ITU's 160 anniversary

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Executive Summary

​​​​​​​​​​​​Executive Summary of the ITU-T Study Group 5 Meeting “Environment, Climate Change and Circular Economy” (Geneva, 13-22 May 2019)


Main discussions and results

​At its meeting in Geneva, 13-22 May 2019, ITU-T Study Group 5 achieved the following outcomes:

Major accomplishments

Approval of the report of the last SG5 meeting​
The report of the last ITU-T SG5 meeting held in Geneva, from 11 to 21 September 2018 was approved as contained in Report 5 (also available as TD801)

Approved Recommendations by ITU-T SG5 (according to A.8 §5)​

​​ITU-T Rec. Number



​Criteria for evaluation of the environmental impact of mobile phones

Recommendations Consented by SG5 for Last Call (AAP - Recommendation A.8)​

Revised Recommendations

ITU-T Rec. Number



​Lightning protection, earthing and bonding: Practical procedures for radio base stations​1/5TD923-R1
​K.77​Characteristics of metal oxide varistors for the protection of telecommunication installations​2/5TD980
K.44​​Resistibility tests for telecommunication equipment exposed to overvoltages and overcurrents – Basic Recommendation​2/5 TD1016
K.20​​Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in a telecommunication centre to overvoltages and overcurrents​2/5TD1019
K.21​​Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in customer premises to overvoltages and overcurrents​2/5TD1006
​K.45​Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in the access and trunk networks to overvoltages and overcurrents​2/5TD1018
K.100​​Measurement of radio frequency electromagnetic fields to determine compliance with human exposure limits when a base station is put into service​3/5TD956-R1
​K.116​Electromagnetic compatibility requirements and test methods for radio telecommunication terminal equipment​4/5TD909
​K.123​Electromagnetic compatibility requirements for electrical equipment in telecommunication facilities​​4/5TD941-R1
​L.1000​Universal power adapter and charger solution for mobile terminals and other hand-held ICT devices​​7/5 TD975

New Recom​mendations

Work item or provisional name


​K.140K.appl5​Surge protective component application guide - Fuses​2/5​TD979
K.141​K.ipe​​Electromagnetic compatibility requirements for Information Perception Equipment​4/5TD939
​L.1507L.SES​​Use of ICT sites to support environmental sensing6/5​TD1000-R1
L.1362​L.GAL2​Interface for power management in NFV environments "Green Abstraction Layer 2"​6/5​TD945-R3
L.1032​L.ER​Guidelines and Certification Schemes for e-Waste Recyclers​​7/5 TD968-R2
L.1022​L.CE_Concepts​Circular Economy: Definitions and concepts for material efficiency for ICT​​7/5 TD944-R1

Agreed informative texts

Work item or provisional name


ITU-T K.Sup.17 to ITU-T K.44​​K.Sup.Test_conditions to ITU-T K.44Test conditions and methods information​​2/5TD999
ITU-T K.Sup.18 to ITU-T K.44​​K.Sup.telecom_system to ITU-T K.44​Causes of telecommunication system overvoltage and overcurrent conditions and their expected levels​​2/5TD991
​Appendix II to ITU-T K.90Appendix II to ITU-T K.90​​Evaluation techniques and working procedures for compliance with exposure limits of network operator personnel to power-frequency electromagnetic fields. Description of the program EMFACDC.​​3/5 TD961
​Appendix IX to ITU-T K.91Revised Appendix IX to K.91​Manhole type base station​​​3/5​TD962
​ITU-T K.Suppl.9​Revised Suppl.95G technology and human exposure to RF EMF​​​​3/5TD955
ITU-T K.Suppl.16​​Revised Suppl.16​Electromagnetic field compliance assessments for 5G wireless networks​​​3/5 TD957-R1

