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Participants: 123
Organization of the meeting: Very busy meeting having 7 working days instead of 5.
4-6 parallel meetings (except the first and the last 2 days, where the SG/WP opening/closing plenary sessions took place).
At the beginning of the study period it had been agreed to rotate the chairmanship of WP2 after 2 years. However as Mr. Darren Carpenter (Vice-chair of SG5 and Vice-chair of WP2) is not able to continue his work within SG5, Mr. Mitsuo Hattori, Chairman of WP2 was asked to continue his task until the end of the Study period. He accepted to do so.
Several Rapporteurs/Associate Rapporteurs can’t continue to participate in the work of SG5. The Chairman thanked all colleagues leaving SG5 for their hard work and welcomed the new officials.
The following nominations were agreed: - Mr. Sylvain Person (FT, France) is the new associate Rapporteur for Question 4/5, replacing Mr. Benjamin Barlaud.
- Mr. Wang Huagang (China Telecom) will replace Mrs Ying SHI, as Associate Rapporteur for Question 5/5
- Mr. Jean-Luc Garcia (FT, France) will be the new associate Rapporteur for Question 9/5
- Mr. Michael Maytum (IEEE) is replacing Mr. Gerhard Ackermann as Rapporteur of Question 13/5
- Mr. Mitsuo Hattori will be the Acting Rapporteur for Question 2/5 until the next meeting
- Mr. Hidenori Sekiguchi has changed his job and is not able to continue as Associate Rapporteur for Question 15/5
- Mr. Lin Guo takes over the role of Rapporteur for Question 16/5 from Mr. Xiao Li
- Mr. Franz Zichy (USA) was appointed as Acting Rapporteur for the new Question 22/5 until the next meeting
- Mr. Dave Faulkner (UK) was appointed as Acting Rapporteur for the new Question 23/5 until the next meeting.
Approval of new study Questions
In order to complete the work program on ICTs and climate change issues, two new study questions were proposed. Both questions were considered as replying to urgent needs, so after thorough discussion and revision of the proposed drafts, the following were directly approved by Study Group 5 (after consultation of the Director of TSB and the Chairman of TSAG) in accordance with 7.1.8 of Resolution 1:
Question 22/5: Setting up a low cost sustainable telecommunication infrastructure for rural communications in developing countries
Question 23/5: Using ICTs to enable countries to adapt to climate change.
External presentations: - Electromagnetic disturbances generated by lightning discharge (Mr. Abbas Mosaddeghi, EPFL, Switzerland)
- Monitoring climate change using submarine cables (Mr. Yuzhu You, University of Sydney Institute of Marine Science, Australia)
Technical session: How ICTs can alleviate climate change
Consented Recommendations Consent was reached on 2 revised and 2 new draft Recommendations: - Revised K.64: Safe working practices for outside equipment installed in particular environments
- Revised K.65: Overvoltage and overcurrent requirements for termination modules with contacts for test ports or SPDs
New K.83 (K.monitor): Monitoring of the EMF levels - Summary: This Recommendation gives guidance on how to make long-term measurement for monitoring of electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the selected areas that are under public concern in order to show that EMF are under control and under the limits. The purpose of this Recommendation is to provide for the general public clear and easily available data concerning electromagnetic field levels in the form of results of continuous measurement.
New K.84 (K.leakage): Test method and guide against information leaks through unintentional EM emissions - Summary: In an information security management system (ISMS), based on Recommendation ITU-T X.1051 and ISO/IEC Standards 27001 and 27002, physical security is a key issue. When security is managed taking the above references into consideration, we should evaluate the threats and mitigate their impact against equipment or sites. Threats are related to confidentiality in ISMS. This recommendation describes threats from information leakage due to unintentional electromagnetic emanations, and the two approaches of mitigation i.e. reduction of emission from equipment and the level of site shielding are described. Information leakage test methods for conducted and radiated emission are presented.
Progress related to some other Recommendations: K.guide: Good progress was made on this draft recommendation which will reply to the needs of developing countries (Res.72). The final draft is expected to be prepared for the next meeting.
K.im_bb “Immunity to Broadband disturbance for home network device”: This Recommendation aims to ensure normal operation of home networking devices and to provide a new additional immunity test method for broadband services, especially for devices that are sensitive to broadband interferences. In order to finalize the draft, close collaboration with CISPR is needed. Consent is expected at the next meeting.
L.1000 “Universal power adapter and charger solution for mobile terminals and other ICT devices“: At this meeting it was decided to start the revision of L.1000 after the receipt of a liaison statement from GeSI which identified a number of areas in which the L.1000 Recommendation could be improved. As a result, a revised draft was produced, which can constitute a good starting point for future work. In order to make progress, it was decided to organize e-meetings between the end of January and March 2011. Consent of the revised draft is expected at the next meeting of SG5.
New work item on Universal Battery solution: The interest in specifying a universal battery as a complement of the universal charger was highlighted which would benefit battery manufacturers, device manufacturers, operators and users. This raised a lot of discussion on the feasibility and the need to clarify the scope, quantify the reduction in e-waste, address safety and marking concerns, and ensure freedom of innovation. As a result of the discussion, a new work item was rejected but it was agreed to create a living list to identify the need to create a new work item in the future.
Liaison activities: Besides the several liaison statements produced, new Liaison Rapporteurs were nominated to: - ITU-R WP5A and WP5D: Mr. Byung Chan Kim on Q3/5 issues
- IEC TC 100: Mr. Munhwan Han and Mrs Meng Meng on power adapter issues
- IEC TC111: Mr Namikawa on WP3/5 issues
Report of HNSG (Home Network Special Group) This special group was set up to study some issues regarding damage to equipment in the home environment.
There has been considerable discussion on the forum related to the HNSG. A second draft of Recommendation K.hnwr “Requirements for Home Networks” was prepared as contained in TD 525. After a fruitful discussion during this meeting it was agreed that a new draft should be prepared for the next meeting.
Regional Groups All three Regional groups of SG5 (SG5 RG-AFR, RG-ARB and RG-LAC) reported on their activities.
The Regional Group for Africa had its first meeting in July in Nairobi, Kenya. A work programme was created which was reviewed during the ad-hoc session of the group held during this SG5 meeting. The second meeting of the SG5 RG-AFR will be held in April 2011 in Côte d’Ivoire and will be preceded by a workshop on using of the EMF estimator.
The Regional Group for Latin America and Caribbean (RG-LAC) was created in the last Study Group (SG) 5 meeting, in Buenos Aires, and since then, has worked to disseminate information about the activities of SG 5, to seek information regarding the region countries needs on the issue human exposure to EMF and to provide technical support in this area, presenting the related ITU Recommendations. The representatives of this group participate in different regional meetings and seminars.
The Regional Group for the Arab Region will begin its work, under the Chairmanship of Mr. Tariq Al-Amri (Saudi Arabia) (his confirmation is still pending). The first meeting of this group will probably be organized in Sudan, in December 2010.
Interim activities Questions 17, 18 and 21/5 will organize several e-meetings between January and March 2011. In addition, Question 18/5 will hold a 3-day physical meeting in the same period, the date and venue will be communicated as soon as possible on the Q18/5 reflector.
Next meeting The next meeting is planned to be held in September 2011. Study Group 5 felt that this is too long an interval between meetings and it was agreed to organize an additional meeting in Geneva, from 27 April – 5 May 2011. |