ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Time Management Plan of the 2017 Session of Council​ and 
Quick access per session to Documents, Captioning and Webcast

 Word version: see DT/2(Rev.12) (updated on 24 May) (General) and DT/3(Rev.9) (updated on 23 May) (for SC ADM)

​0930-1230 ​0930-1230 ​0930-1230 ​0930-1230 ​0900-1200 ​ ​0930-1230 ​0930-1230 ​0930-1230 ​0930-1230
​Inaugural PL PL-2 ​PL-3
1230: WTISD
​1430-1730 ​1430-1730 ​1500-1800 ​1430-1730 ​1430-1730 ​ ​1430-1730 ​1430-1730 ​1430-1730 ​1430-1730
PL-1​  SC ADM-1  â€‹SC ADM-2 SC ADM-3 SC ADM-4​ ​ ​PL-6 ​SC ADM-7 PL-8 ​​PL-10
​ 1730: Steering ​ ​ 1800: Steering ​ 1730: Steering​​ ​  1730: Steering​ ​ 1730: Steering​​ ​



​Inaugural Plenary Meeting

0930-1230 hours, Popov Room

Webcast / Captioning 

​First Plenary Meeting

1430-1730 hours, Popov Room

Webcast / Captioning
PL 2.9Preparations for the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-17)C17/56R2WTDC websiteC17/115
PL 2.9Contribution from Argentina - WTDC-17 Policy StatementC17/101C17/115
PL 1.7Contribution by the Russian Federation, Armenia, Belarus and Kyrgyz Rep.: Establishment of an ITU Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV) (cont'd)C17/84R2C17/115
PL 2.2Report on ITU Telecom events (Res 11, R 1292)C17/19Report on ITU Telecom C17/115
PL 1.8Report on progress on Union's HQ premises Varembé-2 (D 588)C17/7C17/115
PL 1.8Summary report of MSAGC17/99C17/115
PL 1.8Conclusion of the RAGC17/111C17/115
PL 1.16Draft four year rolling Operational Plans for the period 2018 to 2021:
PL 1.16• Radiocommunication SectorC17/28R1ITU-R websiteC17/115R 1385
PL 1.16• Telecommunication Standardization SectorC17/29ITU-T websiteC17/115R 1385
PL 1.16• Telecommunication Development SectorC17/30R1ITU-D websiteC17/115R 1385
PL 1.16• General SecretariatC17/31GS websiteC17/115R 1385
PL 1.16• Draft ResolutionC17/32C17/115R 1385
PL 1.16Contribution by the Russian Federation, Armenia, Belarus and Kyrgyz Rep.: Improving plans and reporting on current ITU activitiesC17/83R2C17/115
PL 1.16Conclusion of the RAGC17/111C17/115

​First meeting of Steering Committee

1730 hours, Room A

-Draft agenda of the first meeting of Steering CommitteeC17/DL/1

Second Plenary Meeting

0930-1230 hours, Popov Room

Webcast / Captioning
PL 1.18Follow-up to the review of ITU management and administration by the JIUC17/49JIU websiteC17/116
PL 3.1Elaboration of the Strategic and Financial Plans for the Union for 2020-2023C17/75CWG SFP websiteC17/116R 1384
PL 3.1Conclusion of the RAGC17/111C17/116
PL 1.1Report of the CWG on ITU’s role in implementing the outcomes of the World Summit on Information Society (Res. 140, 172, R 1244, R 1281, R 1332 (MOD), R 1334 (MOD))C17/8CWG-WSIS websiteC17/116
PL 1.2ICTs for SDGs: Comprehensive report on WSIS implementation and SDGs C17/47C17/116
-Presentation of the Draft biennial budget of the ITU for 2018-2019 (Dec. 5) C17/10+A1C17/116

First meeting of SC on Administration and Management

1430-1730 hours, Popov Room

Webcast / Captioning

-Statement by the Staff CouncilOral presentation
ADM 1.1Draft budget of the Union for 2018-2019C17/10+A1See PL//10R 1387
ADM 1.1Contribution by the Russian Federation, Armenia, Belarus and Kyrgyz Rep.:  Proposals for the draft Budget of the Radiocommunication Sector for 2018-2019, prepared on the basis of an analysis of financial and human resources in ITU-R during 1996-2017C17/80R2See PL/10
ADM 1.1Contribution by the Russian Federation, Armenia, Belarus and Kyrgyz Rep.:  Proposals for the submission of data in Documents C17/10 and C17/9C17/82R2See PL/10
ADM 1.1Contribution by the United Arab Emirates:  ITU-T budget supportC17/110See PL/10
ADM 1.1Conclusions of the Radiocommunication Advisory GroupC17/111See PL/10
ADM 1.1Contribution by the Republic of Poland: Free online access to ITU reports, statistics and indicators for Member StatesC17/85See PL/10
ADM 1.1Report of the Budget Control Committee of WTSA-16C17/INF/2See PL/10

