Page 20 - FIGI: Digital Financial Services security audit guideline
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             Impacted   Group  Risk and vulner-      Control              Security audit question  Applicable policy
             DFS Entity           ability                                                         or procedure
             Third-  Network   - Inadequate col-  C99: Merchants and DFS providers should   Are there procedures in place to monitor soft-  Operations security
             Party, DFS   Security  laboration with the   require the following from their solution   ware updates and are the updates installed in  - Technical vulnera-
             Provider         solution provider on   provider:       a securely?                bility management
                              the security of mobile
                              devices purchased   - The solution provider should regularly
                              (SD: Availability and   update their payment application and
                                           indicate to the merchant when updates are
                                           available and are safe to install.
                                           - The solution provider should have restric-
                                           tions on their payment application so
                                           that it only functions on a device running
                                           approved firmware.
                                           - The solution provider should supply
                                           documentation that details any update
                                           procedures the merchant needs to follow.
                                           - The DFS solution provider should com-
                                           municate with the DFS provider and
                                           make them aware of newly discovered
                                           vulnerabilities in their payment-accep-
                                           tance solution. Additionally, the solution
                                           provider should guide merchants when
                                           new vulnerabilities are discovered, as well
                                           as provide tested patches for any of these
             Third-  Fraud    - Open undetected   C100: The merchant should work with its   Do the audit logs provided sufficiently track   Operations security
             Party, DFS   detection  system application   solution provider to ensure that any audit   all changes on the DFS system or MNO sys-  - Technical vulnera-
             Provider         weaknesses (SD: Data  or logging capability is enabled. The solu-  tems that affect DFS services?  bility management
                              Confidentiality)  tion provider should ensure that logging
                                           capabilities exist with enough granularity
                                           to detect abnormal events.
                                           The solution provider should guide the
                                           merchant on the merchant's responsi-
                                           bility to review the logs. Additionally,
                                           regularly inspect system logs and reports
                                           for abnormal activity. If abnormal activity
                                           is suspected or discovered, discontinue
                                           access to the mobile device and its pay-
                                           ment application until the issue has been
                                           resolved. Abnormal activities include, but
                                           are not limited to, unauthorized access
                                           attempts, escalated privileges, and unau-
                                           thorized updates to software or firmware.
             Third-  Network   - Network exposure   C101: DFS Applications should be sub-  Is there regular penetration testing of the DFS  Operations security
             Party, DFS   Security  to outside attacks   jected to regular security penetration   systems?  - Technical vulnera-
             Provider         (SD: Availability)  scans and penetration testing. In particular,   bility management
                                           applications should be designed to be
                                           robust against phishing software.
             MNO     Availability  - Network exposure   C107: Perform regular vulnerability scans   Are there regular vulnerability scans that are   Operations security
                              to outside attacks   and penetration tests on MNO infrastruc-  performed on the DFS systems?  - Technical vulnera-
                              (SD: Availability)  ture to check exposure to attacks that        bility management
                                           could affect system availability.
             MNO     Network   - Network exposure   C108: Install and regularly update the   Are the DFS systems updated to the latest   Operations security
                     Security  to outside attacks   latest anti-malware software (if available)   versions to protect against new threats?  - Protection from
                              (SD: Availability)  and make this available to end-users.         malware
                                           Consider application wrapping, which
                                           can be employed with an MDM (Mobile
                                           Device Management) solution to prevent
                                           and remove malicious software and

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