ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Executive Summary

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Executive Summary of the ITU-T Study Group 20 Meeting (Geneva, 1-12 July 2024)​​

Numbers and other links​​

Main discussions and results
 At its meeting held from 1-12 July 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland ITU-T SG20 achieved the following outcomes:​ ​

Major accomplishments​

Approval of the report of the last ITU-T SG20 meeting
The report of the ITU-T SG20 meeting held in Arusha, 13-22 September 2023 was approved as contained in Report 11.​

​​Approved Recommendations by ITU-T SG20 (TAP-WTSA-20 Resolution 1)​​
ITU-T Rec. Num​b​er Ti​tle Question Report​/ TD​
Requirements for the interworking of autonomous​ urban delivery robots
Requirements and capability framework of digital twin for intelligent transport systemQ2/20
Requirements of IoT-based electric power infrastructure monitoring systemQ2/20 TD1347-R2
Y.4497Requirements and functional architecture of smart sharing bicycle serviceQ3/20 Rep​ort16​
Y.4487A functional architecture of roadside multi-sensor data fusion systems for autonomous vehiclesQ3/20 Report8
Y.4498Framework for city-level energy data sharing and analytics among buildingsQ4/20 TD1341-R2
Y.4488Requirements and functional architecture of data services provided via IoT-based technologies for the safety of manufacturing-related working environmentsQ4/20

Recommendations consented by ITU-T SG20 for Last Call (AAP - Recommendation ITU-T A.8)
The ITU-T SG20 plenary meeting gave consent (AAP) to a number of draft new ITU-T Recommendations according to Recommendation ITU-T A.8:

Revised Recommendations
ITU-T Rec. Number​​ Title Question TD
​Framework of delegation service for Internet of things devices

New Recommendations
ITU-T Re​​​c. ​Number Provisional name Title Question T​D
Functional framework and requirements for disaster monitoring systemQ1/20
Y. 4705Y.nmm-ismsMetadata model of sensing capability for disaster monitoring systemQ1/20
(A.5 TD1438)
Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms for smart and sustainable cities and communitiesQ1/20 TD1548-R2
Y.4227Y.IoT-BC-reqts-cap  IoT requirements and capabilities for support of blockchainQ2/20 TD1453-R1
Y.4228Y.IIoT-infra-SM-frRequirements and framework of Industrial IoT (IIoT) infrastructure for smart manufacturingQ2/20 TD1442-R1
Y.RA-SDLFunctional architecture for smart door lock service frameworkQ3/20
Y.4502Y.IoT-SQMSRequirements and functional architecture of IoT sensing quality management serviceQ3/20 TD1392
Y.4503Y.IoT-CRE-frFramework of common rule enablement for intelligent IoT services in heterogeneous IoT platform environmentsQ4/20 TD1490-R1
Y.4504Y.SF-predictionService framework of prediction for intelligent IoTQ4/20 TD1484-R1

​Agreed informative texts​ 
ITU-T Tech.Rep./Sup. Number Provisional name Title
Questi​on    T​D​
YSTR.DataModelling-Agri YSTR.DataModelling-Agri
Data processing, management and analytics with AI for digital agriculture
Y.Suppl.82Y.Sup.AI4A-roadmapStandardization gaps and roadmap for AI and IoT in digital agriculture
Q4/20 TD1583-R1
Y.Suppl.83Y.Sup.DigitalAgri_usecasesOptimizing Digital Agriculture with Best Practices for Integrating AI and IoT
Q4/20 TD1584
YSTR.P2P-CC YSTR.P2P-CCCurrent state of P2P crowd charging platforms and corresponding market needs
Q5/20 TD1362
YSTR-IADIoT YSTR-IADIoTIntelligent Anomaly Detection System for IoTQ6/20 TD1515-R1

Recommendations determined
ITU-T Rec. Nu​mber Provisional name Title Question   TD

