ITU's 160 anniversary

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Executive Summary

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Executive Summary of the ITU-T Study Group 20 Meeting (Geneva, 18-28 July 2022)

Numbers and other links​

Main discussions and results

The first two opening plenaries were chaired by Dr Hyoung Jun Kim, Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 20. The SG20 closing plenary was chaired by Dr Ramy Ahmed Fathy, Vice Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 20. ​

At its meeting held in Geneva from 18-28 July 2022, ITU-T Study Group 20 achieved the following outcomes:
Major accomplishments

Approval of the report of the last ITU-T SG20 meeting
The report of the ITU-T SG20 meeting held virtually on 03 February 2022 was approved as contained in Report 22​.

​​Approved Recommendations by ITU-T SG20 (TAP-WTSA-20 Resolution 1)​​
​ITU-T R​​​ec. Number

​Recommendations consented by ITU-T SG20 for Last Call (AAP - Recommendation ITU-T A.8)
The ITU-T SG20 plenary meeting gave consent (AAP) to a number of draft new ITU-T Recommendations according to Recommendation ITU-T A.8:

Revised Recommendations​​
​​​ITU-T Rec. ​​Number



New Recommendations 
ITU-T Rec. ​Number​​
Provisional na​me ​
Title Question  ​TD
ITU-T Y.4216
Y.infraRequirements of sensing and data collection system for city infrastructureQ1/20 TD282-R1
ITU-T Y.4600



Requirements and capabilities of a digital twin system for smart citiesQ2/20 TD306-R1
ITU-T Y.4481


Framework for data middle-platform in IoT and smart sustainable citiesQ2/20 TD298-R1
ITU-T Y.4217



Service requirements and capability framework for IoT-related crowdsourced systemsQ2/20 TD311-R1
ITU-T Y.4482Y.IoT-SLFRequirements and framework​ for smart livestock farming based on Internet of thingsQ2/20 TD299-R1
ITU-T Y.4483
Y.IoT-DSE-arcReference architecture of service exposure for decentralized services for Internet of things applicationsQ3/20 TD255-R1
ITU-T Y.4484Y.eHealth-SemanticFramework to support Web of Objects ontology based semantic data interoperability of eHealth servicesQ4/20 TD268-R1
ITU-T Y.4052​​Y.blockchain-termsVocabulary for blockchain for supporting Internet of things and smart cities and communities in data processing and management aspectsQ5/20

 Agreed informative texts
​​ITU-T Sup​​. Nu​m​​b​er
Draft Supplement for agreement ​​Title​​ ​Question

​ ​​TD

Recommendations determined 
ITU-T Rec. Number Provisional name Title Question

ITU-T Y.4601 Y.dt-smartfirefightingRequirements and capability framework of digital twin for smart firefighting​Q2/20
ITU-T Y.4500.3Y.oneM2M.SEC.SOLoneM2M - Security solutions​Q6/20

New work items
TD refe​rence Question Rec/Tech.Rep./Suppl Working title Title

TD280 [A.13 TD279-R1]

Q1/20Technical ReportYSTR.BP-DTwBest Practices for Graphical Digital Twins of Smart Cities

TD291 [A.13 TD290-R1]

Q1/20Technical ReportYSTR.ACC-SCCGuidelines on developing ICT services for accessible smart cities

TD278 [A.1 TD277-R1]

Q1/20RecommendationY.dtf-rachReference architecture of digital twin federation in smart cities and communities

TD276 [A.1 TD275-R1]

Q1/20RecommendationY.dtf-infoexInformation exchange model for digital twin federation in smart cities and communities

TD274 [A.1 TD273-R2]

Q1/20RecommendationY.DRI-reqtsRequirements for autonomous urban delivery robots interworking
TD289-R2 [A.1 TD288-R1]Q1/20RecommendationY.MIMMinimal Interoperability Mechanisms for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities
TD271-R1 [A.1 TD270-R2] Q2/20RecommendationY.dt-IWCSRequirements and capability framework of digital twin for intelligent water conservancy system
TD338-R1 [A.1 TD337-R1]Q2/20RecommendationY.FSPHFramework for smart public health emergency management in smart and sustainable cities
TD341-R1 [A.1 TD340-R2]Q2/20RecommendationY.IoT-RTPSUse cases, requirements and capabilities of Internet of Things infrastructures in roadside traffic perception system

TD207-R1 [A.1 TD206-R2]

Q3/20RecommendationY.IoT-NCM-archFunctional architecture of network connectivity management in the Internet of things
TD351-R2 [A.1 TD350-R2] Q4/20RecommendationY.CL-EDMEnergy data model for city-level energy management platform

TD257 [A.1 TD256]

