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Executive Summary

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Executive Summary of the ITU-T Study Group 20 Meeting and 
Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things and Smart Cities and Communities 
(Wuxi, China, 3-13 December 2018)

Numbers and other links
Main discussions and results
At its meeting in Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018, ITU-T Study Group 20 achieved the following outcomes:​

Major accomplishments:
Approval of the report of the last ITU-T SG20 meeting
The report of the last ITU-T SG20 meeting held in Cairo, 6-16 May 2018 was approved as contained in​ Report​ 5​.

Recommendations consented by ITU-T SG20 for Last Call (AAP – Recommendation ITU-T A.8)
The ITU-T SG20 plenary meeting gave consent (AAP) to 11 draft new ITU-T Recommendations for Last Call, according to Recommendation ITU-T A.8:

New Recommendations

ITU-T Rec. N​u​mber Draft new/revised
Rec. No.
Title Question TD
Framework of wireless power transmission application service
Requirements of things description in the Internet of Things
Accessibility requirements for the Internet of things applications and services
Service functionalities of self-quantification over Internet of things
Requirements and functional architecture of smart street light service
Requirements and functional architecture of smart residential community
Vocabulary for smart cities and communities
​Requirements and reference model of IoT-related crowdsourced systems
Y.Iot-Interop​An architecture for IoT interoperability​6/20
Y.SSC-MM​Smart sustainable cities maturity model​7/20
Smart sustainable city impact assessment​

Draft Supplements agreed

​​ITU-T Sup. Nu​mber
Question Draft Supplement for agreement
​Title​ ​​C / TD PLEN
Y.Sup.53 to
ITU-T 4000 series​
2/20​​Supplement Y.IoT-Use-Cases​IoT Use Cases​ TD1061-R1
Y.Sup.52 to
ITU-T 4000 series​
5/20​Supplement Y.MEDT​Methodology for building digital capabilities during enterprises' digital transformation​ TD1065-R2

New work items

TD reference Question
Working title Title
High-level requirements and capabilities of smart railway station platform
Common requirements and capabilities of smart buildings from the IoT perspective
IoT technical requirements and framework for monitoring physical city assets
Requirements and capability framework of IoT infrastructure to support network-assisted autonomous vehicles
OID-based Resolution framework for transaction of distributed ledger assigned to IoT resources
[A.1: TD1092]
Framework of IoT Services based on Visible Light Communications​

[A.1: TD1095]
Framework of IoT based monitoring and management for Lift
[A.1 TD1098]
Implementation Guidelines to ITU-T Y.4409
[A.1: TD1106]
Framework for AR and VR based control in IoT
[A.1 TD997-R3]
IoT identifiers for intelligent transport systems
[A.1 TD1005-R1]
Reference architecture of blockchain-based unified KPI data management for smart sustainable cities
[A.1 TD1047-R1]
Key performance indicators for smart sustainable cities to assess the achievement of sustainable development goals
Guidelines for digital inclusion in the development of digital urban technology and smart cities
Standards Mapping Assessment for Smart Sustainable City (SSC) Strategy​


The full list of contributions can be found in TD​977-R1​.​
During the opening plenary it was decided to assign C490-R1 “Unification of IoT Identifiers for Intelligent Transport Systems” that was previously allocated to Q4/20 to be discussed in Q6/20 instead.

The following Contributions were addressed to QAll/20:

​International Benchmark on IoT concept
​This Contribution was noted by the meeting.
​Argentina - IoT Vertical Summit
​This Contribution was agreed to be discussed in Q5/20.
​IoT Roadmap report
​This Contribution was noted by the meeting.
​Report on public consultation on Internet of things (IoT)
​This Contribution was noted by the meeting.
​IPv6 coalition
​This Contribution was noted by the meeting.
​Meetings with ministries to promote the use of the Internet of Things
​This Contribution was noted by the meeting and it was agreed that it will be posted in the Global portal on IoT and Smart Cities.
​Meeting "Public - Private Dialogue: Internet of Things - An opportunity for Argentina" Buenos Aires, 16 December 2016
​This Contribution was noted by the meeting and it was agreed that it will be posted to the Global portal on IoT and Smart Cities.
​White Paper and the plan of the Information and Knowledge Society
​Ministerio de Telecomunicaciones y de la Sociedad de la Información - MINTEL (Ecuador)
This Contribution was noted by the meeting. It was presented during the JCA-IoT and SC&C meeting and it was agreed to share it for information with Q7/20.​​

