09.00-10.30 |
Current and future work on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators
The Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators (EGTI) has the mandate to review and revise the ITU supply-side indicators (data collected from administrative sources, mainly operators), as well as to discuss outstanding and emerging methodological issues and indicators. This session presented the outcomes of the work of the EGTI carried out during 2014, including in the area of fixed and mobile broadband metrics, bundled services, M2M, LTE and international Internet bandwidth. In addition, the measurement of m-banking services and new mobile phone data sources, such as call detail records, were discussed as topics of growing importance in developed and developing countries.
Moderator:Rati Skhirtladze, Head of the Information and Analysis Department, National Communications Commission, Georgia - [biography]
Iñigo Herguera, EGTI Chair and Deputy Director, Statistics Division, National Markets and Competition Commission, Spain -
Presentation (pdf) -
Background document - [biography]
Bogdan Vasilescu,
Head, Statistical Data Unit, National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications, Romania -
Presentation (pdf) - [biography]
Wilfred Ojok, Market Industry Analyst, Uganda Communications Commission, Uganda -
Presentaton (pdf) - [biography]
Erki Saluveer, Chief Technology Officer, Positium -
Presentation (pdf) - [biography]
10.30-11.00 |
Coffee break |
11.00-12.30 |
Current and future work on ICT Household Indicators
The Expert Group on ICT Household Indicators (EGH) has the mandate to review the indicators for measuring ICT access and use by households and individuals based on data collected through national household surveys. The objective of this session was to present the outcomes of the work of the EGH carried out during 2014, including discussions and proposed indicators in the area of Internet security, child and youth online protection, barriers to Internet use and mobile phone ownership. The session also discussed indicators to better monitor the uptake of mobile cellular services.
Alison Gillwald, Executive Director, Research ICT Africa - [biography]
Alexandre Barbosa, EGH Chair and Head, Center of Studies for Information and Communication Technologies, Brazil -
Presentation (pdf) -
Background document - [biography]
Esperanza Magpantay, Senior Statistician, ICT Data and Statistics Division, ITU -
Presentation (pdf) - [biography] and
Joss Gillet, Senior Manager, GSMA Intelligence -
Presentation (pdf) - [biography]
Alvina Kwan, Senior Statistician, Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong, China -
Presentation (pdf) - [biography]
Carmelo Javier Muñoz Ruiz,
Director, National Observatory for Telecommunications and the Information Society, Spain -
Presentation (pdf) - [biography]
12.30-14.00 |
Lunch break |
13.30-14.00 |
Side-event: ICT Access & Use by Households & Individuals Survey 2013 -
Presentation (pdf) |
14.00-15.30 |
Data quality, big data, open data
The growing demand for ICT statistics, an increasing number of internationally defined and agreed ICT indicators, and growing recognition of the importance of ICT statistics for social and economic development are imposing new challenges for ICT data quality. Data quality issues are being discussed particularly in the context of the emerging debate on the potential of big data to complement official statistics and calls for open data systems in countries and international agencies. The objective of this session was to present the ITU data quality assurance framework and guidelines, to review national best practices, and discuss ways on how to maintain quality of official ICT statistics in the context of big and open data. The session addressed the following questions:
What is data quality and how can it be assured at the national and international levels?
What are the challenges and opportunities of adopting open data policies?
What are new dimensions of data quality in the context of big data?
Are open data and big data compatible? What needs to be done to ensure data confidentiality?
15.30-16.00 |
Coffee break |
16.00-17.30 |
International Coordination of ICT Measurement - 10th Anniversary of the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development
The Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. At this occasion, a special panel session was organized presenting key achievements of the Partnership as well as future topics that the international community should address to enhance ICT measurement. The debate took place within the context of two important and closely linked processes: first, the post-WSIS discussions on remaining challenges to create an inclusive information society and, second, the post 2015 development agenda, which needs to fully recognize the potential of ICTs to achieve broader development goals. Questions that were addressed include: -
What are the lessons learnt from 10 years of cooperation?
What are the key future priorities that the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development should address?
How are ICT statistics used for evidence-based policy-making?
How do we measure the impact of ICT on development, particularly in the context of the post 2015 agenda?
What are the most pressing issues and challenges in creating an inclusive information society and what are some of the priority areas highlighted by the post-WSIS discussions which will require future monitoring?
David Souter, Managing Director, ict Development Associates - [biography]
Susan Teltscher, Head, ICT Data and Statistics Division, ITU - [biography] and
Scarlett Fondeur Gil, Economic Affairs Officer, ICT Analysis Section, UNCTAD, on behalf of the Partnership Steering Committee - [biography]
José Luis Cervera, Director, DevStat, Spain - [biography]
Alison Gillwald, Executive Director, Research ICT Africa - [biography]
Vladimir Minkin, Chairman, WSIS+10 Multistakeholder Preparatory Platform and ITU Council Working Group on WSIS - [biography]
Gerardo Lopez,
Director, Statistics on Science and Technology, Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía, Mexico - [biography]
In recognition of the achievements of its work over the last ten years, the Partnership presented an
overview of its work (pdf format) and prepare a special
video. |