Page 17 - FIGI: Digital Financial Services security audit guideline
P. 17


             Impacted   Group  Risk and vulner-      Control              Security audit question  Applicable policy
             DFS Entity           ability                                                         or procedure
             DFS     Fraud    - Unauthorized   C59: Protect against tampering and allow   Does the app store transactions for later   Operations secu-
             provider  Detection  changes to system   only online transactions  transmission?   rity: Operational
                              configuration and   a) Protect and monitor DFS application        procedures and
                              log files and data (SD:                                           responsibilities
                              Data Integrity)  files from tampering and changes using
                                           file integrity monitors, e.g., by calculating
                                           checksums or validating digital signatures.
                                           b) By policy, the DFS provider or merchant
                                           should not use the mobile payment solu-
                                           tion to authorize transactions offline or
                                           store transactions for later transmission.
             DFS     Authentica-  - Inadequate user   C60: Use strong multi-factor authentication  Is multi factor used for authenticating users?   Access control
             provider  tion   access validation or   for user and 3  party provider access to   Policy - System and
                              user input validation   DFS systems, e.g., token or biometrics, the   application access
                              (SD: Authentication)  use of multi-factor authentication to verify   control
                                           system users increases non-repudiation
                                           of origin.
             DFS     Authentica-  - Inadequate user   C61: Check incoming data against   Is the DFS provider performing XML valida-  Communications
             provider  tion   access validation or   expected values in API related data   tion of data through APIs and USSD requests?  security - Informa-
                              user input validation   schema, for USSD, perform XML validation . E.g., input validation, amounts, special charac- tion transfer
                              (SD: Authentication)                   ters in amounts, currency checks etc.
             DFS     Authentica-  - Inadequate user   C62: Use analytics systems to check user   Does the DFS system have capability to detect  Access control
             provider  tion   access validation or   velocity between transactions, transaction   out-of-pattern transactions based on cus-  Policy - System and
                              user input validation   time of day access tracking for additional   tomer profile?   application access
                              (SD: Authentication)  authorization validation checks.            control
                                                                     Are the DFS provider performing checks
                                                                     based on user transactions profile? E.g. agent
                                                                     shops performing late transactions, DFS
                                                                     users perfuming transactions in two different
             DFS     Authentica-  - Inadequate user   C63: Regardless of the method used for   Does the DFS app stores or transmits Personal  Asset management
             provider  tion   access validation or   producing receipts (e.g., e-mail, SMS, or   Account Number/Sensitive Authentication   -  Media handling
                              user input validation   attached printer), the method should mask  Data in plain text over SMS/email?
                              (SD: Authentication)  the Primary Account Number (PAN) in sup-
                                           port of applicable laws, regulations, and
                                           payment-card policies. By policy and prac-
                                           tice, the DFS Provider/merchant should
                                           not permit the use of non-secure channels
                                           such as e-mail and SMS to send PAN or
                                           Sensitive authentication data (SAD).
             MNO     Network   - Inherent SS7 secu-  C70: Ensure all sensitive consumer data   Are the encryption algorithms and keys used   Cryptography
                     Security  rity weakness[iii]   such as PINs and passwords are securely   are strong enough to protect customer PINs   -  Cryptographic
                              (SD: Communication   stored with strong encryption algorithms   and data?  controls
                              Security)    within the internal network and while at
                                           rest to mitigate internal threats against
                                           this data.
             MNO     Network   - Inherent SS7 secu-  C71: Use firewalls to detect and limit   Does the MNO have a firewall in place to   Communica-
                     Security  rity weakness[iii]   attacks based on SS7 security flaws.  detect and protect against external SS7 based  tions security
                              (SD: Communication                     attacks? For example (firewall protection   - Network  security
                              Security)                              against subscriber traffic interception, unau-  management
                                                                     thorized USSD and SM use)
             MNO     Access    - Interception   C72: Check if the IMEI of the device   Is the DFS provider performing real time   Access control
                     control  of MO-USSD   performing the transaction matches the   device validation before transaction   Policy -  System and
                              transactions (SD:   registered IMEI of the account holder's   processing?   application access
                              Communication   phone (a MITM system may clone the SIM            control
                              Security)    with a different IMEI)
             MNO     Network   - Unprotected sensi-  C73: Monitor user velocity by comparing   Is the DFS provider performing user transac-  Access control
                     security  tive traffic and weak   the location of the phone used to perform   tion geo-velocity checks before transaction   Policy -  System and
                              encryption practices   transactions to the last reported location of  processing?  application access
                              (SD: Communication   the phone (last in/out SMS or call).         control
             MNO     Network   - Unprotected sensi-  C74: MNO's should enforce the use of the   Does the MNO enforce use of the Personal   Communications
                     Security  tive traffic and weak   Personal Unlocking Key (PUK) on the SIM   Unlock Key on SIM cards to reduce the risk   security - Informa-
                              encryption practices   card for additional security in case the   associated with stolen SIMs that are used for   tion transfer
                              (SD: Communication   mobile device is lost or stolen.  DFS?

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