Reference architecture for the interworking of autonomous urban delivery robotsQ1/20 TD1505-R1
Requirements and reference functional model of IoT-based smart forest firefighting systemQ2/20 TD1443
Requirements and capability framework of public smart charging service for electric vehiclesQ2/20 TD1445-R1
Y.4231Y.IoT-VreqsRequirements and capability framework of the internet of things for visionQ2/20 TD1452-R1
Y.4232Y.IoT-RTPSRequirements, capabilities and use cases of Internet of Things infrastructures in roadside traffic perception systemQ2/20 TD1458-R1
Y.4233Y.FSPHFramework for smart public health emergency management in smart and sustainable citiesQ2/20 TD1451-R1
Requirements, capabilities and deployment models for e-learning in remote classroomsQ2/20 TD1450-R1
Y.4222Y.4222 (re-determination)Framework of smart evacuation in a disaster or emergency in smart cities and communitiesQ2/20 TD1507-R3
Y.4507Y.arc-psfwsA functional architecture of power supply facilities warning systemQ3/20 TD1391
Y.4508Y.DPM-alm-fraFunctional requirements and architecture of blockchain-based activity logs management for IoT data processing and managementQ4/20 TD1491-R1
Y.4706Y.dem-IoTData exchange model for IoT devices in power transmission and transformation equipmentQ4/20 TD1511-R1
Y.4499Y.UIM-cs-frameworkFramework for urban infrastructure monitoring based on crowdsourcingQ4/20 TD1342-R1

A.4, A.5 and A.6 Qualifications
ITU-T ​​Rec. Number Provisional name Title​ Ques​tion T​D
Y. 4705​
Y.nmm-ismsMetadata model of sensing capability for disaster monitoring systemQ1/20 TD1438

New work items
ITU-T Rec. /Tech.Rep./Sup. Wor​king ​title Title​ Question TD
RecommendationY.dtmv-reqtsRequirements of integrating virtual and physical worlds through digital twins for the metaverseQ1/20
(A.1 TD1503-R2)
RecommendationY.dtmv-refReference model of integrating virtual and physical worlds through digital twins for the metaverseQ1/20
RecommendationY.dtmv-ifInterface model and its requirements of integrating virtual and physical worlds through digital twins for the metaverseQ1/20
(A.1 TD1499-R1)
RecommendationY.ACC-IoTMVAccessibility requirements for metaverse services supporting IoTQ2/20
(A.1 TD1487-R2)​
RecommendationY.dt-PAFRequirements and capabilities of a digital twin for pedestrian accessibility facilities for persons with disabilities
RecommendationY.LASS-fraRequirements and capability framework of IoT-based low-altitude sensing system Q2/20
RecommendationY. SCGMSRequirements and capabilities of IoT-based smart crop growth monitoring system Q2/20
RecommendationY.SCCNS-ReqtsRequirements of smart city communication network system Q2/20
SupplementY.Sup-SCC-AISupplement to ITU-T Y.4223 - Use cases of smart cities and communities supported by AI Q2/20
RecommendationY.IoT-APS-ReqtsRequirements and capability framework of Internet of Things for support of application-aware service Q2/20(A.1 TD1540-R1)
RecommendationITU-T Y.4420-revFramework of IoT based monitoring and management for Lift Q2/20(A.1 TD1560-R2)
RecommendationY.DEMC-fraRequirements and framework of IoT-based distributed energy resources management and control services Q2/20
SupplementY.Sup-datainterop-usecasesSupplement to ITU-T Y.4563 – Use cases of data interoperability in Internet of things Q2/20(A.13 TD1558-R2)
RecommendationY.SC-DESMSFunctional architecture of IoT-based distributed energy storage management system in smart citiesQ3/20
RecommendationY.4417-RevFramework of self-organization networking in Internet of things environmentsQ3/20
Requirements and functional architecture for blockchain-based sustainable and cooperative digital-twin creation systemQ3/20
RecommendationY.DTS-archArchitecture of the digital twin system in power gridQ3/20
(A.​​1 TD1420-R1)​