Agreed questionnaire




New work items


Work item


TD921-R1K.Sup.telecom_system ​Supplement ITU-T K.Sup.telecom_system to ITU-T K.44 "Causes of telecommunication system overvoltage and overcurrent conditions and their expected levels"​​2/5
TD920-R1​K.Sup.Test_conditionsSupplement ITU-T K.Sup.Test_conditions to ITU-T K.44 "Test conditions and methods"​​​2/5
TD973-R3K.devices​RF EMF exposure assessment of the wireless radiocommunication devices operating close to the human body​​​3/5
TD938Revision of ITU-T K.34 ​​Classification of electromagnetic environmental conditions for telecommunication equipment – Basic EMC Recommendation​​4/5
TD925-R2​K.plc.emcElectromagnetic compatibility requirements and measurement methods for outdoor equipment and installation using power line communication technology​​​4/5
TD965-R1L.5G_sav​Energy saving technologies and best practices for 5G RAN equipment​​6/5​
TD977​L.1331 Revision ​Assessment of mobile network energy efficiency​​6/5
TD978-R1L.PSU for server​Methodologies for evaluating the functionality and performance of power supply unit configured for servers​​6/5​
TD929-R3​L.EAS_network slicing​Energy-Aware States network slicing​​​6/5
L.CE_2​Design Guidelines to achieve the Circular Economy Principles
TD967​L.GSPGeneral principles for the green supply chain management of ICT manufacturing industry
TD949-R3​L.Trajectories​Recommendation on GHG emissions trajectories for the ICT sector compatible with the UNFCCC Paris Agreement​​9/5​
TD950-R1L.Sup.Orgtrajectories​​Supplement giving guidance for organizations interested in complying with the new L-Trajectories Recommendation​​9/5​

Action plans for implementation of WTSA-16 Resolutions 72 and 73 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) and Resolution 79 (Dubai, 2012) (human exposure to EMF, environment and climate change, and e-waste)

TD800 contains a proposed “Action Plan" for the implementation of WTSA-16 Resolutions 72 and 73 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) and Resolution 79 (Dubai, 2012) (human exposure to EMF, environment and climate change, and e-waste). No inputs have been revised at this meeting to advance the current Action Plan.

TD811 contains Plenipotentiary Resolutions concerning ITU-T SG5.

List of stale work items​

TSB provided information on the list of stale work items as contained in TD809-R2. The Rapporteurs of the concerned Questions (Q1/5, Q2/5) were encouraged to discuss this work item during Q1/5 and Q2/5 sessions and take appropriate action. The concerned work items were updated during the sessions as follows:

Provisional name



​Most recent reference
Most recent reference

Action Taken
K.appl5​Surge protective component application guide - Fuses​2/5TD224​2017-05-24
​Updated and consented
K.appl6​Surge protective component application guide - Self-restoring current limiters​2/5TD225​​2017-05-24
K.Eth​Ethernet port resistibility testing for overvoltages and overcurrents​2/5​​2017-05-21
​Updated​Limits of interferences on telecommunication transmissions on copper other than speech​1/5C177​​2017-10-31
K.sod​Surge and over-current protection parameters of external disconnector for surge protective devices used in telecommunication equipment​2/5

Collaboration matters and Information Sharing

ITU-T Study Group 5 meeting was held in conjunction with the ETSI TC “Environmental Engineering" meeting. A joint plenary took place on Friday 17 May 2019. During the plenary Working Party 2/5 Chairman presented ITU-ETSI joint activities as contained in TD960.

The following TDs were presented by TSB and were noted during the ITU-T SG5 opening plenary:

ITU-T SG5 Regional Groups​

ITU-T SG5 Regional Group for the Arab Region (SG5RG-ARB) ITU-T SG5 Regional Group for Latin America (SG5RG-LATAM)  ITU-T SG5 Regional Group for Africa (SG5RG-AFR) 

​Working Party meetings

The draft Report of Working Party 1/5 can be found in TD849-R3.
The draft Report of Working Party 2/5 can be found in TD850-R4.

Question 8/5 - Guides and te​rminology on environment and climate change

During this meeting, Q8/5 achieved the following key outcomes:

The meeting reviewed and discussed three editing tutorials; figure extraction (TD910), identifying vector Figures (TD914) and editing equations in Word prior to 2007 (TD915). The Figure recovery tutorial showed that the ITU editing process makes Figure extraction for revision from posted Word files impractical. The Terminology Handbook - web version data base setup (TD922) was discussed as part of the Work programme review.

Q8/5 also reviewed and replied to the following incoming liaisons:
The meeting report of Question 8/5 can be found in TD858-R1.​

Working Party 1/5 - EMC, lightning protection, EMF​​

Working Party 1 made significant progress and achieved the following key outcomes:

Question 1/5 - Protection of information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure from electromagnetic surges

The main results of this meeting are as follows:

Four Contributions relevant to Q1/5 were submitted and discussed such as: Additionally, TD923-R1 and TD930 were produced and discussed during the meeting.

The meeting report of Q1/5 is contained in TD851-R3.

Question 2/5 - Equipment resistibility and protective components

The main results of this meeting are as follows:

Twenty-two contributions were received, discussed and actioned.