Highlights of Plenipotentiary Conference 2018

The ITU Plenipotentiary Conference took place from 29 October to 16 November 2018 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. ITU-T SG20 Chairman provided a brief overview of the main outcomes and highlighted the Plenipotentiary Resolutions relevant to ITU-T SG20, which are the following (as contained in TD988-R1):

List of stale work items
TSB provided information on the list of stale work items as contained in T​D942. The Rapporteurs of the concerned Questions were encouraged to discuss these work items during their sessions and take appropriate action when needed. The table below provides information on the results of the discussions concerning the stale work items​.​

​Provisional name

​Most recent reference
​Most recent reference
Action taken
​The integrated sensor web resource metadata for smart sustainable cities
​Framework of cooperative intelligent transport systems based on the Internet of things
​Reference model of protocol suite for IPV6 interoperable Internet of things deployments
​Function description and metadata of spatio-temporal information service for SSC
​TD219; TD220
​Open data indicator in smart cities

Action plans for implementation of WTSA-16 Resolution 78 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) and Resolution 98 (Hammamet, 2016) (ICTs for e-health services; IoT and smart cities and communities for global development)
TD980 contains a proposed Action Plan for the implementation of Resolution 78 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) and Resolution 98 (Hammamet, 2016). ITU-T SG20 members have been requested to provide inputs and review it at the next SG20 meeting. 

Map of Working Party Meeting reports 

Meeting Report & Work Programme TD968-R3

Work Programme

The updated work programme can be found here.

Newcomers' session
The newcomers' session took place on Tuesday 4 December 2018. Mr Marco Carugi, Q2/20 Rapporteur and ITU-T SG20 Mentor delivered the following presentations:
​Summary of Questions' Results

Working Party 1/20

Question 1/20 –"End to end connectivity, networks, interoperability, infrastructures and Big Data aspects related to IoT and SC&C" summary
The Rapporteur of Q1/20 (Mr Jun Seob Lee) opened the discussions and presented the draft agenda contained in TD951-R3.
Question 1/20 discussed two Contributions. During the meeting, Q1/20 progressed two ongoing draft Recommendations, ITU-T Y.isms “Technical framework for integrated sensing and management system” and ITU-T Y.nmm-isms “The node metadata model for integrated sensing and management system”. At the meeting, Q1/20 produced four output documents including the meeting report, two revised texts of ongoing draft Recommendations and one outgoing Liaison Statement.
The meeting report of Q1/20 (TD961-R2) was approved at the closing plenary of WP1/20.

Question 2/20 – "Requirements, capabilities, and use cases across verticals" summary
The Rapporteur of Q2/20 (Mr Marco Carugi) opened the discussions and presented the draft agenda contained in TD952-R9.
Experts of Question 2/20 addressed 37 Contributions and 17 TDs. The meeting had lively exchanges and relevant inputs from both physically and remote participants.
The objective for this meeting was to progress all existing related work items to request consent for three draft Recommendations and agreement to one draft Supplement. Draft Recommendations ITU-T Y.IoT-things-description-reqts “Requirements of things description in the Internet of Things”, ITU-T Y.Accessibility-IoT "Accessibility requirements for the Internet of things applications and services" and ITU-T Y.WPT-usecase “Framework of Wireless Power Transfer Application Service” were submitted for consent to the SG20 closing plenary. One draft new Supplement on “IoT Use Cases” (Sup.Y.IoT-Use-Cases) was submitted for agreement. Four new work items proposals were received and submitted for final approval to SG20 closing plenary. Four outgoing liaison statements were prepared.
Q2/20 experts progressed on fourteen ongoing draft Recommendations and three ongoing draft Supplements.​
The meeting report of Q2/20 (TD962-R2) was approved at the closing plenary of WP1/20.