RecommendationY. EPWS-fcFunctional capabilities to support IoT-based electric power work site operation servicesQ3/20
RecommendationY.Fram-ssdpRequirements and framework of metaverse simulation service for disaster prevention in electric power facilitiesQ3/20
RecommendationY.IoT-CMP-VRFunctional framework and capabilities of coordination management platform for IoT based vehicle-roadQ3/20
RecommendationY.IoT-ESSBFunctional architecture of IoT-based energy-saving service for smart buildingsQ3/20
RecommendationY.IoT-SASFunctional architecture of IoT-enabled smart accessibility service in smart communitiesQ3/20
RecommendationY.SA-DSC-SSCSystem architecture of digital supply chain for smart sustainable citiesQ3/20
(A​.1 TD1432-R1)​
SupplementY.Sup_SUPSFunctional architecture of IoT based smart underground parking servicesQ3/20
Technical ReportY.IoT-MVarchFunctional architecture of the IoT-based machine vision systemQ3/20
Technical ReportYSTR.DataModelling-AgriData processing, management and analytics with AI for digital agricultureQ4/20
Supplement Y.Sup.AI4A-roadmapStandardization gaps and roadmap for AI and IoT in digital agricultureQ4/20
SupplementY.Sup.DigitalAgri_usecasesOptimizing Digital Agriculture with Best Practices for Integrating AI and IoTQ4/20
RecommendationY.AIoT-frFramework of Artificial Intelligence of ThingsQ4/20
RecommendationY.AIoT-FRAFunctional requirements and architecture for Artificial Intelligence of ThingsQ4/20
RecommendationY.AIoT-dfs-arcReference architecture of data fusion service in artificial intelligence of thingsQ4/20
RecommendationY.AIoT-dpsmRequirements and framework of data processing for smart manufacturing with Artificial Intelligence of ThingsQ4/20
(A.1 TD1468)
RecommendationY.IoT-IIECFramework of the integrated intelligent IoT service based on multi edge computingQ4/20
RecommendationY.IoT-IWATFramework of interworking with agent-based transportation for intelligent IoT s​ervices
RecommendationY.DSE-LISFReference architecture of data sharing and exchange based on lightweight intelligent software framework for Internet of things devicesQ4/20
RecommendationY.KCI-IMRequirements of knowledge construction and implementation for IoT managementQ4/20
RecommendationY.EDSSFramework and requirements of electricity data sharing systemQ4/20
RecommendationY.Interop-DPMIntegrated Interoperability framework for Data Processing and ManagementQ4/20
RecommendationY.MIMbased-archMIM-based Architectural framework for interoperability in support of data sharing ecosystemsQ4/20
Technical ReportYSTR.GenAI-Sem-InteropImplications of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Semantic Interoperability for Data UseQ4/20(A.13 TD1526-R1)
RecommendationY.SPDM-reqtsRequirements and a reference model of data for Smart Pest and Disease Management (SPDM) serviceQ4/20
RecommendationY.metadata-EPIMetadata for IoT-based electric power infrastructure monitoring systemQ4/20
RecommendationY.CIPRequirements of metaverse-based emergency response in chemical industrial parksQ5/20
(A.1 TD1352)
Technical ReportYSTR.DICReference framework for distributed intelligent computing based on IoTQ5/20
(A.13 TD1353-R1)
SupplementY.Supp-Imp-CSIADESupplement to ITU-T Y.4811 - Implementation of converged service for identification and authentication for IoT devices in decentralized environmentQ6/20
(A.13 TD1403)
RecommendationY.bsis-secSecurity requirements and capabilities of base station inspection services using unmanned aerial vehiclesQ6/20
SupplementY.sup.access-secSupplement to ITU-T Y.4221 – Use cases and security requirements for sensing devices to access IoT-based electric power infrastructure monitoring systemQ6/20
SupplementY.Sup.SRS-SRSupplement to ITU-T Y.4120 - Security threats and requirements of IoT applications for smart retail storesQ6/20
Intelligent anomaly detection system for Internet of things​

