ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Policy Statements

PP-14: Connect 2020 Policy Statements

During the first week of the Plenipotentiary Conference, time will be allocated to high-ranking delegates from ITU Member States, for the most part Ministers responsible for telecommunications, who have expressed their wish to deliver statements in Plenary on general policy issues related to the basic functions/missions/objectives of the Union.

Speakers are invited to focus their policy statements on how their countries will contribute to ITU's vision for 2020 as well as to the Goals of the Union and to the achievement of the Global Telecommunication/ICT Targets, as endorsed by the 2014 Session of Council. It may include national commitments, announcement of partnerships or the launch of new initiatives. (For more information, please see CL 200 and the Guidelines to support delegations in the preparation of Policy Statements for PP-14).

In light of the heavy workload of PP-14 and the three-week time-frame within which it must complete its work, such policy statements will be limited to one speaker per delegation and it is proposed that the amount of time allocated to such statements be sharply limited, as has been done in the past. Therefore, it is highly recommended that each intervention be limited to three minutes (see Recommendation 4 (Marrakesh, 2002)). The delegate will speak from his/her seat.

Speaking slots will be allocated on a first come-first served basis. Member States should send their request for a slot to deliver a policy statement using the online form (TIES username and password required).

Speakers delivering policy statements in the Plenary are invited to submit an advance copy of their statement to: in the language(s) of their choice. The statement should clearly indicate: 1) the speaker's name; 2) the speaker's title; 3) the name of the Member State of the speaker; 4) the details of a contact person; 5) the session of the Plenary at which the statement is to be delivered; and 6) original language of text. If changes are to be made to the text, the contact person should advise the Conference secretariat at the latest 15 minutes after the end of the speech delivery. In the absence of a request to the contrary, the text of the statement will be posted on the website after delivery in Plenary in the language(s) in which it was submitted.