ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world



ITU Event on “Combating Counterfeit and Substandard ICT Devices”
Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Substandard and fake ICT products are a serious issue that impacts developed and developing economies, the ICT industry, as well as the consumer population around the world. The costs and negative effects of substandard and fake ICT products on all stakeholders are broad and numerous—ranging from lost taxes to decreased sales, to reduced incentive to innovate and invest.

The objectives of this ITU event are therefore threefold: (1) to discuss the global scope and impact of counterfeiting and substandard ICT products, (2) to highlight the various stakeholders’ common concerns, challenges, best practices and opportunities, and (3) to examine the possible role of ITU as part of the global strategy and solution to curtail counterfeiting and substandard ICT products and to assist its members in addressing their concerns regarding such products.

Day 1, 17 November 2014

​08:30 - 12:00

​14:00 - 14:45​Opening Remarks           
14:45-16:30Session 1: Policy debate: Governments’ Perspectives on Combating Counterfeit and Substandard ICT Products

During this session, governments from around the world will weigh in on their main concerns, challenges and experiences, as well as on their best practices, in combating counterfeit and substandard ICT products. Governments are invited to expand on their perspectives from the legislative, regulatory, customs, law enforcement or judiciary angles.

Moderator:  Mr Lucio COCCIANTELLI, Head of Section, Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications, BAKOM, Switzerland [ Biography ]

​16:30-17:00Coffee Break

​​Session 2: Intergovernmental Initiatives Against Counterfeit and Substandard ICT

This session will present the key international legal frameworks and intergovernmental programmes/initiatives that have been established to protect and enforce intellectual property rights (IPRs) or to combat counterfeit and substandard ICT products. In particular, these initiatives will highlight their main challenges and notable experiences in the fight against counterfeit and substandard ICT products. Potential key areas for future cooperation, coordination and improvement will also be identified.

Moderator: Ms Marie-Elisabeth D'ORNANO, Chairwoman, International Electrotechnical Commission Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ) [ Biography ]


19:15-21:00 ​Cocktail Reception Hosted by ITU

 *To be confirmed

Day 2, 18 November 2014


Session 3.1: Technology Debate, Part 1: ICT Industry Perspectives and Anti-Counterfeit / Substandard Technologies and Systems

This session 3.1, as well as session 3.2 below, will explore various types of technologies and other technical measures used by governments and rights' holders in combating counterfeit and substandard ICT products. In particular, ICT industry players will highlight their respective concerns, main challenges, best practices and notable experiences in their fight against counterfeit and substandard ICT products.

Moderator: Mr Felipe BATISTA, Secretary, ARCTEL-CPLP [ Biography ]


10:45-11:15 ​Coffee Break
​11:15 - 13:00

​Session 3.2: Technology Debate, Part 2: ICT Industry Perspectives and Anti-Counterfeit / Substandard Technologies and Systems

Moderator:  Glenn JONES, Steering Committee Member, Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy (BASCAP), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and Hewlett-Packard Global Anti-Counterfeit Program [ Biography  | Presentation ]


​13:00 - 14:30 ​Lunch Break
​14:30 - 16:30

Session 4: Interactive Dialogues on the Way Forward 
ITU: Development Opportunities and International Standards as Part of the Global Strategy Against Counterfeit and Substandard ICT Products

(Note: This session will take place in the ITU Montbrillant building, 2nd Floor, opposite the "ICT Discovery" )

This session will feature a series of interactive, collaborative dialogues among all participants concerning the roles and activities that ITU could take as part of the global strategy to fight counterfeit and substandard ICT products. Within such context, this session aims to identify specific actions to be taken by ITU in order to develop technical tools, facilitate the gathering and exchange of knowledge, information and practices, raise awareness, and increase coordination and collaboration among the various stakeholders.

Moderator: Mr Tomas LAMANAUSKAS, Head, Corporate Strategy Division, ITU [ Biography ]

Rapporteurs of Interactive Dialogues:

​Methodology of Interactive Dialogue Series:  This session will be divided into 2 conversation rounds (each guided by a question) during which participants actively exchange ideas and gain a better understanding of each other’s perspectives, as follows:         

Additionally, two brief town-hall sessions will be held in order to identify the overall trends, collective insights, common solutions or follow-up actions generated by the group at large.

16:30-17:00Closing Remarks

 *To be confirmed