Y.Evaluation-dfpQuality evaluation framework of data as a factor of production for smart sustainable citiesQ7/20
RecommendationY.DT-SSC-CVPClassification of visualization precision levels for digital twin systems in smart sustainable citiesQ7/20
RecommendationY.SNPG-refReliability evaluation frameworks of​ sensing network in power grid
TD1368- R5
​(A.1 TD1463-R1)​


The full li​st of Contributions can be found in TD1301.​

Highlights of TSAG 

TSB provided a brief overview of the highlights of TSAG. The following TD was presented and noted: 

Map of Working Party Meeting reports  




Meeting Report (including a summary of Questions’ results) & Work Programme


Map of Question Meeting reports  
Question​ TD
Q1/20 TD1321-R2
Q2/20 TD1322-R4
Q4/20 TD1324-R4
Q5/20 TD1325-R3
Q6/20 TD1326-R3

List of current and future stale work items
TSB provided information on the list of current and future stale work items as contained in TD1206-R1​. The Rapporteurs of the concerned Questions were encouraged to discuss these work items during their sessions and take appropriate action when needed.TD1206-​R2​ provides information on the results of the discussions concerning the current and future stale work items.

Work Programme​ ​
The updated work programme can be found here.​

Rapporteur group meetings (including e-meetings)​​  
The complete list of planned meetings and e-meetings can be found at:

Updates in the ITU-T SG20 management team and Rapporteurs​​ 

​ITU-T SG20 Regional Groups​

ITU-T SG20 Regional Group for Africa (SG20RG-AFR)

ITU-T SG20 Regional Group for the Arab Region (SG20RG-ARB)

ITU-T SG20 Regional Group for Latin America (SG20RG-LATAM)
ITU-T SG20 Regional Group for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia (SG20RG-EECAT)
ITU-T SG20 Regional Group for Asia Pacific (SG20RG-AP).
WTSA-24 preparations​ ​ 

The following WTSA-24 preparation sessions were chaired by Dr Shane He and Dr Ramy Ahmed Fathy (ITU-T SG20 Vice-Chairs):​
The following documents have been presented and discussed during the WTSA-24 preparation sessions:

The draft report of the WTSA-24 preparations sessions is contained in TD1597. It has been agreed to submit for approval the Draft ToRs of SG20 for WTSA-24 preparations, as contained in TD1149-R14 and Draft SG20 title, mandate, lead roles and points of guidance, as contained in TD1234-R4 to TSAG meeting that will take place on 29 July - 2 August 2024. An Ad hoc group on IoT, digital twins and AI for effective energy management (AHG-EEM) tasked to discuss the terms of reference for a new Question on IoT, digital twins and AI for effective energy management has been agreed. The terms of reference were agreed as contained in TD1603-R1.​

​Focus Group related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) for Di​gital Agricu​lture (FG-AI4A)  ​​ ​

FG-AI4A Progress Report (from September 2023 to June 2024), as contained in TD1299-R1, the FG-AI4A Final Report, as contained in TD1340 and the Report of the 10th meeting of the FG-AI4A, as contained in TD1344 were presented. The FG-AI4A has concluded its work. 

The progress report and final report were approved. During the SG20 plenary, FG-AI4A submitted the following completed deliverables as contained in TD1339:

These deliverables were discussed during the session on FG-AI4A Deliverables that took place on 5 July 2024, 1400-1530 hours, Geneva time. The draft report of the session is contained in TD1537-R1. Five deliverables, as contained in TD1339 and the FG-AI4A Technical Report on Glossary - Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) for Digital Agriculture, as contained in TD830-R2 were discussed in Q2/20, Q4/20 and Q5/20. Three new work items were established in Q4/20. ​

Discussion on the deliverables of ITU Focus Group on metaverse (FG-MV)   

TD1305 – LS/i on Results of the seventh and final meeting of the FG-MV was presented by Ms Cristina Bueti, Counsellor​. ​FG-MV deliverables were discussed during the sessions on FG-MV Deliverables that took place:

ITU-T SG20 discussed and reviewed the FG-MV deliverables allocated by TSAG during its meeting in January 2024. The results of the discussions are contained in TD1590-R3. The meeting reviewed the draft LS/o/r on metaverse (reply to TSAG-LS35) [to TSAG]. It was agreed to send the outgoing liaison statement to TSAG as contained in TD15​89-R4​. It was agreed that work items Draft Recommendations ITU-T Y.dtmv-if “Interface model and its requirements of integrating virtual and physical worlds through digital twins for the metaverse”, ITU-T Y.ACC-IoTMV “Accessibility requirements for metaverse services supporting IoT”, ITU-T Y.Fram-ssdp “Requirements and framework of metaverse simulation service for disaster prevention in electric power facilities” and ITU-T Y.CIP “Requirements of metaverse-based emergency response in chemical industrial parks” will begin their work, while the following work items Draft Recommendations ITU-T Y.dtmv-reqts “Requirements of integrating virtual and physical worlds through digital twins for the metaverse” and ITU-T Y.dtmv-ref “Reference model of integrating virtual and physical worlds through digital twins for the metaverse” will not commence their work until the related FG-MV deliverables will be discussed during the next TSAG meeting to be held on 29 July - 2 August 2024. It was agreed to send the outgoing liaison statement to TSAG as contained in TD1606-R1.

Collaboration matters and information sharing​ 

During the ITU-T SG20 opening plenary, it was agreed that ​following documents were presented during the JCA-IoT and SC&C meeting:​
Joint IEC-ISO-ITU Smart Cities Task Force (J-SCTF) ​ ​ 

TD1329 on “Update on Joint IEC-ISO-ITU Smart Cities Task Force (J-SCTF) activities" was presented during the JCA IoT and SC&C meeting.

Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things and Smart Cities and Communities (JCA-IoT and SC&C)  

The twenty-nineth meeting of the JCA-IoT and SC&C took place on 2 July 2024, under the Chairship of Mr Toru Yamada and Mr Fabio Bigi. All the meeting documents can be found here. The report as contained in TD1398 was presented by Mr Toru Yamada, JCA-IoT SC&C Co-Convener and was approved during the SG20 plenary held on 10 July 2024. The next JCA IoT SC&C meeting is planned to take place in conjunction with the next SG20 meeting in 2025.

Promotion activities and bridging the standardization gap​
Future events and dates of next ITU-T SG20 meeting and Regional Group meetings: