Advancing Green Digital Action Towards a Net-Zero ICT Sector, 16 November, Trade and Investment House (Green Zone), Baku, Azerbaijan
Transition plans to reduce the ICT Sector's own GHG emissions, 16 November, Chinese Pavilion, Baku, Azerbaijan
Expanding Access to Green Data Infrastructure, 14 November, Digital Innovation Pavilion, Baku, Azerbaijan
High-level opening of Green Digital Action track, 14 November, NGIC Pavilion, Baku, Azerbaijan
- Launch of the Measuring the Emissions and Energy Footprint of the ICT Sector: Implications for Climate Action, 6 March 2024
Digital Transformation on a Livable Planet, World Bnk, IMF and Financial Times Pavilion, UN Climate Change Conference (COP28), 5 December 2023, Dubai, UAE
Reducing ICT Sector GHG Emissions, Finland Pavilion in partnership with Nokia, UN Climate Change Conference (COP28), 3 December 2023, Dubai, UAE
Climate Connections Mixer, China-UAE Economy & Trade Exchange Center, UN Climate Change Conference (COP28), 3 December 2023, Dubai, UAE
Unleashing collaborative power for a sustainable digital tech industry, High-level opening session of Green Digital Action, UN Climate Change Conference (COP28), 2 December 2023, Dubai, UAE
Investing in the Digital and Green Transformation - Launch of Green Data Centers Guide, co-organized by GIZ and the World Bank, Africa Climate Summit side event, 5th September 2023, Nairobi, Kenya and virtual