Page 37 - ITUJournal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1
P. 37

ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

              C Centralized Network  k                                      Table 1 – Simulation parameters

              C Configuration (CNC) )

                            Traffic   Traffic                         Key            Symbol          Value
                             Sink  Source
                                                                 Simulation  Dura‑         limit  100 seconds
                                        Full Duplex              tion
                               Switch    Ethernet                Initialized  Cycle               50   s
           Traffic                        Link     Traffic       Initialized  Gating             20% (i.e., 10   s)
           Source                                  Source        Ratio             init
                     TSN                    TSN
           Traffic   Switch                Switch  Traffic       Average  Streams                1 − 20
            Sink                                    Sink         per Second
                                                                 Average stream du‑              2 − 5 seconds
           Traffic                                 Traffic       BE Traf ic Intensity            0.1, 1.0, 2.0 Gbps
           Source    TSN                    TSN    Source                                        (580 byte packets)
                    Switch                 Switch                ST sources                      6
           Traffic                                 Traffic       Queue Size                      512 KB
            Sink                                    Sink                                    
                                TSN        TSN                 5.   PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
                               Switch    Domain
                           Traffic   Traffic                   5.1 System overview and simulation setup
                            Sink   Source
          Fig. 5 – Industrial control loop topology [36]: Each source generates  This section explains the simulation setup and model.
          stream data with varying hop counts and packet rates unidirectionally  Furthermore, the topology and simulation scenarios will
          or bidirectionally across the six switches ultimately destined to a sink
                                                               be presented. Throughout, we employ the OMNet++ [86]
          10% and 90% for the lower and upper limits, respectively.  simulation environment. For each evaluation for a given
          The main reasoning behind this design choice is to avoid  set of parameters, we conduct 5 independent simulation
          any starvation of lower priority traf ic.            replications; each replication simulates the network for
                                                               20 seconds. The widths of the resulting 95% con idence
                                                               intervals are smaller than 5% of the corresponding sam‑
          4.1.6  Path computation                              ple means and are therefore omitted from the plots to
                                                               avoid clutter.
          While a path computation module is fundamentally nec‑
          essary in any switch (in a decentralized/distributed net‑  5.1.1  Network model
          work), we de ine static shortest path routing tables
          for destination addresses and associated ports on each  The network topology is modeled around an industrial
          switch. Essentially, we assume a procedure to compute  control loop topology that consists of six core switches in
          paths, i.e., we assume that there is a path computation  a ring topology. In the case of the centralized model, a
          module, e.g., Path Computation Engine (PCE), that is used  CNC is used with out‑of‑band connections to each of the
          in both centralized and distributed con iguration models  core switches; while in the distributed approach, the sig‑
          (the path computation can be accelerated with hardware  naling is in‑band and can interfere with data traf ic within
          modules [47,70,83], if needed). We make this assumption  the TSN domain, as shown in Fig. 5. Each switch‑to‑switch
          to simplify operations and place emphasis on the TAS re‑  link operates as a full‑duplex Ethernet link with a capac‑
          con iguration technique.                             ity(transmissionbitrate)   = 1Gbps. Eachswitchcanact
                                                               as a gateway for a number of traf ic sources and one sink.
                                                               The distance between two successive switches along the
          4.1.7  Network resource table                        ring is  ixed to 100 m and the switch‑to‑switch propaga‑
                                                               tion delay is set accordingly to 0.5   s. The out‑of‑band
          To remove certain overheads of the con iguration pro‑  connections have exactly the same con igurations as the
          cedure, the network resource table operates in tandem  normal full‑duplex Ethernet links in the data plane, i.e.,
          with the stream registration table to accurately determine  the same bitrate and propagation delay. All switches are
          the required network resources (mainly bandwidth for  con igured to use 802.1Qbv TAS as the traf ic shaper for
          our traf ic model) per switch egress port. The network  each switch‑to‑switch egress port whose  low schedule
          resource table classi ies streams based on periodic and  (STgatingratioandcycletime)is con iguredbytheCNCin
          sporadic stream properties, though currently our focus  the centralized (hybrid) model and independently in the
          is on periodic ST streams. Any stream that has been ap‑  decentralized (fully distributed) model. For all simulation
          proved by a switch has an associated record in the net‑  runs, the ST slot size is initialized to 20% of the CT. For
          work resource table, located within each switch, which  the operation without recon iguration, the ST slot size is
          can be called to compute and store current and remain‑  kept at 20% of the CT; whereas, for the operation with re‑
          ing link/port loads for each switch. Each egress port has  con iguration, the ST slot size is dynamically recomputed
          a network resource table.                            when the  irst stream transmission request arrives.
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