switch.

          tion switch).                                        generally by allocating more resources from BE Traf ic.
                                                               The stream lifetime is reported by the source to the net‑
          4.1.4  Traf ic shaper — Time‑Aware Shaper            work as User/Network Information (UNI). Each UNI is
                 (TAS)                                         propagated by each switch along the path which allows
                                                               the switch to register the stream and store the stream’s
          The TAS is the main shaping and scheduling mechanism  resource utilization time (stream lifetime) among other
          that controls the gating schedules for all the traf ic classes  critical information. Any information pertaining to the
          within the TSN domain. All bridges are synchronized  UNI of a stream is recorded in the stream registration ta‑
          to the same gating schedule GCL CT that is initially pre‑  ble. IntermsofGCEsforTASwiththesupportofSTandBE
          de ined by the network administrator. Ideally, we want  traf ic classes, only two GCEs within a GCL (1/0 (ST/BE)
          the CT to be large enough for all streams from all traf‑  for the  irst entry and 0/1 (BE/ST) for the second entry)
           ic classes to be accommodated and short enough that all  are necessary with a total of three outbound queues for
          streams meet their delay requirements. In our current  each egress channel port in a TSN switch; two queues for
          evaluations, the CT is prede ined at 50 microseconds.  each traf ic class (ST and BE), and another queue for CDT
                                                               traf ic (signaling traf ic).
          4.1.5  Recon iguration calculus                      Upon initialization, each switch allocates 20% of the CT to
                                                               ST traf ic, and BE traf ic is initially allocated the remain‑
          The recon iguration (dynamic con iguration) of the TAS  ing 80% of the CT. These initial settings are chosen ar‑
          schedules (switch GCL/GCE) for each egress port is dy‑  bitrarily to start up the network system. As streams get
          namically invoked according to two principle events,   )  registered, the ST slot time is recomputed (according to
          adding a new stream, and     ) removing an existing stream.  the stream packet size, ST injection rate, and current slot
          The switch’s gating ratio (for a particular stream belong‑  time). If the stream is the  irst stream to the switch, then
          ing to a de ined traf ic class) reports certain parame‑  the ST slot size is set at a minimum to 11% (a minimum of
          ters (e.g., packet injection rate, maximum packet size, la‑  1% step size for the added ST  low plus the minimum ST
          tency requirement, deadline, and application response  partition of 10%) of the CT. Thus, as ST streams are ad‑
          time) which are then used to check if enough slot time  mitted and exit the system, the ST vs. BE allocation is dy‑
          is available (which corresponds to attempting bandwidth  namically adapted in the recon iguration scenarios. The
          reservation). In the event that no slots are available,  minimum step size of 1% of the CT is considered so as to
          the GCE slot size is recomputed (according to the reg‑  limit the adaption granularity to a reasonable level. Note
          istered stream properties within the registration table),  that the ST to BE slot size (or gating ratio) is limited to

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