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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

          Finally, we formulate a minimization problem by using  We update each virtual queue X i (t) at each time slot t as
          (10) as shown below
                              ∑                                        X i (t + 1) = max [X i (t) − γ i , 0] + p i (t),  (13)
                        min      f r                 (12)a
                              r∈R                              and each virtual queue Z u (t) as
                         s. t.  p ≤ γ i , ∀i ∈ N,    (12)b
                               i                                     Z u (t + 1) = max [Z u (t) − µ u (t), 0] + δ u .  (14)
                              ¯ µ u ≥ δ u , u ∈ U,   (12)c
                                                               Process X i (t) can be viewed as a queue with “arrivals”
                              p(t) ∈ P(t).           (12)d
                                                               p i (t) and “service rate” γ i . Process Z u (t) can be also
                                                               viewed as a queue with “arrivals” δ u and “service rate”
          4.  PROPOSED APPROXIMATE SOLUTION                    µ u (t).
          The problem in (12) includes time average constraints.  We will show that the average constraints in (12)b and
          In order to satisfy these constraints, we aim to develop a  (12)c are transformed into queue stability problems.
          policy that uses techniques different from standard opti‑  Then, we develop a dynamic algorithm and we prove that
          mization methods based on static and deterministic mod‑  the algorithm satis ies Theorem 1 and achieves stability.
          els. Our approach is based on Lyapunov optimization the‑  Lemma1. IfX i (t)andZ u (t)areratestable , thenthecon‑
          ory [34].                                            straints in (12)b and (12)c are satis ied.
          In particular, we apply the technique developed in [35]  Proof. See Appendix B.
          and further discussed in [34] and [36] in order to develop
          a policy that ensures that the constraints in (12)b and  Note that strong stability implies all of the other forms
          (12)c are satis ied.                                 of stability [34, Chapter 2] including the rate stability.
          Each inequality constraint in (12)b and (12)c is mapped  Therefore, the problem is transformed into a queue sta‑
          to a virtual queue. We show below that the power con‑  bility problem. In order to stabilize the virtual queues
          straint and minimum throughput constraints problems  X i (t), ∀i ∈ N and Z u (t), ∀u ∈ U, we  irst de ine the Lya‑
          are transformed into queue stability problems.       punov function as
          Before describing the motivation behind the mapping                    1  ∑         1  ∑
          of average constraints in (12)b and (12)c to virtual         L(Θ(t)) =      X (t) +      Z (t),   (15)
          queues, let us recall one basic theorem that comes from                2  i∈N       2  u∈R
          the general theory of stability of stochastic processes  where Θ(t) = [{X i (t)} i∈N , {Z u (t)} u∈U ], and the Lya‑
          [37]. Consider a system with K queues. The number    punov drift as
          of un inished jobs of queue i is denoted by q k (t), and
                      K                                           ∆(Θ(t)) , E {L(Θ(t + 1)) − L(Θ(t))|Θ(t)} .  (16)
          q(t) = {q k (t)} k=1 . The Lyapunov function and the Lya‑
          punov drift are denoted by L(q(t)) and ∆(L(q(t))) ,  The above conditional expectation is with respect to the
          E {L(q(t + 1)) − L(q(t))|q(t)} respectively [37]. Below  random channel states and the arrivals.
          we provide the de inition of the Lyapunov function [37].  To minimize the time average of the desired cost f r (t)
          De inition 1 (Lyapunov function): A function L : R K  → R  while stabilizing the virtual queues X i (t), ∀i ∈ N,
          is said to be a Lyapunov function if it has the following  Z u (t), ∀u ∈ U, we use the drift‑plus‑penalty minimization
          properties                                           approach introduced in [36]. The approach seeks to min‑
                                                               imize an upper bound on the following drift‑plus‑penalty
            • L(x) ≥ 0, ∀x ∈ R ,
                                                               expression at every slot t
            • It is non‑decreasing in any of its arguments,              ∆(Θ(t)) + V    E {f r (t)|Θ(t)} ,  (17)
            • L(x) → +∞, as ||x|| → +∞.
                                                               where V > 0 is an “importance” weight to scale the
          Theorem 1 (Lyapunov Drift). If there exist positive values  penalty. An upper bound for the expression in (17) is
                                                               shown below
          B, ϵ such that for all time slots t we have ∆(L(q(t)) ≤ B −
           K ∑
          ϵ   q k (t), then the system q(t) is strongly stable.         ∆(Θ(t)) + V    E{f r (t)|Θ(t)} ≤ B
           k=1                                                                     r∈R
          The intuition behind Theorem 1 is that if we have a queue‑    +     E{X i (t)(p i (t) − γ i )|Θ(t)}
          ing system, and we provide a scheduling scheme such that        i∈N
          the Lyapunov drift is bounded and the sum of the length       +     E{Z u (t)(δ u − µ u (t))|Θ(t)}
          of the queues are multiplied by a negative value, then the
          system is stable. Our goal is to  ind a scheduling scheme         ∑
          for which the inequality of Theorem 1 holds for our appli‑    + V     E{f r (t)|Θ(t)},            (18)
          cation.                                                           r∈R
          Let {X i (t)}  and {Z u (t)}  be the virtual queues as‑  1 A discrete time process Q(t) is rate stable if lim  Q(t)  = 0 with prob‑
                   i∈N           u∈U                                                          t→∞  t
          sociated with constraints (12)b and (12)c, respectively.  ability 1 [34].

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