Third Plenary Meeting

0930-1230 hours, Popov Room
followed at 1230 by WTISD celebration

Webcast / Captioning
PL 3.15Report of the Council Working Group on Child online protection (Res. 179, Council R 1306)C17/15CWG-COP websiteC17/119
PL 2.6World Telecommunication Information Society Day (WTISD (Res 68))C17/17WTISD websiteC17/119
PL 1.4Internet activities (Res. 101, 102, 133, 180)C17/33Internet Policy and GovernanceC17/119
PL 1.4Contribution from India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Tunisia and Uganda - Comprehensive report to Council on Internet activitiesC17/86R1C17/119

Second meeting of SC on Administration and Management

1500-1800 hours, Popov Room

Webcast / Captioning 
ADM 18Proposal to increase revenue generation from International Numbering Resources (INRs)C17/43INRs websiteSee PL/10
ADM 18Contribution by the United States of America:  Proposals to increase revenues from International Numbering Resources (INRs)C17/92See PL/10
ADM 18Contribution by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:  Revenue generation from International Numbering Resources (INRs)C17/106R1See PL/10
ADM 21SecurityC17/63See PL/10
ADM 9Improving the stability and predictability of the financial base of the UnionC17/67See PL/10
ADM 1.2Efficiency measuresC17/45See PL/10
ADM 1.2Contribution by the People’s Republic of China  Optimization of ITU's High-Level Events of a global natureC17/89See PL/10

Second meeting of Steering Committee

1800 hours, Room A

-Draft agenda of the second meeting of Steering CommitteeC17/DL/2

Fourth Plenary Meeting

0930-1230 hours, Popov Room

Webcast / Captioning 
PL 1.9Report of EG-ITRs (Res. 146, R 1379)C17/26C17/121
PL 1.9Contribution by the Russian Federation, Armenia, Belarus and Kyrgyz Rep.: Increasing the efficiency of the work of the Expert Group on ITRsC17/81R2C17/121
PL 1.9Contribution from Brazil - Review of the ITRsC17/95C17/121
PL 1.11 ITU's activities related to Res 70 (Rev. Busan, 2014) and review of GEM policyC17/6Gender websiteC17/121
PL 1.11 ITU's activities related to Res 70 (Rev. Busan, 2014) and review of GEM policyC17/71Gender websiteC17/121
PL 2.5Preparations for the 2018 Plenipotentiary ConferenceC17/5PP websiteC17/121

Third meeting of SC on Administration and Management

1430-1730 hours, Popov Room

Webcast / Captioning
ADM 1.2Cost recovery for Satellite Network Filings (Council D 482(MOD))C17/16See PL/10
ADM 1.2Proposed modification to Council Decision 482: "Implementation of cost recovery for Satellite Network Filings"C17/61See PL/10D 482 (MOD)
ADM 1.2Contribution by the Russian Federation, Armenia, Belarus and Kyrgyz Rep.: Processing by the Radiocommunication Bureau of notices for satellite networks in non-geostationary satellite systemsC17/79R2See PL/10
ADM 1.2Conclusions of the RAGC17/111See PL/10
ADM 1.2Preliminary amount of the contributory unitC17/57See PL/10
ADM 7ICT Development FundC17/34ICT-DF websiteSee PL/10
ADM 17Report on the implementation of Resolution 191 (Busan, 1994) "Strategy for the coordination of efforts among the three Sectors of the Union"C17/38See PL/10
ADM 17Conclusions of the Radiocommunication Advisory GroupC17/111See PL/10
ADM 6Improvement of management and follow-up of the defrayal of ITU expenses by Sector Members and AssociatesC17/14See PL/10

