ITU's 160 anniversary

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Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development


Partnership on Measuring ICT4D

​The Partnership is an international, multi-stakeholder initiative to improve the availability and quality of ICT data and indicators. To find out more, download the Partnership brochure.

Core ICT Indicators

The Partnership has developed a core list of ICT indicators to help countries track ICT infrastructure, access, and measure ICTs in households, enterprises, education, and government. The list is revised regularly and was endorsed by the UN Statistical Commission. More>

Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development

20 Years of Partnership: Join Us in Celebrating Our Milestone Anniversary!​

The Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development is an international, multi-stakeholder initiative that was launched in 2004 to improve the availability and quality of ICT data and indicators, particularly in developing countries. The initiative is a direct response to the request made by the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) to produce official statistics to monitor the  information society. ​The Partnership has guided policy makers in producing ICT statistics that are crucial to informed decision-making, including through the identification of a core list of ICT indicators and methodologies to collect these indicators. The Partnership helps developing countries collect ICT statistics, particularly through capacity-building and hands-on training for national statistical offices, and collects and disseminates information society statistics. Its membership has grown from originally 11, to today 14 regional and international organisations. The Partnership work is coordinated by a Steering Committee, which is elected every 3 years. The current Steering Committee is made up of ITU, UNCTAD, and UN DESA​.
The Partnership presented its report  “Report of the Partnership on Measuring Information and Communication Technology for Development​” at the 55th Session of the UN Statistical Commission (UNSC) that was held in New York from 27 February to 1 March 2024. In this report, the ​Partnership provides an overview of the work it has undertaken since the last report in 2022 and considers the role of ICT indicators in monitoring development goals and targets.​