ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

WTIS 2016 - Programme


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Monday 21 November 2016
​09.00-10.00 Opening ceremony 
10.00-10.30 Group picture and coffee break
Ministerial Roundtable: Leaving no one behind

The 2015 Agenda for Sustainable Development has pledged that “no one will be left behind”, to ensure that all people equally benefit from the rights and opportunities that the SDGs voice.  In terms of ICTs, this means that efforts need to focus on achieving a truly inclusive information society. Those at the “bottom of the pyramid”, including low-income groups, the illiterate, persons with special needs or those living in rural areas, need to equally benefit from high-speed and high-quality Internet connections. These population groups not only run the greatest risk of being left outside but also are those who could benefit the most from the opportunities that ICTs can offer for development. At the same time, policy makers require data to track relevant inequalities.

This Ministerial Roundtable will discuss national initiatives on how to close the digital divide and to ensure an inclusive information society. In particular, the session will address the following questions:
Moderator: Dr Cosmas Zavazava, Chief of Department, Projects and Knowledge Management, ITU - [biography]
​12.00-14.00 ​Lunch break
​14.00-15.30 Leaders’ Dialogue: Understanding the structural impact of ICTs

ICTs have spread rapidly over the last decade and profoundly changed the way many people in the world learn, work, live and communicate. Recent debates are increasingly focusing on the impact of ICTs and the structural changes that they are triggering in the society and economy, including in the labour market. Knowledge economies are benefitting from the extensive availability and use of ICTs, through innovation and technical and scientific advances. At the same time, people, businesses and governments need to adapt to those changes in terms of products, markets and skills requirements.

The Leaders’ Dialogue will discuss social and economic changes caused by the spread of ICTs, as well as data requirements needed to understand and address those changes. In particular, the session will address the following questions:
Moderator: Oshinka Tsiang, Broadcaster, Motshwarateu Media, Botswana - [biography]
Keynote: Mårten Blix, Digitalization Expert and Former Secretary to the Swedish Prime Minister in the Commission on the Future Challenges of Sweden - Presentation (pdf) - [biography]
15.30-16.00​Coffee break
16.00-17.00​ Special session organized by the Government of Botswana: ICT Development in Botswana over the last 50 years and methods of measurements 

The development of Botswana’s telecommunications and ICT market gained traction in 1995 when the Telecommunication Policy was adopted. Prior to 1995, telecommunication services were provided by the government entity and the infrastructure development was channeled through the incumbent operator. In 1998 the market was liberalised with two mobile operators awarded mobile licenses. In 2014, Statistics Botswana conducted its first comprehensive ICT Household Survey with the main objective to measure accessibility and usage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Botswana. By 2016, Botswana has high usage of ICT services with mobile cellular penetration and mobile-broadband penetration among the highest in Africa.
This session will showcase Botswana’s ICT development over the last 50 years.

Itumeleng Batsalelwang, Director, Telecommunications and Postal, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Botswana - [biography]
19.00Dinner hosted by the Government of Botswana
Venue: The Grand Palm Resort Hotel, Gaborone International Convention Centre


Tuesday 22 November 2016
​09.00-10.30 ICT Development Index (IDI) award ceremony and presentation of the Measuring the Information Society Report 2016

For the 8th consecutive year, ITU will publish the Measuring the Information Society Report. The 2016 Report features the latest ICT Development Index (IDI), including global and regional IDI rankings, and an analysis of the digital divide. It will highlight key performers and the most dynamic countries. The Report presents new country data on prices for key ICT services. Following the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in September 2015, the Report highlights the role of ICTs and presents the ICT indicators included in the SDG monitoring framework. The Report also present a new metrics to monitor global mobile phone uptake and discusses the latest trends in Internet usage.

The first part of the session will feature the award ceremony of the ICT Development Index (IDI) 2016. It will present the results of the IDI 2016, reveal this year’s top performers and most dynamic countries, and present the IDI 2016 Award and IDI 2016 Dynamic Country Awards.