Fifth Plenary Meeting

0900-1200, Popov Room

               Webcast / Captioning

PL 1.3Report of the CWG on International Internet-related public policy issues (R 1305, R 1336 (MOD), R 1344 (MOD)) C17/51CWG-Internet websiteC17/122
PL 1.3Contribution from India - Topic for public consultation - Public policy considerations for OTTSC17/88C17/122
PL 1.3Contribution from China - Modality of open consultation for the CWG-InternetC17/90C17/122
PL 1.3Contribution from the United States - Chairman's report: CWG-InternetC17/91C17/122
PL 1.3Contribution from Saudi Arabia - Adopting international public policy on access to the Internet for persons with disabilities and specific needsC17/102C17/122
PL 1.3Contribution from Saudi Arabia - Factual analysis of the responses of the open consultationsC17/103C17/122
PL 1.3Contribution from Saudi Arabia - Launching open consultation on public policy considerations for OTTS and bridging the digital gender divideC17/105C17/122

Fourth meeting of SC on Administration and Management

14:30-17:30 hours, Popov Room

Webcast / Captioning
ADM 2Provisional participation of entities dealing with telecommunication matters in the activities of the UnionC17/62Membership websiteSee PL/10
ADM 1.2Arrears and special arrears accounts C17/11See PL/10D 602
ADM 1.2Annual review of revenue and expensesC17/9See PL/10
ADM 16After-Service Health Insurance (ASHI) liabilityC17/46See PL/10
ADM 15Progress report on the implementation of the HR Strategic Plan and of Resolution 48 (Rev. Busan, 2014)C17/53See PL/10
ADM 15Contribution by the United Arab Emirates:  Geographical distribution of ITU staffC17/109See PL/10
ADM 14Decisions of the UNGA on the conditions of service under the UN common systemC17/54See PL/10R 1388
ADM 14Reduction of the post adjustment in GenevaC17/118See PL/10
ADM 18Membership of the ITU Staff Pension Committee (R 1326 (MOD)) - Oral presentationSee PL/10
ADM 22TIES e-mail: current situation and next stepC17/60See PL/10
ADM 3Report by the Chairman of the CWG on Financial and Human ResourcesC17/50CWG-FHR websiteSee PL/10
ADM 5Memoranda of understanding with financial and/or strategic implications C17/48See PL/10
ADM 5Contribution by the United States of America:  ITU participation in MoUs with financial and/or strategic implicationsC17/93See PL/10
ADM 5Contribution by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:  ITU participation in MoUs with financial and/or strategic implicationsC17/104See PL/10

Third meeting of Steering Committee

1730 hours, Room A

-Draft agenda of the third meeting of Steering CommitteeC17/DL/4

Fifth meeting of SC on Administration and Management

0930-1230 hours, Popov Room

​Webcast / Captioning

ADM 11Financial operating report for the financial year 2016 (in the presence of the External Auditor)C17/42See PL/10R 1389
ADM 10Report by the External Auditor (in the presence of the External Auditor)C17/40See PL/10
ADM 10External Auditor report on ITU TELECOM World 2016 (in the presence of the External Auditor)C17/41See PL/10
ADM 12Renewal of the mandate of the External Auditor (Corte dei Conti) for a period of two yearsC17/58See PL/10D 603
ADM 8Report of the Independent Management Advisory Committee (IMAC) (Res. 162) (D 565)C17/22IMAC websiteSee PL/10
ADM 13Report of the Internal Auditor on internal audit activitiesC17/44See PL/10
ADM 9Adressing JIU recommendations:
ADM 9Accountability and transparency frameworkC17/64See PL/10
ADM 9Information Technology and Information Management StrategyC17/20See PL/10
ADM 9Draft ITU risk appetite statementC17/73See PL/10
ADM 9Draft ITU risk management policyC17/74See PL/10
ADM 5Memoranda of understanding with financial and/or strategic implications (cont'd)C17/48See PL/10
ADM 5Contribution by the United States of America:  ITU participation in MoUs with financial and/or strategic implications (cont'd)C17/93See PL/10
ADM 5Contribution by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:  ITU participation in MoUs with financial and/or strategic implications (cont'd)C17/104See PL/10