Q4/20RecommendationY.DSGS-dmsRequirements and functional architecture of data management system for smart greenhouse service
TD262-R1 [A.1 TD261-R1]Q4/20RecommendationY.SF-predictionService framework of prediction for intelligent IoT
TD264-R1 [A.1 TD263-R1]Q4/20RecommendationY.IoT-CRE-frFramework of Common rule enablement for intelligent IoT services in heterogeneous IoT platform environments
TD345-R2 [A.1 TD344-R2]Q4/20RecommendationY.DPM-alm-fraFunctional requirements and architecture of blockchain-based activity logs management for IoT data processing and management
TD363-R3 [A.13 TD362-R3]Q4/20Technical ReportYSTR.dscmAnalysis of data sharing control models
TD294-R1 [A.1 TD293-R1]Q4/20RecommendationY.4560-revBlockchain-based data exchange and sharing for supporting Internet of things and smart cities and communities

TD297 [A.1 TD296]

Q4/20RecommendationY.DM-SLFConceptual data model of smart livestock farming service

TD347 [A.13 TD346]

Q4/20Technical PaperYSTP.AIoTChallenges of and Guidelines to Standardization on Artificial Intelligence of Things

TD326 [A.13  TD325]

Q5/20SupplementY.Sup.DT-definitionDigital transformation for people-centred smart cities and communities: an analysis of definitions
[A.13 TD203-R4]Q6/20Technical ReportYSTR.IoT-IMSRequirements and capability framework for identification management service of IoT device
TD205-R3 [A.1 TD204-R3] Q7/20RecommendationY.KPEM-SMKey performance evaluation models of smart manufacturing
TD223-R2  [A.1 TD222-R2] Q7/20RecommendationY.QE-DMI-SSCQuality evaluation of digital models in industry for smart sustainable cities
TD259  [A.1 TD258-R1] Q7/20RecommendationY.Highway-KPIKey performance indicators of ICT based highway traffic safety assessment
TD321 [A.13 TD320-R1]Q7/20Technical ReportYSTR.HTSA-overview
Overview of ICT based highway traffic safety assessment

The full list of Contributions can be found in T​​D108​.​

Main decisions taken by WTSA-20 

TSB provided a brief overview of the main decisions taken at WTSA-20. The following TDs were presented and noted:
Organization of the work of SG2​0 

ITU-T SG20 Management Team
During the WTSA-20 (Geneva, 1-9 March 2022), the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of ITU-T SG20 has been appointed as contained in TD142. TD142 has been noted during the SG20 plenary.

ITU-T SG20 Structure
The structure of SG20 was approved as contained in TD143-R3. This TD includes information on the establishment of two working parties, the designation of Working Party Chairmen and Vice chairmen as well as the designation of Rapporteurs and Associate rapporteurs. ​
Map of Working Party Meeting reports ​

WP1/20​ WP2/20
Meeting Report (including a summary of Questions'results) & Work Programme TD119-R6 TD120-R2

List of current and future stale work items​

TSB provided information on the list of current and future stale work items as contained in TD106-R3 . The Rapporteurs of the concerned Questions were encouraged to discuss these work items during their sessions and take appropriate action when needed. TD106-R3 provides information on the results of the discussions concerning the current and future stale work items.

​​Work Programme

The updated work programme can be found h​ere.

Rapporteur group meetings (including e-meetings)

The complete list of planned meetings and e-meetings can be found at:​

Updates in the ITU-T SG20 management team and Rapporteurs

ITU-T SG20 Regional Groups

ITU-T SG20 Regional Group for Africa (SG20RG-AFR) 
TD178 contains the proposed new chairman for SG20RG-AFR, Mr Ramy Ahmed Fathy, National Telecom Regulatory Authority, Egypt. This document was noted and approved.

ITU-T SG20 Regional Group for Latin America (SG20RG-LATAM)
 TD166 contains the proposed new chairman for SG20RG-ARB, Mr Muath Alrumayh, Communication and Information Technology Commission, Saudi Arabia. This document was noted and approved. 

ITU-T SG20 Regional Group for Latin America (SG20RG-LATAM)​
TD184 and TD376 contain the proposed new vice-chairman for SG20RG-LATAM from Guatemala and Dominican Republic, respectively:
ITU-T SG20 Regional Group for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia (SG20RG-EECAT)
It was noted that there are no updates for SG20RG-EECAT.

Focus Group related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) for Digital Agriculture 

Dr Ramy Fathy (FG-AI4A Co-Chairman) together with Dr Sebastian Bosse (FG-AI4 Co-Chairman) presented the FG-AI4A Progress Report (from March to July 2022) as contained in TD182. The update of the current activities of FG-AI4A is also contained in TD177.

Through the Progress Report (in TD182) and the Liaison Statement contained in TD179, FG-AI4A requested ITU-Study Group 20 to extend its lifetime by one-year, in keeping with the timeline for the completion of deliverables and the fact that the next ITU-SG20 meeting is anticipated to take place after the current life-time of FG-AI4A ends in March 2023.

Following the discussion, the meeting agreed to extend the lifetime of FG-AI4A until the end of the current 2022-2024 study period. Subsequently, a Liaison Statement (as contained in TD201) was sent from ITU-T SG20 to FG-AI4A communicating the extension of the latter's lifetime.