The second part of the session will present and discuss the key findings of the Measuring the Information Society Report 2016. This will include a short video, a panel discussion, and a Q&A session with the audience.
09.00-09.30 IDI award ceremony

Moderator: Aki Anastasiou, CNBC Africa - [biography]
​09:30-10:30 Measuring the Information Society Report 2016
Moderator: Aki Anastasiou, CNBC Africa - [biography]

10.30-11.00Coffee break
​11.00-12.30 New data needs for the SDGs: Update on the Expert Group on Household Indicators (EGH)

Over the past year, the Expert Group on Household Indicators (EGH) has continued its work through the online discussion forums and a face-to-face meeting held in October 2016. To track progress towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which expects to ‘leave no one behind, it will be necessary to produce more disaggregated data, in particular data broken down by income, sex, age, disability status, geographic location and other characteristics in accordance with the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. The new SDG monitoring framework also includes a number of new ICT indicators that countries are encouraged to produce. This session will feature:

Aurora Rubio, Head, ITU Area Office for South East Asia, ITU - [biography]

​12.30-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-15.30Technology trends and data: Update on the Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators (EGTI)

Over the past year, the Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators (EGTI) has continued its work through the online discussion forums and a face-to-face meeting held in October 2016. This session will feature:
Moderator: Annie Baldeo, Executive Officer, Policy Planning and Market Economics, Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago and EGTI Vice-Chair - [biography]

​15.30-16.00 ​Coffee break
​16.00-17.30 Big data for monitoring the information society

The growth of ICTs has resulted in a rapid increase of new (including big) data sources, in particular from the ICT industry. ITU is looking into innovative ways to utilize big data as a new data source, and to overcome important data gaps. To this purpose, ITU recently launched a project on big data for measuring the information society. Under this project, ITU will carry out a number of pilot studies in selected countries and produce new and policy-relevant ICT statistics with big data. 

The session will showcase the experience from these pilot case studies, followed by a Q&A session.

Moderator: Esperanza Magpantay, Senior Statistician, ICT Data and Statistics Division, ITU - [biography]


Wednesday 23 November 2016
​09.00-10.30 ICT indicators for disaster risk reduction

Natural disasters have devastating effects on human beings and cause economic loss, particularly in the world’s most vulnerable regions. Two of the major development plans agreed upon in 2015 recognize the importance of these challenges: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for building resilience to disasters, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction has set specific goals to  build resilience, and to improve disaster management through prevention, preparedness, and response.

Technological innovations, and in particular ICTs, provide unprecedented opportunities to effectively address the issue of climate change and to provide critical tools for disaster monitoring, early warning, and emergency response efforts. This session will discuss existing and new ICT indicators that policy makers and other stakeholders need to effectively predict, monitor, manage and respond.

In particular, this session will address the following questions:
Moderator: Vanessa Gray, Head, LDCs, SIDS and Emergency Telecommunications Division, ITU - [biography]

10.30-11.00  Coffee break
​11.00-12.30 Better ICT data for better policy making: Stakeholder perspectives

One of the main concerns often raised by ICT policy makers is how to improve the quality, availability and dissemination of ICT data so that they accurately reflect countries’ ICT developments, including various dimensions of ICT access, use and skills, and support ICT policy-making.

This session will bring together different stakeholders who will share their views on how ICT data could be improved, how the use of ICT data can be enhanced and what some of the key challenges are that need to be addressed at the national and international levels. Stakeholder perspectives will be shared by representatives from the public and private sector, research institutions, national statistical offices, as well as ITU. Panelists will also discuss data priorities for the future.

Questions addressed by the panel:
Moderator: Andrew Rugege, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Africa - [biography]

​12.30-14.30 Lunch break
14.30-15.00Presentation of Chair’s summary and conclusions

The Chair of WTIS will present his conclusions and recommendations of the meeting.
Chairman's outcomes, conclusions and recommendations (pdf)
​15.00-15.30 Closing ceremony
​​16.00 Excursion: Game drive and bush braai (barbecue)