ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Duty Free Shop and Petrol Card

Geneva Duty Free Shop for Diplomats

For meetings held in Geneva, participants representing the following categories of members can submit a request to be granted access to the Geneva Duty Free Shop:  
    • Administrations
    • Resolution 99
    • Regional Telecommunication Organizations
    • Intergovernmental Organizations operating Satellite Systems
    • United Nations and its Specialized Agencies
    • Radio Regulation Board
Participants representing Sector Members, Associates and Academia are NOT allowed access to the Shop.​
Participants must get an authorization from the ITU to purchase items from the Duty Free Shop. Such authorization can be obtained by submitting a request for access to the Duty Free Shop.  The requested form must be duly filled and signed prior to being submitted to the ITU. ​   
Upon appropriate verification by the ITU, participants will be informed of the procedure to get their form back. Please allow 48 hours for requests to be processed by the ITU. The approved form must then be presented at the Duty Free Shop, along with an official photo ID.
Access to the Duty Free Shop is limited to the duration of an ITU meeting. Returning meeting participants must submit an authorization form during each meeting to be granted access to the Shop.
Access to the Duty Free Shop and purchase of items is a non-transferable right reserved to eligible participants as described above.​ 

Nuance Global Traders AG (Duty Free Shop for Diplomats)

​27 Avenue de France  [ Access Plan​ ] CH-1202 Geneva - Switzerland
Tel:+41 22 919 40 20

Opening Hours:   
Monday: 1230 - 1900 
Tuesday - Friday: 1000 - 1900 
Saturday: 0930 - 1300 

Duty Free Petrol Card

Some categories of participants can obtain petrol cards entitling them to purchase duty free petrol at a number of filling stations in Geneva. Forms for obtaining these cards are available at the registration desk. A copy of the car registry showing chassis number and a co​py of the participant´s passport are required. Issuance of the petrol card requires one (1) week. ​​​