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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

                                                               more time to converge.
                                                               In Fig. 2c, we show the trade‑off between the packet drop
                                                               rate and average power consumption of user 1. We ob‑
                                                               serve that as the value of V increases the average power
                                                               consumption increases and approaches threshold γ 1 . For
                                                               V = 10, we observe that the average power consump‑
                                                               tion is far from the threshold. In this case, the value of
               0.1                                             the virtual queue that corresponds to the average power
                                                               consumption is larger than the cost function for a large
                0                                              period of time because the importance factor is relatively
                 0     1000    2000    3000   4000    5000
                                                               small. Therefore, the DPC seeks to minimize the larger
                                                               term of the objective function that is the value of the vir‑
                    (a) Throughput‑constraints convergence of user 2.
                1                                              tual queue. On the other hand, as we increase V , the cost
                                                               function is weighted more and therefore, the DPC algo‑
               0.8                                             rithm seeks to minimize the cost function which is the
                                                               most weighted term in the objective function. However,
               0.6                                             the average power consumption remains always below
                                                               threshold γ 1 .
                                                               5.2 DPC vs LDF
                                                               In this subsection, we compare the performance of our al‑
                 0     2000    4000    6000   8000    10000    gorithm with that of LDF. The LDF algorithm allocates
                                                               power to the user with the largest‑debt. Algorithm LDF
                   (b) Average power consumption convergence of user 1.  selects, at each time slot t, the node with the highest value
             0.02                                     0.705
                                                               of y i (t), where y i (t) is the throughput debt and is de ined
                                                      0.695                                ∑
                                                                            y i (t + 1) = tq i −  µ i (t),  (22)
             0.01                                     0.69
                                                      0.685    where q i is the throughput requirements for user i. In our
                                                      0.68     case, for the users with throughput requirements, q i = δ i .
                                                               For the deadline‑constrained users, q i will be equal to the
               0                                      0.675    percentage of the desired served packets for users with
                0           50          100         150
                                                               deadlines. For example, if our goal is to achieve a zero
                                                               drop rate we set q i = λ i . However, this is not always feasi‑
          (c) Trade‑off between packet drop rate and average power consumption of user 1 for
          different values of V .                              ble, i.e., zero drop rate and satisfaction of the throughput
                                                               constraints. Therefore, in this case, we get a higher drop
          Fig. 2 – DPC algorithm performance for different values of V . λ 1 = 0.5,
          γ 1 = 0.7, γ 2 = 0.65, δ 2 = 0.4, m = 10.            rate and lower throughput. Note that the LDF algorithm
          and P Low  = 1 power units, respectively.            does not account for the average power constraints. It
                                                               was shown in [3] that LDF is throughput optimal when the
          In Fig. 2a, we show the convergence of the algorithm re‑  problem is feasible for systems with users with through‑
          garding the minimum‑throughput constraints for differ‑  put requirements.
          ent values of the importance factor V . We observe that as  In this set‑up, we consider one user with packets with
          the value of V increases, the time convergence increases  deadlines and a set with multiple users with minimum‑
          as well. However, we observe that after approximately  throughput requirements. The probability that the chan‑
          2500 slots, the algorithm converges and the minimum‑  nel is in “good” state is equal to 0.9 for all the users. In or‑
          throughput requirements are satis ied. In Fig. 2b, we pro‑  der to observe a fair comparison between the algorithm,
          vide results for the converge of the DPC algorithm regard‑  we consider that the average power threshold is 2 for all
          ing the average power consumption constraints of user 1.  the users. Therefore, the average power constraint for ev‑
          The algorithm converges after approximately 8000 slots  ery user is always satis ied. The arrival rate for user 1 is
          for each value of V . The probability of the channel of user  λ 1 = 0.35 packets/slot.
          1 being in “Good” state is 0.4. Therefore, the user needs  In Fig. 3, we compare the performance of the algorithms
          to transmit with a high power level for a large portion  regarding the packet drop rate as the number of users
          of the time and that affects the average power consump‑  with minimum‑throughput requirements increases. In
          tion. Thus, the average power consumption constraint  Fig. 3a, the deadline for the packets of user 1 is m =
          with γ 2 = 0.7 is a tight constraint and the algorithm needs  10. We observe that the DPC algorithm outperforms the

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