ITU's 160 anniversary

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Executive summary of the Study Group 5 meeting (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 12-16 April 2010)

1. Statistics

  • Participants: 101 from 20 countries
  • Contributions: 45
  • TDs (not counting the revisions): 94
  • Outgoing Liaison statements: 9

2. Results related to Recommendations and other publications

SG5 consented on

  • new Recommendation K.82 (former K.ocp) “Characteristics and ratings of solid-state, self restoring overcurrent protectors for the protection of telecommunications installations”
  • revised Recommendation K.12 “Characteristics of gas discharge tubes for the protection of telecommunications installations”
  • revised Recommendation L.19: “Multi-pair copper network cable supporting shared multiple services such as POTS, ISDN and xDSL”

3. Technical Session

According to the decision of the last SG5 meeting, a Technical Session on Protection of Telecommunications Networks was held on the Monday afternoon. The Technical Session was organized by Phil Day, Vice-Chairman of Study Group 5, and chaired by Ahmed Zeddam, Chairman of Study Group 5.

The agenda of the Technical Session was the following:

Session Time Title Speaker
Opening Session 16:00 - 16:15 Welcome Mr. Ahmed Zeddam
(Chairman of the Technical Session, France Telecom, France)
Session 1 16:15 - 16:35 Principles of Protection Mr. Célio Barbosa
(CPQD, Brazil)
Session 2 16:35 - 16:55 Resistibility of equipment Mr. Phil Day
(Consultant, Australia)
Session 3 16:55 - 17:15 Earthing and bonding Mr. Claude Monney
(Swisscom, Switzerland)
Session 4 17:15 - 17:35 Protective devices Mr. Gerhard Ackermann
(Deutsche Telekom, Germany)
Conclusion 17:35 - 18:00 Questions All speakers

The programme and the presentations of the Technical Session are available on the ITU-T website at the following address:

The Technical Session was very well attended and was a great success.

4. New Regional Group for Americas Region

During the previous meeting of SG5, a proposal was submitted in TD235 to create a new SG5 Regional Group for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region.

This proposal was discussed again during the opening plenary of SG5 and the establishment of this new group was approved.

The main objectives are the following:

  • Commit the active participation of the Latin America and the Caribbean Region Regulators and Operators in the work of ITU-T SG5, and in the implementation of ITU-T Recommendations on the environment and climate change.
  • Foster the scenery debate and study on the challenges related to the environment and climate change faced by operators and regulators within the continent.
  • Encourage the participation of the Latin American and the Caribbean countries in the Group’s meetings, workshops and other SG 5 events.
    The Regional Group for Latin America and the Caribbean on the environment and climate change will offer help to potential experts interested in joining and participating in the mailing lists informal debates, to increase expert participation in the Questions’ work. It will provide important information on the workshops and SG5 events and encourage the experts to present documents at said events.
  • Urge the Latin American and the Caribbean countries to contribute to the work of ITU-T SG5 and especially to contribute to the New/Revised Recommendations developed by ITU-T SG5.
  • Exhort the Latin American and the Caribbean countries to actively participate in the Group on the environment and climate change and other meetings related to these matters, at least when such meetings are organized in the Americas Region.
  • Ensure that ITU-T SG5 takes advantage of the relevant information on rules applicable to telecommunication networks and security systems, related to the environment and climate change.
  • Act as liaison hub between Latin American telecommunication operators/regulators and ITU-T SG5 in affairs related to environmental and climate change rules.
  • Support any initiative leading to the Group’s evolution and consolidation.

Management Team of the Regional Group

A President and a Vice-president are appointed for a period of four years, ratified at the SG5 Plenary.

Chairman: Héctor Mario Carril (Argentina)
Vice-chairman: Agostinho Linhares de Souza Filho (Brazil)

The Regional Group for Latin America and the Caribbean of SG5 reports to ITU-T SG5. Support from ITU Regional Bureau in Latin America is expected, pursuant to WTSA Resolution 54.

5. Future meeting

5.1 Rapporteur meetings

5.1.1 Electronic Rapporteur meetings of Question 18/5

To progress the Q18/5 work, it was agreed to hold e-rapporteur meetings on 24 and 30 June 2010, 12:00 – 14:00 Geneva time. Further details will be sent to the Q18/5 mailing list.

5.1.2 Joint Rapporteur meeting of WP3/5 Questions (Q.17, Q.18, Q.19, Q.20 and Q.21)

It was agreed to hold a joint rapporteurs group meeting for 5 days in Italy from 27 September – 1 October 2010. This will be hosted by the Italian Economic Development Ministry in Rome.

5.2 Next meeting of Study Group 5

The next meeting of Study Group 5 will be held from 23 November – 1 December 2010 in Geneva. It is planned to have a technical session during this meeting on the subjects of Working Party 3/5 (the title will be defined asap).

The JCA ICT&CC will also have a physical meeting during this period.

Executive Summary from previous meetings: 2010-11 | 2010-04 | 2010-01 | 2009-10 | 2009-05 | 2008-11 | 2008-02