ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

WTIS 2014 - Agenda

Draft agenda

Download the agenda (pdf format)
Sunday, 23 November 2014
​All day pre-event

Monday, 24 November 2014
​08.00-09.00 Delegates registration
​09.00-10.00 ​Opening ceremony
​10.00-12.00 Ministerial roundtable: the post 2015 development agenda and future priorities for ICT for development (ICT4D) policy
The pursuit of the MDGs since 2000 coincides with remarkable progress in the development and use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and there is growing evidence that ICTs have the potential to support all three pillars of sustainable development – economic growth, social inclusion and environmental sustainability. Despite the progress made, inequalities in access to ICT platforms, information, knowledge and technological progress remain vast. This panel discussed the role of ICTs in the post 2015 development agenda, identify key future ICT4D policies and related data requirements. The session addressed the following questions:
Moderator:  Cosmas Zavazava, Chief, Project Support and Knowledge Management Department, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU - [biography]

Keynote: Richard Heeks, Director, Centre for Development Informatics, University of Manchester, United Kingdom - Presentation (pdf) - [biography]

​12.00-13.30 ​Lunch break
13.30-14.00Launch of the Measuring the Information Society Report 2014
Moderator:Nisha Pillai, Journalist and Facilitator - [biography]
​​14.00-14.30​​Press conference
​14.30-16.00 Big Data for development and the future of ICT measurement             
In an increasingly digitized world, vast amounts of data have the potential to produce new and insightful information, and there is a growing debate on how the public and private sector can maximize the benefits of big data. One of the richest sources of big data is the data captured by the use of ICTs. ICT-related big data are helping to produce development insights of relevance to public policy, such as understanding socio-economic wellbeing and poverty, as well as improving the monitoring of the information society. This panel examined opportunities and challenges in using big data from the ICT industry to complement existing ICT indicators. It presented the new ITU Big Data Strategy and discussed the role of different players, including the ICT industry, governments, and international organisations. The session addressed the following questions:
 Moderator: Nisha Pillai, Journalist and Facilitator - [biography]

Keynote speaker: Reg Brennenraedts, Partner and Senior Consultant, Dialogic - Presentation (pdf) -  [biography]

16.00-16.30​ Coffee break and group picture
​16.30-18.00 Measuring competition, regulation and affordability of ICT services
The price of ICT services constitutes a determining factor for ICT uptake, particularly among low-income groups in developing countries. When analysing the affordability of ICT prices, competition and regulation are the elements upon which telecommunication regulatory authorities may exert more direct control. Quantitative assessments of regulatory actions are helping to understand the impact that specific policies have on the price and affordability of ICT services, which could lead to an increase in their uptake and use. This panel addressed the role of competition and regulation in determining ICT prices, identify data needs to measure the impact of regulatory intervention and discussed the importance of market information. The panel presented the perspective of policy makers, academia and the ICT industry. In particular, the session addressed the following questions:
Moderator:  Aaron Boyd, Chief Strategy Officer, ABI Research - [biography

18.30 Welcome Cocktail for WTIS Participants


Tuesday, 25 November 2014
09.00-10.30​ Current and future work on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators
The Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators (EGTI) has the mandate to review and revise the ITU supply-side indicators (data collected from administrative sources, mainly operators), as well as to discuss outstanding and emerging methodological issues and indicators. This session presented the outcomes of the work of the EGTI carried out during 2014, including in the area of fixed and mobile broadband metrics, bundled services, M2M, LTE and international Internet bandwidth. In addition, the measurement of m-banking services and new mobile phone data sources, such as call detail records, were discussed as topics of growing importance in developed and developing countries.
Moderator:Rati Skhirtladze, Head of the Information and Analysis Department, National Communications Commission, Georgia - [biography]

