ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


S3-1-Moderator-photo-Felipe-Batista.jpgFilipe Miguel Antunes Batista, born 28 May 1972, in Lisbon Portugal. Currently Head of Cooperation and Development Office at the Portuguese Communications Authority (ANACOM), and Secretary General, Association of Communications and Telecommunications Regulators for the Portuguese Speaking Countries Community (ARCTEL-CPLP).

Post-graduate in “European Union Foreign Affairs” at Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa (FDUL 2006); Master in Development and International Cooperation at Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestao-ISEG, thesis on “The Economic and Social Impact of the E-Commerce in Portugal, 2004; Post-graduate in International Relations at Instituto de Ciencias Sociais e Politicas-ISCPS, 1996-1997 and Degree in International Relataions, Universidade Lusiada de Lisboa, 1992-1996. Lectured International Relations and Cooperation Politics at Universidade Independente de Lisboa from 2000 to 2005.