Question 3/20 – "Architectures, management, protocols and Quality of Service" summary
The Associate Rapporteur of Q3/20 (Ms Jiayu Bi) opened the discussions and presented the draft agenda contained in TD953-R4. The Rapporteur (Ms Shane He) attented the meeting remotely.
The meeting considered in total 26 Contributions and 15 Incoming Liaison statements. According to the Contributions received and discussions held, 10 ongoing work items made good progress. During the meeting, 2 new work items were discussed, and it was agreed to submit 1 new work item to WP1/20 meeting for approval. Furthermore, three outgoing LSs were drafted and submitted to WP1/20 closing plenary.
With regard to to the stale work items relevant to Q3/20 as contained in TD942​, Q3/20 experts agreed to discontinue draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IPv6-suite “Reference model of protocol suite for IPV6 interoperable Internet of things deployments” given the fact that there were no relevant Contributions received for this work item for the last two SG20 meetings. In addition, some Members requested to cease the development of draft Recommendation Y​.IPv6RefModel “Reference model of IPv6 subnet addressing plan for Internet of things deployment”. In the end, it was agreed to postpone this decision until the next ITU-T SG20 meeting in order to give the opportunity to collect feedback and Contributions from other experts. It was also discussed the possibility to convert this work item into a Supplement or a Technical Report. As there was no decision taken at the Question level, this request was submitted to the WP1/20 closing plenary for further guidance.
The meeting report of Q3/20 (TD963-R2) was approved at the closing plenary of WP1/20.

Question 4/20– "e/Smart services, applications and supporting platforms" summary
The Rapporteur of Q4/20 (Mr Gyu Myoung Lee) opened the discussions and presented the draft agenda contained in TD954-R7. Question 4/20 experts discussed 22 Contributions. Q4/20 experts submitted three draft Recommendations for consent to SG20 closing plenary. Q4/20 experts produced 21 output documents including draft Recommendations ITU-T Y.IoT-SQ-fns “Service Functionalities of Self-quantification over Internet of Things” (TD1089), ITU-T Y.SC-Residential “Requirements and Functional Architecture of Smart Residential Community”(TD1094-R2), ITU-T Y.SSL “Requirements and Functional Architecture of Smart Street Light Service” (TD1105-R1). Four new work items were approved including, draft Recommendations ITU-T  Y.IoT-VLC “Framework of IoT Services based on Visible Light Communications” (TD1093) [A.1 TD1092]; ITU-T Y.IoT-AR “Framework for AR and VR based control in IoT” (TD1107) [A.1 TD1106]; ITU-T Y.IoT-Lift “Framework of IoT based monitoring and management for Lift” (TD1096) [A.1 TD1095​] and draft Supplement Y.Sup.4409 “Implementation Guidelines to ITU-T Y.4409” (TD1097), [A.1 TD1098​]. Additionally, one outgoing liaison statement was drafted.
The meeting report of Q4/20 (TD964-R1​) was approved at the closing plenary of WP1/20.

Working Party 2/20

Question 5/20 – "Research and emerging technologies, terminology and definitions" summary
The Associate Rapporteur of Q5/20 (Ms Mythili Menon) opened the discussions and presented the draft agenda contained in TD955-R6.
The objective of this meeting was to progress the work on existing draft Recommendations, Supplements and Technical Reports based on input Contributions.
The main results of the meeting were as follows:
The Question produced three outgoing liaison statements with one draft LS to be reviewed at the WP2/20 Plenary meeting.
The meeting report of Q5/20 (TD965-R3) was approved at the closing plenary of WP2/20.

Question 6/20 – "Security, privacy, trust and identification for IoT and SC&C" summary
The Rapporteur of Q6/20 (Mr Abdulhadi AbouAlmal) opened the discussions and presented the draft agenda contained in TD956-R7.
Good progress was achieved for discussions on a number of draft Recommendations. Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.Iot-Interop "An architecture for IoT interoperability” as contained in​ TD986-R4, was planned for consent at this meeting following AAP process as supported by some Contributions. However, there was a reservation presented by certain Administrations on the use of “DOA” and a request to consider the approval process as TAP, if this draft Recommendation would be consented at this meeting. The discussion on this draft Recommendation was deferred to the SG20 Plenary.
There was no Contribution submitted on the work item ITU-T draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.LPWA “Security, interoperability and identification aspects for Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) systems”. The meeting agreed to reconsider to discontinue this work item if no further Contribution is received at the next SG20 meeting.
The meeting report of Q6/20 (TD966-R2​) was approved at the closing plenary of WP2/20.