Collaboration matters and information sharing

​The following TDs were presented and noted during the SG20 opening plenary:  

​Collaboration with IEC SyC Smart Cities

TD167 on “LS/i on Joint Working Group on City Information Modelling and Urban Digital Twins" was discussed during the SG20 Opening plenary and it was agreed to request Q1/20 to discuss this matter and prepare an outgoing liaison statement accordingly. (See TD315-R1).

TD104 on “LS/i on proposal for joint work on Smart Cities Reference Architecture (SCRA)" and TD181 on “LS/i on proposal for joint work on Smart Cities Reference Architecture (SCRA)" were discussed during the SG20 Opening plenary and it was agreed to request Q3/20 to discuss this matter and prepare an outgoing liaison statement accordingly. (See TD327-R1). 

Joint IEC-ISO-ITU Smart Cities Task Force (J-SCTF)

TD173 was presented during the SG20 opening plenary inviting TSAG through SG20 to extend the lifetime of the IEC-ISO-ITU Joint smart city task force. TSAG approved this request and an outgoing liaison statement was prepared as contained in TD244-R1

Collaboration with oneM2M

C114 - Proposal regarding the liaison between ITU-T SG20 and oneM2M from United Kingdom was presented during the SG20 opening plenary. Following discussions, it was agreed to request Dr Abdulhadi Aboualmal to conduct informal consultations and hold a series of sessions to discuss the collaboration between oneM2M and ITU-T SG20.

The Sessions on Collaboration between ITU-T SG20 and oneM2M took place on 20 and 21 July 2022. The draft agenda of the session is contained in TD191-R1 and the meeting report is contained in TD374During the session the following documents were presented:  
​​After the session, the following TD was revised accordingly:
During the SG20 closing plenary, it was agreed to approve:​

Additionally, an official letter from TSDSI concerning the compliance with ITU IPR policy was noted (TD377).

Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.oneM2M.SEC.SOL "oneM2M - Security solutions" was determined. (See: TD202-R3 ).

With a view to improve the ongoing collaboration between ITU-T SG20 and oneM2M, it was agreed to carry out a series of informal consultations led by the SG20 Chairman, Dr Ramy Fathy and Dr Abdulhadi Aboualmal with oneM2M. The result of these informal consultations will be presented at the next SG20 meeting. ​

​​Correspondence Group for Artificial intelligence of Things Activities (CG-AIoT)

During the SG20 Plenary, the following TDs were presented and noted:
A CG-AIoT Session took place on 20 July 2022, 13:30-16:00 hours, Geneva time.

In the briefing session, the CG-AIoT Convener with the presentation material (TD208) introduced Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) as a combination of AI, data and IoT, and presented the details of CG-AIoT activities, including the Terms of Reference of the CG-AIoT. The draft agenda is contained in TD192.

The CG-AIoT under Question 4/20 discussed 5 Contributions. Q4/20 agreed to initiate a new work item on draft new Technical Paper ITU-T YSTP.AIoT "Challenges of and Guidelines to Standardization on Artificial Intelligence of Things" with 2 output documents (TD347 and TD346 (A.13)) including the meeting report (TD380).

In the SG20 closing plenary, the meeting report (TD380) was approved along with the lifetime extension until the next SG20 meeting to be held on 30 January – 10 February 2023.

Preparations for the next study period

It was announced during the closing plenary that the SG20 management team discussed this matter and suggested designating Dr Ramy Fathy as Convener for the SG20 preparations for the next study period, supported by Dr Shane He and Dr Abdulhadi Aboualmal.

The meeting agreed on these appointments as contained in TD382.

A proposal of the possible SG20 future structure will be made available on the SG20 website in early January 2023 so that SG20 members will have the time to review it and submit contributions to the next SG20 meeting. ​

Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things and Smart Cities and Communities (JCA-IoT and SC&C) 

The appointment of Mr Toru Yamada as a new JCA IoT SC&C Co-convener has been approved during the SG20 Opening Plenary.

The twenty sixth meeting of the JCA-IoT and SC&C took place on 19 July 2022 under the Chairmanship of Mr Fabio Bigi and Mr Toru Yamada. All the meeting documents can be found here. The Final Report of the 26th JCA-IoT and SC&C meeting can be found here.

The report which was presented by Mr Fabio Bigi, JCA IoT SC&C Co-convener, has been also approved as contained in TD372, along with the 3 outgoing liaison statements listed below.

It should be also noted that ASTM and AIOTI were encouraged to explore collaboration with ITU-T based on Recommendation ITU-T A.4Recommendation ITU-T A.5 and Recommendation ITU-T A.6.

The next JCA IoT SC&C meeting is planned to take place in conjunction with the next SG20 meeting to be held in 2023.  

Promotion activities and bridging the standardization gap​

Additionally, ITU-T SG20 experts were informed of future and past events:           
Mr Marco Carugi was appointed as the ITU-T Study Group 20 Mentor for the study period 2022-2024.

Future events and dates of next ITU-T Study Group 20 meeting and Regional Group meetings:​