Sixth Plenary Meeting

1430-1730 hours, Popov Room

​Webcast / Captioning

PL 1.10List of candidatures for Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of CWGs (Dec 11, R 1333)C17/55R1CWGs websiteC17/124
PL 1.5Strengthening the role of ITU in building confidence and security in the use of ICTs (Res. 130, 174)C17/18ITU cybersecurity activitiesC17/124
PL 1.5Contribution from India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Tunisia and Uganda: Proposal on IMEI implementation in mobile phone handsets to address security challengesC17/87R1C17/124
PL 2.7Follow-up report on possible improvements to PPC17/4R1PP websiteC17/124
PL 2.7Possible improvements of the roll-out of the Plenipotentiary Conference - Compilation of proposals received from Member States as a response to CL-16/48 and CL-17/07INF/6C17/124
PL 2.7e-VotingC17/70C17/124
PL 2.7Contribution from Bulgaria, Czech Rep. Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Switzerland - Introduction of hearing for ITU Elected OfficialsC17/76R1C17/124
PL 2.7Contribution by the Russian Federation, Armenia, Belarus and Kyrgyz Rep.: Improving the roll-out of the Plenipotentiary ConferenceC17/78R2C17/124
PL 2.7Contribution from Brazil - Establishment of interactive hearings for the candidates to Elected Officials postsC17/96C17/124

Fourth meeting of Steering Committee

1730 hours, Popov Room

-Draft agenda of the fourth meeting of the Steering CommitteeC17/DL/6

Sixth and Seventh meetings of SC on Administration and Management

0930-1230 hours and 14:30-17:30 (end), Popov Room

​Webcast / Captioning

ADM 4Implementation of the ITU Information/Document access policyC17/66ITU Information/document access policySee PL/10
ADM 4Contribution by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:  Interim implementation of the information/document access policyC17/107See PL/10
ADM 3Contribution by the Federative Republic of Brazil:  Enhancing the participation of non-State Members in the work of ITUC17/97See PL/10
ADM 3Contribution by the Argentine Republic:  Promoting the participation of SMEs in the work of the ITUC17/100See PL/10
ADM 3Annex 2 - Exemption from payment of membership fees for organizations of an international characterC17/50See PL/10
ADM 9Report of the ad hoc group on INRs - Draft Decision on UIFNC17/DT/6See PL/10D 600
ADM 9Report of the ad hoc group on INRs - Draft decision on IINC17/DT/6See PL/10D 601
ADM 9Annex 2 - Potential areas for Revenue GenerationC17/67See PL/10
ADM 1.1Draft biennial budget of the Union for 2018-2019 (cont'd)C17/10+A1See PL/10R 1387
ADM 1.1Options for dealing with proposals/items not included in the 2018-2019 draft budgetC17/DL/3R1See PL/10
ADM 14Reduction of the post adjustment in Geneva (cont'd)C17/118See PL/10

Seventh meeting (continued) of SC on Administration and Management (end)

0930 hours, Popov Room

​Webcast / Captioning

ADM 1.1Draft Resolution - Draft biennial budget of the ITU for 2018-2019C17/DT/7See PL/10R 1387
INF 02To be noted: Report of the Budget Control Committee of WTSA-16C17/INF/2See PL/10
INF 13To be noted: Human resources reporting and statisticsC17/INF/13R1See PL/10
INF 14To be noted: Creation of an HR HandbookC17/INF/14See PL/10
INF 15To be noted: Draft guidelines on the use of SSAsC17/INF/15See PL/10
INF 16To be noted: An ITU competency frameworkC17/INF/16See PL/10
INF 18To be noted: Situation of arrears of the Union at 31 March 2017C17/INF/18See PL/10
INF 26To be noted: Reduction of the post adjustment in GenevaC17/INF/26See PL/10

followed by the Seventh Plenary Meeting

1000-1230 hours, Popov Room

​Webcast / Captioning

PL 2.8World Telecommunication/ICT Policy Forum (WTPF)C17/59WTPF websiteC17/128
PL 4.3Cooperation agreement between ITU and Interpol C17/65C17/128D 598
PL 1.15ITU role as supervisory authority of the future international registration system for space assets under the draft space protocol (Council D 576)C17/36R1Supervisory authority websiteC17/128
PL 1.15Contribution from the United States - ITU's role as supervisory authority of the International Registration System for Space Assets under the Space ProtocolC17/94C17/128
PL 1.15Conclusion of the RAGC17/111C17/128
PL 1.6Draft four year rolling Operational Plans for the period 2018 to 2021 (CONTINUED):
PL 1.16* Radiocommunication SectorC17/28R1C17/128
PL 1.6* Telecommunication Standardization SectorC17/29C17/128
PL 1.16* Telecommunication Development SectorC17/30R1C17/128
PL 1.16* General SecretariatC17/31C17/128
PL 1.16* Draft ResolutionC17/32C17/128R 1385
PL 1.16Contribution by the Russian Federation, Armenia, Belarus and Kyrgyz Rep.: Improving plans and reporting on current ITU activitiesC17/83R2C17/128
PL 1.16Conclusions of the RAGC17/111C17/128
PL 1.13Conformance and interoperability (WTSA Res. 76, WTDC Res. 47) (Res. 177)C17/24C&I websiteC17/128
PL 1.14Facilitating the Internet of Things (Res. 197)C17/23ITU-T SG 20 websiteC17/128
PL 1.20Digital financial services (WTSA Res 89)C17/68C17/128
PL 1.19Bridging the standardization gap (WTSA Res 44)C17/72C17/128
PL 1.4Outcome of the AHG on draft new resolution on vocabulary - draft new Res on ITU Coordination Committee for Terminology (ITU-CCT)C17/DT/4C17/128R 1386
PL 3.2Strengthening the regional presence (Res. 25) C17/25Regional presence websiteC17/128

