ITU's 160 anniversary

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JONES, Glenn

S3-2-Moderator-photo-Glenn-Jones.jpgGlenn Jones is representing BASCAP and is part of their steering committee.

Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy – or simply BASCAP, was established in 2004 to combat the increasing problem of product counterfeiting and the expropriation of intellectual property. BASCAP is part of the International Chamber of Commerce. BASCAP is a member organization and brings together a number of major global companies across a wide range of business sectors.

Glenn is employed by Hewlett-Packard and works within HP’s Global Anti-Counterfeiting Program. He is based in Geneva. He has responsibility for the oversight and management of global anti-counterfeit investigations. Glenn has been with HP for three years.

Prior to joining HP, Glenn was a police officer in the United Kingdom for 31 years. He was a senior detective specializing in the investigation of serious organized crime, counter terrorism and management of intelligence processes.