Q2/5 produced one new draft Recommendation ITU-T Kappl5 “Surge protective component application guide - Fuses" and two new draft Supplements: K.Sup.telecom_system to ITU-T Recommendation K.44 on “Causes of telecommunication system overvoltage and overcurrent conditions and their expected levels" and K.Sup.Test_conditions to ITU-T Recommendation K.44 on “Test conditions and methods information".

Q2/5 revised five Recommendations such as: ​The loss of Phillip Havens was deeply felt at this meeting.

The meeting report of Q2/5 is contained in TD852-R3.

Question 3/5 - Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from information and communication technologies (ICTs)

Q3/5 meeting discussed 17 contributions.

Q3/5 revised one Recommendation which was submitted for consent to ITU-T SG5. Q3/5 also revised two Supplements and two Appendices which were submitted for agreement to ITU-T SG5.

A significant part of the discussion has been dedicated to the revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.100 “Measurement of radio frequency electromagnetic fields to determine compliance with human exposure limits when a base station is put into service" (TD956-R1), ITU-T Supplements 9 “5G technology and human exposure to RF EMF" (TD955) and ITU-T Supplement 16 “Electromagnetic field (EMF) compliance assessments for 5G wireless networks" (TD957-R1).

These documents have been revised according to the new concept of the RF EMF exposure assessment that was developed because of the big variation of the RF EMF exposure level in space and time and in order to have consistency with IEC TR 62699 and IEC 62232.

A new version of the software EMFACDC (Appendix II to K.90) was discussed and it was agreed to send it for agreement to ITU-T SG5 as contained in TD961.

Appendix IX “Manhole-type base station" to Recommendation ITU-T K.91 on “Guidance for assessment, evaluation and monitoring of the human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields" was discussed and it was agreed to send it for agreement to ITU-T SG5 as contained in TD962.

Substantial progress was achieved concerning new Recommendation ITU-T K.workers “Assessment and management of compliance with RF EMF exposure limits for workers at radiocommunication sites" as contained in TD954.

The content of the new Technical Report KSTR.RMF_assess “Case studies of RF-EMF assessments" was discussed as contained in TD976. It was noted that it requires further discussion and its agreement will be considered during the next meeting.

Two special sessions took place during Q3/5 meetings. In the first session Dr Emilie van Deventer described the current activities carried out in WHO concerning RF EMF as contained in TD1005. In the second session Mr Thomas Barmueller described the activities of the Mobile Wireless Forum as contained in TD958.

One outgoing Liaison Statement, which provides information on the outcomes of Q3/5 sessions, has been prepared. It was agreed that it will be sent to ITU-R and ITU-D in order to continue the good collaboration with both Sectors.

The meeting report of Q3/5 is contained in TD853-R3.

Question 4/5 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues arising in the telecommunication environment

The main results of this meeting are as follows:

Three draft Recommendations were completed and submitted for consent: During the discussion of the revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.123, it was noted that the power units used in combination with telecommunication equipment are within the scope of more than one Recommendation and with different requirements. Therefore, it was agreed to re-evaluate the scope of Recommendations ITU-T K.48 "EMC requirements for telecommunication equipment – Product family Recommendation", ITU-T K.76 "EMC requirements for telecommunication network equipment (9 kHz-150 kHz)", ITU-T K.123 “Electromagnetic compatibility requirements for electrical equipment in telecommunication facilities", ITU-T K.136 “Electromagnetic compatibility requirements for radio telecommunication equipment" and ITU-T K.137 "Electromagnetic compatibility requirements and measurement methods for wire-line telecommunication network equipment" in order to propose revisions at the next ITU-T SG5 meeting.

The first draft Recommendation ITU-T K.pim “Passive intermodulation test methods of array antenna systems in mobile communication systems" was prepared however it was noted that further work is required, see TD940.

It was agreed to start the revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.34 “Classification of electromagnetic environmental conditions for telecommunication equipment – Basic EMC Recommendation"; see TD938.

It was also agreed to start a new draft Recommendation K.plc.emc “Electromagnetic compatibility requirements and measurement methods for outdoor equipment using power line communication technology", see TD925-R2.

The meeting report of Q4/5 is contained in TD854-R1.

Question 5/5 - Security and reliability of information and communication technology (ICT) systems from electromagnetic and particle radiations

The main results of Q5/5 meeting are as follows:

Q5/5 received one Contribution regarding draft Recommendation K.soft_dev “Parameters of semiconductor devices required for design of telecommunication equipment applying soft error countermeasures". The first draft was proposed and reviewed.