Eighth Plenary Meeting

1430-1730 hours, Popov Room

​Webcast / Captioning

PL 3.2Contribution from Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Rep., Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan - Strengthening ITU's regional presence in the CIS RegionC17/98R1C17/130
PL 2.5Preparations for the 2018 Plenipotentiary Conference (cont'd)C17/5PP websiteC17/130
PL 2.3Date and duration of the 2018, 2019, and 2020 sessions of the Council (Res. 77, 111, D 583)C17/2Council websiteC17/130D 599
PL 2.10World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19)C17/27WRC websiteC17/130R 1380 (MOD)
PL 2.1Scheduling of ITU conferences, assemblies and meetings of the Union (2017-2020) (Res. 77, 111)C17/37R1ITU events websiteC17/130
PL 1.4Package of documents concerning ITU internet activities under Res. 101, 102, 133 and 180C17/DT/5C17/130
PL 1.3Report of the CWG on International Internet-related public policy issues (R 1305, R 1336 (MOD), R 1344 (MOD)) (cont'd)C17/51C17/130
PL 1.3Contribution from India - Topic for public consultation - Public policy considerations for OTTS (cont'd)C17/88C17/130
PL 1.3Contribution from China - Modality of open consultation for the CWG-Internet (cont'd)C17/90C17/130
PL 1.3Contribution from the United States - Chairman's report: CWG-Internet (cont'd)C17/91C17/130
PL 1.3Outcomes of informal consultation on topics of the open consultationC17/DL/7C17/130
PL 1.3Contribution from Saudi Arabia - Adopting international public policy on access to the Internet for persons with disabilities and specific needs (cont'd)C17/102C17/130
PL 1.3Contribution from Saudi Arabia - Factual analysis of the responses of the open consultations (cont'd)C17/103C17/130
PL 1.3Contribution from Saudi Arabia - Launching open consultation on public policy considerations for OTTS and bridging the digital gender divide (cont'd)C17/105C17/130
PL 2.7Follow-up report on possible improvements to PP (continued)C17/4R1PP websiteC17/130
PL 2.7Possible improvements of the roll-out of the Plenipotentiary Conference - Compilation of proposals received from Member States as a response to CL-16/48 and CL-17/07C17/INF/6C17/130
PL 2.7e-VotingC17/70C17/130
PL 2.7Contribution from Bulgaria, Czech Rep. Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Switzerland - Introduction of hearing for ITU Elected OfficialsC17/76R1C17/130
PL 2.7Contribution by the Russian Federation, Armenia, Belarus and Kyrgyz Rep.: Improving the roll-out of the Plenipotentiary ConferenceC17/78R2C17/130
PL 2.7Contribution from Brazil - Establishment of interactive hearings for the candidates to Elected Officials postsC17/96C17/130
PL 2.7Ad hoc group on possible improvements to Plenipotentiary ConferenceC17/DL/8C17/130
PL 1.10List of candidatures for Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of CWGs (Dec 11, R 1333) (continued)C17/55R2CWG websiteC17/130

Ninth Plenary Meeting

0930-1230 hours, Popov Room

​Webcast / Captioning

PL 4.2Obsolete Council Resolutions & DecisionsC17/3 Council Res. and Dec.C17/131
PL 3.1Report by the Chairman of the CWG for the Strategic and Financial Plans for 2020-2023C17/123CWG SFP websiteC17/131
PL 1.3Ad hoc group on access to the Internet for the persons with disabilities and specific needsC17/131

Tenth Plenary Meeting

1430-1730 hours, Popov Room

​Webcast / Captioning
PL 3.3Report on the Standing Committee on Administration and ManagementC17/120C17/140See under SC ADM meetings