Page 16 - FIGI: Digital Financial Services security audit guideline
P. 16


             Impacted   Group  Risk and vulner-      Control              Security audit question  Applicable policy
             DFS Entity           ability                                                         or procedure
             MNO     Authentica-  - Inadequate controls  C52: MNOs should ensure that an identity    Are processes and policies in place to ensure   Access control
                     tion     for user identification  verification process is in place before SIM   that identity verification is in place prior to   Policy - User access
                              and verification   swaps is performed.  SIM swap operations? Are there technical   management
                              before SIM swap and                    mechanisms in place to prevent any leakage
                              SIM recycling (SD:                     or transfer of information until the SIM swap
                              Authentication)                        has been confirmed?
             MNO     Authentica-  - Inadequate controls  C53: The user's identity should be verified   Does the mobile network operator perform   Access control
                     tion     for user identification  using a combination of something they   biometric authentication before SIM swaps or  Policy - User access
                              and verification   are, something they have, or something   SIM replacement?  management
                              before SIM swap and   they know.  For example, with the presen-
                              SIM recycling (SD:   tation of a valid ID, biometric verification,
                              Authentication)  and knowledge about the DFS account
                                           details before a SIM swap/ SIM replace-
                                           ment is performed.
             MNO     Authentica-  - Inadequate controls  C54: DFS and Payment Service Providers   Is the DFS provider able to detect a SIM swap   Access control
                     tion     for user identification  should be able to detect real-time when-  or SIM change for a DFS account?  Policy - System and
                              and verification   ever a SIM card with DFS services has          application access
                              before SIM swap and   swapped or replaced.  And perform further   control
                              SIM recycling (SD:   verification before any high-value trans-
                              Authentication)  action or account changes are authorised
                                           with new SIM.
             MNO     Authentica-  - Inadequate controls  C55: The mobile operator should safeguard  Does the mobile network operator securely   Asset management
                     tion     for user identification  and securely store SIM data like IMSI and   store SIM data like IMSI, Kc and Ki?  -  Media handling
                              and verification   SIM secret key values (KI values).
                              before SIM swap and
                              SIM recycling (SD:
             MNO     Authentica-  - Inadequate controls  C56: A mobile number recycling pro-  Is the DFS provider involved in the SIM recy-  Asset management
                     tion     for user identification  cess should be in place that involves   cling process for DFS accounts?  -  Media handling
                              and verification   communicating with DFS providers on
                              before SIM swap and   Mobile Subscriber Identification Numbers
                              SIM recycling (SD:   (MSIDN) being churned or recycled. (in
                              Authentication)  this context: number recycling is when
                                           the MNO reallocates a dormant/inactive
                                           Mobile Subscriber Identification Number
                                           (MSISDN) to a new customer). When a SIM
                                           is recycled, the mobile operator will report
                                           a new IMSI of the related account phone
                                           number. The DFS provider should block
                                           the account until the identity of the new
                                           person holding the SIM card is verified as
                                           the account holder.
                     Privacy and   - Mobile device   C57: DFS users should have the ability to   Does the application or underlying operating   Operations secu-
                     Confidenti-  theft (SD: data   perform remote wipes on a mobile device   system provide support for remote wipes   rity - Operational
                     ality    confidentiality)  and encrypting their data in case the   of DFS data or of the mobile device, and are   procedures and
                                           device is lost or stolen.   there mechanisms in place to ensure that   responsibilities
                                                                     data is encrypted in the event of device loss
                                                                     or theft?
             DFS     Access   - Inadequacies in SIM  C58: DFS providers should ensure they   Are there procedures in place for the DFS   Operations secu-
             Provider  control  swap and recycling   have procedures in place to detect and   provider to detect suspicious SIM swaps and   rity - Operational
                              process[ii] (SD: data   avert suspicious SIM swaps and SIM recycle  SIM recycling?  procedures and
                              integrity)   by:                                                  responsibilities
                                           a) Check if the IMSI associated with the
                                           phone number has changed, this is an
                                           indication of SIM swap.
                                           b) If there is an indication of a SIM swap,
                                           check the IMEI of the phone holding the
                                           SIM. If the IMEI has also changed, there is a
                                           high probability of a SIM swap. In that case,
                                           the DFS provider should block the account
                                           until performing account verification
                                           procedures, for example, via a voice call or
                                           an agent.

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