During the discussion, it was noted that the A.5 qualification of JEDEC was necessary because draft Recommendation ITU-T K.soft_dev needs to refer normatively to JEDEC standard JESD89A. TSB was requested to provide an advice on the possible A.5 qualification of JEDEC.

The meeting report of Q5/5 is contained in TD855-R1.

Working Party 2/5 – Environment, Energy Efficiency and the Circular Economy

Working Party 2 made significant progress and achieved the following key outcomes:

Question 6/5 - Achieving energy efficiency and smart energy

The main results of Q5/5 meeting are as follows:

21 contributions were received and reviewed. The work items under study were improved based on the contributions received. 4 incoming liaison statements were discussed and 7 outgoing liaisons were prepared.

Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.SES “Use of ICT sites to support environmental sensing" and Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.GAL2 “Interface for power management in NFV environments Green Abstraction Layer 2" were proposed to be submitted for consent.

The following new work items were created: ITU-T L.5G_sav “Energy saving technologies and best practices for 5G RAN equipment", Revision of Recommendation ITU-T L.1331 “Assessment of mobile network energy efficiency", ITU-T L.PSU for server “Methodologies for evaluating the functionality and performance of power supply unit configured for servers" and ITU-T L.EAS_network slicing “Energy-Aware States network slicing".

The following work items: ITU-T L.5G_powering “Sustainable power feeding solutions for 5G network", L.DCIM “Specifications of data centre infrastructure management (DCIM) system based on Big Data and AI technology", L.SM_EN “Smart energy for cities and home applications", L.SP_OB “A methodology for improving, assessing and scoring the sustainability performance of office buildings", L.EEframe “Energy efficiency framework", and revision of Recommendation ITU-T L.1310 “Energy efficiency metrics and measurement methods for telecommunication equipment", were improved based on the contributions received and the baseline documents are available as contained in: TD993, TD998, TD946, TD927, TD981 and TD952 respectively.

Two joint sessions to advance on the work items developed together with ETSI EE (WG EE2 and EEPS) were held.

The report of Q6/5 meeting is contained in TD856-R3.

Question 7/5 – Circular economy including e-waste

Q7/5 reviewed the progress report of the Question, which can be found in TD918.

Question 7/5 discussed 23 contributions.

During the meeting, five main work items were addressed including: L. ER “Guidelines and Certification Schemes for e-Waste Recyclers"; L.CE_Concepts “Circular Economy; Definitions and concepts for material efficiency for ICT"; L.Counterfeit “Adequate Assessment and Sensitisation on Counterfeit ICT Products and their Environmental Impact"; and L.SM_B “Sustainable management of batteries resulting from ICT equipment" and L.1000rev “Universal power adapter and charger solution for mobile terminals and other hand-held ICT devices".

Experts agreed to submit the following Draft Recommendations for consent: ITU-T L.ER “Guidelines and Certification Schemes for e-Waste Recyclers" (TD968-R2), ITU-T L.CE_Concepts “Circular Economy: Definitions and concepts for material efficiency for ICT" (TD944-R1) and ITU-T L.1000Rev “Universal power adapter and charger solution for mobile terminals and other hand-held ICT devices" (TD975). 

WP2/5 Chairman was tasked by SG5 Chairman to conduct negotiations amongst interested parties in order to address the comments received by Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.1015 (ex.L.CEM) “Criteria for evaluation of the environmental impact of mobile phones", during AAP. The final text of Draft Recommendation L.CEM submitted for approval to SG5 is contained in TD974-R1.

Two new work items were created: Draft Recommendations ITU-T L.CE_2 “Identifying Design Guidelines for Meeting the Circular Economy Principles" (TD969-R1) and ITU-T L.GSP “General principles for the green supply chain management of ICT manufacturing industry" (TD967).

Two presentations were made to Q7/5 experts including: a presentation by Orange on “Assessment of the Circular Improvement Score CIS" (TD970) as related to new work item L.CE_2 and a presentation by Apple as liaison rapporteur of CENELEC “Update on developments in CEN/CENELEC JTC10" (TD959).

The liaison rapporteur for CENELEC made a presentation concerning the latest developments in JTC10 as contained in TD959.

The report of Q7/5 meeting is contained in TD857-R2.

Question 9/5 - Climate change and assessment of information and communication technology (ICT) in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Q9/5 received 24 contributions.

