ITU is an active member of the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development, has lead several of the Partnership’s Task Groups, and has been a Steering Committee member from the beginning.
From the core list of indicators identified by the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development, ITU is responsible for collecting the infrastructure and access indicators, as well as the indicators on access to and use of ICTs by households and individuals.
To improve data availability and comparability, ITU works closely with its Member States, particularly the Ministries in charge of telecommunication, regulatory agencies, and national statistical offices. ITU provides technical assistance to enhance the capacity of national statistical offices.
ITU offers also the online training on
Measuring digital development: Telecommunication/ICT indicators hosted on the ITU Academy. The training aims to strengthen the capacity of countries to produce ICT indicators and statistics according to international standards and methodologies. It presents the main groups of telecommunication/ICT indicators collected and the different questionnaires as well as the definition and methodologies of the indicators following the ITU Handbook for the collection of administrative data on telecommunications/ICT. Examples provided address data gaps and challenges faced by countries and suggests possible solutions.