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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

          the time‑triggered traf ic but maintains the deterministic  simulation setup as well as main parameters and assump‑
          nature and timeliness guarantees in a TSN network. Sev‑  tions are given in Section 5 and results are presented in
          eral related scheduling re inements that are orthogonal  Section 5.2 and Section 5.3. Finally conclusions and fu‑
          to the recon iguration studied in this article have been ex‑  ture work are outlined in Section 6.
          amined in [26,40,43,53,74,93]. We note for completeness
          that multicast for TSN has been studied in [80,92], while  2.  BACKGROUND: IEEE 802.1 TIME SENSI‑
          our focus is on unicast traf ic.                          TIVE NETWORKING
          This article extends the prior conference paper [60],
          which provided a brief preliminary overview of the de‑  2.1 IEEE 802.1Qbv: Time Aware Shaper (TAS)
          centralized and centralized recon iguration models, but
          did not provide the speci ic operational details, nor de‑  TAS’s main operation is to schedule critical traf ic streams
          tailed performance evaluations. This present journal ar‑  in reserved time‑triggered windows. In order to pre‑
          ticle provides the full operational details as well as com‑  vent lower priority traf ic, e.g., BE traf ic, from interfering
          prehensive performance evaluations.                  with the ST transmissions, ST windows are preceded by
                                                               a so‑called guard band. TAS is applicable for Ultra‑Low
          1.3 Contributions                                    Latency (ULL) requirements but needs to have all time‑
                                                               triggered windows synchronized, i.e., all bridges from
          We comprehensively evaluate the performance of TAS for  sender to receiver must be synchronized in time [79,85].
          recon igurations in the hybrid and fully distributed mod‑  TAS utilizes a gate driver mechanism that opens/closes
          els with respect to network deployment parameters, such  according to a known and agreed upon time schedule for
          as the time period for the Gate Control List (GCL) to re‑  each port in a bridge. In particular, the Gate Control List
          peat (whereby the duration of one GCL repetition corre‑  (GCL) represents Gate Control Entries (GCEs), i.e., a se‑
          sponds to the CT), the gating ratio proportion, i.e., Gate  quence of on and off time periods that represent whether
          Control Entry (GCE) proportion, to control the delay per‑  a queue is eligible to transmit or not.
          ceived at the receiving end, the signaling impact on ST and  The frames of a given egress queue are eligible for trans‑
          BE classes, and the packet loss rate experienced at the re‑  mission according to the GCL, which is synchronized in
          ceiving end. In particular, we make the following contri‑  time through the 802.1AS time reference. Frames are
          butions:                                             transmitted according to the GCL/GCE and transmission
                                                               selection decisions. Each individual software queue has
           i) We design a CNC interface for a TSN network to glob‑
             ally manage and con igure TSN streams, including  its own transmission selection algorithm, e.g., strict prior‑
             admission control and resource reservation.       ity queuing. Whereby, a software queue is the queue be‑
                                                               fore the NIC hardware queue takes ownership of the cur‑
           ii) We integrate the CNC in the control plane with TAS  rently forwarded frame in an 802.1 switch. Overall, the
             in the data plane to centrally manage and shape traf‑  IEEE 802.1Qbv transmission selection transmits a frame
              ic using the CNC as the central processing entity for  from a given queue with an open gate if: (  ) The queue
              low schedules as more  lows are added.           contains a frame ready for transmission, (    ) higher pri‑
                                                               ority traf ic class queues with an open gate do not have
          iii) We modify and test the model to operate in a dis‑  a frame to transmit, and (      ) the frame transmission can
             tributed fashion, i.e., the signaling is conducted in‑  be completed before the gate closes for the given queue.
             band and the control plane processing is conducted  Note that these transmission selection conditions ensure
             at the individual distributed switches.           that low‑priority traf ic is allowed to start transmission
                                                               only if the transmission will be completed by the start of
          iv) We evaluate each design approach for a range of
             numbers of streams with different TAS parameters.  the ST window for high‑priority traf ic. Thus, this trans‑
             We show results for admission ratios, network sig‑  mission selection effectively enforces a “guard band” to
             naling overhead, and QoS metrics.                 prevent low‑priority traf ic from interfering with high‑
                                                               priority traf ic [30].
          1.4 Organization
                                                               2.2 IEEE 802.1Qcc: centralized management
          This article is organized as follows. Section 2 provides   and con iguration
          background information and an overview of related work
          on the 802.1 TSN standardization, focusing on the en‑  IEEE 802.1Qcc [3] provides a set of tools to globally man‑
          hancements to ST as well as centralized management and  age and control the network. In particular, IEEE 802.1Qcc
          con iguration. Section 3 shows the complete top‑down  enhances the existing Stream Reservation Protocol (SRP)
          design of the CNC (hybrid model) and the main com‑   with a User Network Interface (UNI) which is supple‑
          ponents that achieve ultra‑low latencies and guaranteed  mented by a Centralized Network Con iguration (CNC)
          QoS for a multitude of ST streams. Similarly, Section 4  node. The UNI provides a common method of requesting
          shows the approach used in implementing the decentral‑  layer 2 services. Furthermore, the CNC interacts with the
          ized (fully distributed) TAS recon iguration model. The  switch UNI to provide a centralized means for perform‑

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