Question 7/20 "Evaluation and assessment of Smart Sustainable Cities and Communities" summary
The Co-Rapporteurs of Q7/20 (Mr Okan Geray and Mr Keng Li) opened the discussions and presented the draft agenda contained in TD957-R9.
Q7/20 experts held several sessions from 3-13 December 2018. Significant progress has been achieved on a number of draft Recommendations.
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SSC-IA "Smart Sustainable City Impact Assessment”, and Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SSC-MM “Smart Sustainable City Maturity Model”, were submitted for consent at the SG20 closing plenary.
Four new work items were proposed such as: draft Recommendations ITU-T Y.SSC-BKDMS-arc “Reference architecture of blockchain-based unified KPI data management for smart sustainable cities” and ITU-T Y. Stra-SSC “Standards Mapping Assessment for Smart Sustainable City (SSC) Strategy”; and draft Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup.digi-inc “Guideline for digital inclusion in the development of digital urban technology and smart cities”. It was proposed to revise draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4903 “Key performance indicators for smart sustainable cities to assess the achievement of sustainable development goals”​.
The work item draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.ODI “Open Data Indicators” has been discontinued since no Contributions were received for it for several meetings.
The meeting report of Q7/20 (TD967-R2) was approved at the closing plenary of WP2/20.

Rapporteur group meetings (including e-meetings)
The complete list of planned meetings and e-meetings can be found at:

Updates in the ITU-T SG20 management team and Rapporteurs
During the SG20 Opening Plenary, Ms Jiayu Bi (China Telecom) was appointed as Associate Rapporteur of Q3/20.
During the Closing Plenary, upon request of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) (USA), Mr Franz Zichy was appointed as WP2/20 Vice-chairman in replacement of Ms Adriane Lapointe.
It was also proposed and agreed in the Closing Plenary that Mr Marios Angelopoulos (Bournemouth University) be appointed as Associate Rapporteur of Q5/20.​

Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities & Communities (FG-DPM)
The FG-DPM Chairman presented the incoming liaison statement (iLS) from the FG-DPM on progress report as contained in TD913. This iLS was noted by the meeting.
The report of the fourth meeting of FG-DPM (Egypt, Cairo, 1-3 May 2018) was noted by the meeting as contained in TD973.
The report of the fifth meeting of FG-DPM (Tunis, Tunisia, 17-20 September 2018) was noted by the meeting as contained in TD974.

ITU-T SG20 Regional Groups
ITU-T SG20 Regional Group for Africa (ITU-T SG20RG-AFR)
The Chairman of ITU-T SG20RG-AFR informed that the second meeting of the ITU-T SG20RG-AFR is planned to take place Abuja, Nigeria. It is planned that this meeting is held in conjunction with ITU-T SG5RG-AFR meeting. During the ITU-T SG20 meeting the official invitation from Nigeria was received and accepted with thanks.

ITU-T SG20 Regional Group for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia (ITU-T SG20RG-EECAT)
The report of the SG20RG-EECAT meeting, 4-5 June 2018 (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation) was presented as contained in TD975​.

Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things and Smart Cities and Communities (JCA-IoT and SC&C) 
The twentieth meeting of the JCA-IoT and SC&C took place on 6 December 2018 under the Chairmanship of Hyoung Jun Kim. All the meeting documents can be found here. The Final Report of the 20th JCA-IoT and SC&C meeting can be found here (also TD1083-R1).

Collaboration matters and information sharing
The following TDs were presented and noted during the SG20 opening plenary:
Promotion activities and bridging the standardization gap​
The following TDs were presented and noted during the ITU-T SG20 opening plenary:            
​Additionally ITU-T SG20 experts were informed of past events that took place after the last ITU-T SG20 meeting (Cairo, Egypt, 6-16 May 2018):
​​Future events and dates of next ITU-T Study Group 20 meeting, FG-DPM and Regional Group meetings:​