A new version of draft Recommendation ITU-T L.MAAP has been produced including with a comprehensive description of the methodology. A new version of the draft Recommendation L.trajectories has been produced including a description of an overall ICT sector trajectory and trajectories for the associated ICT sub-sectors. It should be noted that previously this work item was a Draft Supplement and following discussions it was agreed to change the work item and develop a draft Recommendation instead. In addition, a new WI describing a Supplement is proposed, with guidance for organisations interested in complying with this new Recommendation. Q9/5 has reviewed 2 liaison statements from ITU-D SG2 and ITU-R SG7 respectively.

Q9/5 experts made a first review of the text of Question 9/5 and proposed some modifications. It was noted that further discussion is needed to develop the final text of Question 9/5. The report of Q9/5 meeting is contained in TD859-R3.

​Special session on SG5 future

A special session to discuss the future mandate and structure of SG5 took place on 16 May 2019.

This session was organized to follow up on TSAG-LS20 and in preparations for WTSA, as contained in TD893.

A proposal to create a new study group that would combine both SG5 and SG20 current mandates and lead roles has been discussed.

After discussions, SG5 agreed that: It was highlighted the need to:

R​apporteur group meetings (including e-meetings)

The complete list of planned meetings can be found here.

Updates in the SG5 Management Team and Rapporteurs:​

During the SG5 opening plenary, upon request of Huawei Technologies, Co., LTD, Mr Anders Andrae was appointed as Q7/5 Associate Rapporteur.

During the SG5 closing plenary:

Creation of a new Focus Group on "Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies" (FG-AI4EE)

During the SG5 opening plenary, Ms Victoria Sukenik, the Chairman of SG5, presented a proposal to create a new Focus Group on “Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies" (FG-AI4EE) in order to strengthen the work of ITU-T Study Group 5 and be more responsive to the global needs.

This proposal was sent as a Contribution to the SG5 meeting as contained in C424. The Contribution was supported by the following members: Huawei Technologies, Co.,LTD (China); Argentina; Italy; Orange; Uganda Communications Commission (UCC); Spain; Korea (Republic of); Rwanda; China; Kenya; Egypt; Nokia Corporation (Finland), Telefon AB L M Ericsson; China Unicom; Dominican Republic; Greece; Telecommunications and Post Regulatory Authority (Sudan); Colombia; Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni (CNIT) (Italy); Cisco Systems, Inc.; and Brazil.
C509 was presented and was very well received and SG5 experts agreed to create this new Focus Group. The proposed ToR as contained in C509 were revised as contained in TD971.

The FG-AI4EE will identify the standardization gaps related to the environmental performance of AI and other emerging technologies including automation, augmented reality, virtual reality, extended reality, smart manufacturing, industry 5.0, cloud/edge computing, nanotechnology, 5G, among others. The focus group will develop technical reports and technical specifications to address the environmental efficiency, as well as water and energy consumption of emerging technologies. The FG-AI4EE website is available here.

13th Symposium on ICT, Environment and Climate Change

The International Telecommunication Union together with Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, UN Environment, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UN Global Compact, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, United Nations Industrial Development Organization and UN-Women organized the 13th Symposium on ICT, Environment and Climate Change, which took place on 13 May 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The theme of this year's Symposium was “The role of frontier technologies in combating climate change and achieving a circular economy".

The Symposium concluded with a Call for Action, which acknowledges the transformative potential of frontier technologies and the associated risks, while highlighting a course of actions that would build a shared vision on the use of these technologies.

More information on the Symposium can be found here.

Smart Environment Panels

Two Smart Environment Panels on GHG emissions trajectories for the ICT sector and on new ITU standards on soft errors that affect telecommunications were held on 15 and 20 May respectively.

In memory of Phillip Havens

Unfortunately, Phillip Havens, SG5 Vice-chairman and Q2/5 Co-Rapporteur, passed away in February 2019. Phillip Havens was a good friend to have and a valued contributor to ITU-T and other standards organisations. During the ITU-T SG5 opening plenary a tribute to his life and work was done. The loss of Phillip Havens was deeply felt at this meeting. A book of condolence was prepared as contained in TD916-R1.

Dates of next ITU-T SG5 meeting and Regional Group Meetings

Executive Summary from previous meetings: 2018-09 | 2018-05​2018-03 | 2017-11| 2017-05 | 2016-04 | 2015-10 | 2014-12 | 2014-07 | 2014-05 | 2013-12 | 2013-01 | 2012-04 | 2011-09 | 2011-04 | 2010-11 | 2010-04 | 2010-01 | 2009-10 | 2009-05 | 2008-11 | 2008-02