ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development

ICTs – a platform for the post-2015 development agenda

ICTs are becoming an indispensable tool for the delivery of services and for development, and their spread is supported by falling prices and advances in technologies. The role of ICTs will be particularly critical within the context of a long-term development agenda (until 2030), when ICTs will constitute an essential platform for the delivery of sustainable development. Failure to acknowledge the transformative power of ICTs will not only lead to the widening of the digital divide, but, indeed, aggravate inequalities in all development domains.
The important role that ICTs will play in achieving the future development agenda has been stressed by the ICT community, including:     

THE Partnership’s proposal: ICT indicators to help track the SDGs

The Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development has taken a lead role in increasing awareness about the importance of ICT for development and in international ICT monitoring. The Partnership has made a concerted effort to highlight the role that ICTs will play in achieving the SDGS and prepared a joint proposal of ICT indicators to help track the Sustainable Development Goals and targets (pdf format).     
This proposal was presented as a background document to the Expert Group Meeting on the indicator framework for the post-2015 development agenda, which took place in February, 2015, in New York. Most of the indicators proposed are from the Partnership’s core list of ICT indicators and they are based on established methodologies and definitions. The large majority have been endorsed by the UN Statistical Commission, which also recognized the important role of ICTs for the post 2015 development framework. A number of indicators are proposed for the tracking of several targets, reflecting the cross-cutting nature of ICTs.