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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1
Finally, we formulate a minimization problem by using We update each virtual queue X i (t) at each time slot t as
(10) as shown below
∑ X i (t + 1) = max [X i (t) − γ i , 0] + p i (t), (13)
min f r (12)a
r∈R and each virtual queue Z u (t) as
s. t. p ≤ γ i , ∀i ∈ N, (12)b
i Z u (t + 1) = max [Z u (t) − µ u (t), 0] + δ u . (14)
¯ µ u ≥ δ u , u ∈ U, (12)c
Process X i (t) can be viewed as a queue with “arrivals”
p(t) ∈ P(t). (12)d
p i (t) and “service rate” γ i . Process Z u (t) can be also
viewed as a queue with “arrivals” δ u and “service rate”
The problem in (12) includes time average constraints. We will show that the average constraints in (12)b and
In order to satisfy these constraints, we aim to develop a (12)c are transformed into queue stability problems.
policy that uses techniques different from standard opti‑ Then, we develop a dynamic algorithm and we prove that
mization methods based on static and deterministic mod‑ the algorithm satis ies Theorem 1 and achieves stability.
els. Our approach is based on Lyapunov optimization the‑ Lemma1. IfX i (t)andZ u (t)areratestable , thenthecon‑
ory [34]. straints in (12)b and (12)c are satis ied.
In particular, we apply the technique developed in [35] Proof. See Appendix B.
and further discussed in [34] and [36] in order to develop
a policy that ensures that the constraints in (12)b and Note that strong stability implies all of the other forms
(12)c are satis ied. of stability [34, Chapter 2] including the rate stability.
Each inequality constraint in (12)b and (12)c is mapped Therefore, the problem is transformed into a queue sta‑
to a virtual queue. We show below that the power con‑ bility problem. In order to stabilize the virtual queues
straint and minimum throughput constraints problems X i (t), ∀i ∈ N and Z u (t), ∀u ∈ U, we irst de ine the Lya‑
are transformed into queue stability problems. punov function as
Before describing the motivation behind the mapping 1 ∑ 1 ∑
of average constraints in (12)b and (12)c to virtual L(Θ(t)) = X (t) + Z (t), (15)
queues, let us recall one basic theorem that comes from 2 i∈N 2 u∈R
the general theory of stability of stochastic processes where Θ(t) = [{X i (t)} i∈N , {Z u (t)} u∈U ], and the Lya‑
[37]. Consider a system with K queues. The number punov drift as
of un inished jobs of queue i is denoted by q k (t), and
K ∆(Θ(t)) , E {L(Θ(t + 1)) − L(Θ(t))|Θ(t)} . (16)
q(t) = {q k (t)} k=1 . The Lyapunov function and the Lya‑
punov drift are denoted by L(q(t)) and ∆(L(q(t))) , The above conditional expectation is with respect to the
E {L(q(t + 1)) − L(q(t))|q(t)} respectively [37]. Below random channel states and the arrivals.
we provide the de inition of the Lyapunov function [37]. To minimize the time average of the desired cost f r (t)
De inition 1 (Lyapunov function): A function L : R K → R while stabilizing the virtual queues X i (t), ∀i ∈ N,
is said to be a Lyapunov function if it has the following Z u (t), ∀u ∈ U, we use the drift‑plus‑penalty minimization
properties approach introduced in [36]. The approach seeks to min‑
imize an upper bound on the following drift‑plus‑penalty
• L(x) ≥ 0, ∀x ∈ R ,
expression at every slot t
• It is non‑decreasing in any of its arguments, ∆(Θ(t)) + V E {f r (t)|Θ(t)} , (17)
• L(x) → +∞, as ||x|| → +∞.
where V > 0 is an “importance” weight to scale the
Theorem 1 (Lyapunov Drift). If there exist positive values penalty. An upper bound for the expression in (17) is
shown below
B, ϵ such that for all time slots t we have ∆(L(q(t)) ≤ B −
K ∑
ϵ q k (t), then the system q(t) is strongly stable. ∆(Θ(t)) + V E{f r (t)|Θ(t)} ≤ B
k=1 r∈R
The intuition behind Theorem 1 is that if we have a queue‑ + E{X i (t)(p i (t) − γ i )|Θ(t)}
ing system, and we provide a scheduling scheme such that i∈N
the Lyapunov drift is bounded and the sum of the length + E{Z u (t)(δ u − µ u (t))|Θ(t)}
of the queues are multiplied by a negative value, then the
system is stable. Our goal is to ind a scheduling scheme ∑
for which the inequality of Theorem 1 holds for our appli‑ + V E{f r (t)|Θ(t)}, (18)
cation. r∈R
Let {X i (t)} and {Z u (t)} be the virtual queues as‑ 1 A discrete time process Q(t) is rate stable if lim Q(t) = 0 with prob‑
i∈N u∈U t→∞ t
sociated with constraints (12)b and (12)c, respectively. ability 1 [34].
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