​10.30-11.00 ​Coffee break
​11.00-12.30 Current and future work on ICT Household Indicators
The Expert Group on ICT Household Indicators (EGH) has the mandate to review the indicators for measuring ICT access and use by households and individuals based on data collected through national household surveys. The objective of this session was to present the outcomes of the work of the EGH carried out during 2014, including discussions and proposed indicators in the area of Internet security, child and youth online protection, barriers to Internet use and mobile phone ownership. The session also discussed indicators to better monitor the uptake of mobile cellular services.
Moderator: Alison Gillwald, Executive Director, Research ICT Africa - [biography]

​12.30-14.00 ​Lunch break
​13.30-14.00 Side-event: ICT Access & Use by Households & Individuals Survey 2013 - Presentation (pdf)
​14.00-15.30 Data quality, big data, open data
The growing demand for ICT statistics, an increasing number of internationally defined and agreed ICT indicators, and growing recognition of the importance of ICT statistics for social and economic development are imposing new challenges for ICT data quality. Data quality issues are being discussed particularly in the context of the emerging debate on the potential of big data to complement official statistics and calls for open data systems in countries and international agencies. The objective of this session was to present the ITU data quality assurance framework and guidelines, to review national best practices, and discuss ways on how to maintain quality of official ICT statistics in the context of big and open data. The session addressed the following questions:
​15.30-16.00 ​Coffee break
​16.00-17.30 International Coordination of ICT Measurement - 10th Anniversary of the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development 
The Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. At this occasion, a special panel session was organized presenting key achievements of the Partnership as well as future topics that the international community should address to enhance ICT measurement. The debate took place within the context of two important and closely linked processes: first, the post-WSIS discussions on remaining challenges to create an inclusive information society and, second, the post 2015 development agenda, which needs to fully recognize the potential of ICTs to achieve broader development goals. Questions that were addressed include:
Moderator: David Souter, Managing Director, ict Development Associates - [biography]


In recognition of the achievements of its work over the last ten years, the Partnership presented an overview of its work (pdf format) and prepare a special video.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014
09.00-10.30​ Measuring the Information Society Report 2014
For the fifth consecutive year, ITU published the Measuring the Information Society Report. This report was launched in six locations across the globe. The report presents recent trends in ICT development worldwide, for a large number of key indicators. It features the latest ICT Development Index (IDI) and its analyses, covering the digital divide, least connected countries, and the relationship between IDI and MDG performance. The report also features an analysis of the impact of competition and regulation on ICT prices, looks at the affordability of ICT services in view of income inequalities, and provides a comprehensive assessment of big data from the telecommunication industry.

This session presented the main findings of the report, followed by Q&A.
Moderator: Alexandre Barbosa, EGH Chair and Head, Center of Studies for Information and Communication Technologies, Brazil - [biography]

Keynote speaker: Pali Lehohla, Statistician General, South Africa - Keynote - [biography]
​10.30-11.00 ​Coffee break
​11.00-12.30  Panel discussion on the ITU ICT Development Index (IDI)
The ICT Development Index (IDI) is one of the most used international benchmarks for countries’ ICT development performance. It captures, and ranks, the level of ICT in around 160 economies worldwide and compares progress made during the last year.
This panel session presented IDI success stories from developed and developing regions, as well as highlighted challenges in terms of closing the digital divides.
Moderator: Cosmas Zavazava, Chief, Project Support and Knowledge Management Department, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU - [biography]
​12.30-14.00 ​Lunch break
​13.30-14.00Side-event: ICT in Public Access Center Survey 2013 - Presentation (pdf)
​14.00-14.30 Presentation of Chair’s summary and conclusions
In the final session of WTIS, the Chair, H.E. Mr Dimitry Kumsishvili, First Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, Georgia, presented his final conclusions and recommendations of the meeting.
Download the DRAFT conclusions and recommendations (Word format)
​​14.30-14.45Award ceremony 
​​​14.45-15.00 Announcement of WTIS 2015
​15.00-15.30 Closing ceremony
16.00-18.00Excursion to the Public Service Hall, Tbilisi
​19.00 Gala dinner hosted by the Government of Georgia