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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

             0.8                                               operation, the ST maximum packet delays hover around
             0.7                                               55–101   s, see Fig. 7). This stronger increase of the max‑
                                                               imum ST packet delays is a result of the BE packet traf‑
             0.6                                                ic interfering with the ST packet traf ic due to the lack
            Packet Loss Ratio   0.4                            of TAS operation. In particular, ST packets are blocked
                                                               from transmission during an ongoing transmission of a
                                                               580 byte BE packet (as we considered non‑preemptive
                                         Reconfiguration - BE τ = 3
                                         Reconfiguration - BE τ = 4
             0.2                         Reconfiguration - BE τ = 2  priority scheduling). Second, since no admission control
                                         Reconfiguration - BE τ = 5
                                        No Reconfiguration - BE τ = 2  based on TSN slot reservation is used, congestion arises
             0.1                        No Reconfiguration - BE τ = 3
                                        No Reconfiguration - BE τ = 4
                                        No Reconfiguration - BE τ = 5  for ST traf ic loads of    = 6 to 20 ST streams per second,
                  2   4   6   8   10   12   14   16   18   20  causing high mean and maximum delays for both ST and
                       Stream Mean Rate π (Streams/Second)     BE traf ic. Third, due to the congestion, packet drops oc‑
                       (a) Mid BE Traf ic Load       = 1 Gbps  cur at high ST loads for both ST and BE packet traf ic. We
             0.9                                               also note that since no signaling traf ic is used, the priority
             0.8                                               scheduling benchmark without TSN operation provides a
                                                               performance reference for both the centralized and the
             0.7                        Reconfiguration - BE τ = 2  decentralized TSN model.
            Packet Loss Ratio   0.5   No Reconfiguration - BE τ = 2  Overall, we conclude that the proposed centralized (hy‑
                                        Reconfiguration - BE τ = 3
                                        Reconfiguration - BE τ = 4
                                        Reconfiguration - BE τ = 5
                                                               brid) recon iguration approach provides a means to en‑
                                      No Reconfiguration - BE τ = 3
                                                               sure that dynamically varying numbers of ST streams are
                                      No Reconfiguration - BE τ = 4
             0.3                      No Reconfiguration - BE τ = 5  accommodated as permitted by the available link capacity
                                                               in the unidirectional ring network. However, the unidi‑
                                                               rectional ring network does not involve any distinct rout‑
                  2   4   6   8   10   12   14   16   18   20  ing choices towards the destination. In order to examine
                       Stream Mean Rate π (Streams/Second)     the performance of the proposed centralized recon igu‑
                      (b) High BE Traf ic Load       = 2 Gbps  ration in a network with different routing paths, we next
                                                               consider the operation of the ring network topology as a
          Fig. 11 – Centralized Unidirectional Topology: BE frame loss ratio for  bidirectional ring network.
          TAS with centralized con iguration (CNC) management.
          creases. For the “no recon iguration” approach, the BE  5.2.2  Bidirectional ring topology
          packet loss is typically constant even for high loads of BE
          traf ic.                                             The unidirectional ring topology certainly simpli ies the
                                                               calculation of the ST slot window in the recon iguration.
          For a benchmark comparison of the TSN effectiveness,  In order to examine whether the proposed centralized
          and speci ically TAS, we conducted additional evaluations  (hybrid) recon iguration approach can ef iciently utilize
          for the scenario in Fig. 6 without the TSN slot reservation,  the higher capacity of a more complex network with mul‑
          admission control, and TAS scheduling. Speci ically, we  tiple routing options, we examine the bidirectional ring
          considered an ST stream mean generation rate of 1–20  network. In the bidirectional ring network, each two‑port
          streams per second with a mean lifetime    = 5 seconds  switch has now two paths to the destination. We em‑
          with the mid and high BE traf ic loads of        = 1.0 Gbps  ploy shortest path routing according to the hop count. We
          and 2.0 Gbps. We employed strict priority scheduling at  set the edge link (source to  irst ring switch and last ring
          each switch without any TSN slot reservation, i.e., each  switch to sink) capacities to 2 Gbps to avoid congestion on
          switch output port schedules and transmits all ST packets  the edge links (which the CNC does not control).
          before any BE packets. We outline three main observa‑  Fig. 12 shows the average mean ST and BE packet delay
          tions for the unidirectional ring topology. First, while the  for different stream lifetimes   . Compared to the unidi‑
          mean delays were generally very low for ST traf ic (34–  rectional topology (see Fig. 6), the bidirectional signi i‑
          55   s for the low traf ic load range    = 1 to 5 ST streams  cantly reduces the packet delay since an extra port with
          per second), the priority scheduling of the ST packets can  full‑duplex link support now provides extra capacity to
          severely starve the low‑priority BE traf ic (for the high  service streams giving more slot reservations to BE even
                 = 2.0 Gbps BE load, the mean BE packet delays in‑  at high ST stream loads.
          crease from a minimum of 15 ms to a maximum of around  Fig. 13 shows the maximum ST packet delays for the bidi‑
          0.1 s as the ST load increases from 1 to 20 streams per  rectional ring topology with CNC. We observe from Fig. 13
          second; whereas, with TSN, the mean BE packet delays in‑  in comparison with the corresponding maximum packet
          crease from around 10 ms to 21 ms, which is outside the  delayplotfortheunidirectionalringinFig.7, thatthebidi‑
          plotted range of Fig. 6(b)). Additionally, compared to TSN,  rectional topology with con iguration gives higher maxi‑
          the maximum delays and jitter increase more strongly as  mum packet delays, which is mainly due to the substan‑
          the BE and ST loads increase (the ST maximum packet  tially increasing ST stream acceptance, as examined next
          delays range from 34   s to 20 ms; while, with the TSN  in Fig 14. The “no recon iguration” keeps the ST slot size

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