ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Executive Summary

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Executive Summary of the SG11 meeting (Geneva, 10-19 May 2023​)​

ITU-T Study Group 11 “Signalling requirements, protocols, test specifications and combating counterfeit telecommunication/ICT devices” meeting was held in Geneva from 10 to 19 May 2023 and was attended by 181 delegates from 38 countries.

Webcasts were provided for the study group opening and closing plenary sessions. All other sessions were supported by ITU MyMeetings remote participation tool. Interpretation was available in English, French, Russian and Arabic at the closing plenary. Remote participation guideline was available on the SG11 webpage for Delegates and Moderators. Additional remote participation guida​nce is contained in SG11-TD249/GEN.

Parallel events:

1     Draft Recommendations for (TAP) Determination (Resolution 1)
None at this meeting​.

2     Consented Recommendations (ITU-T A.8)
The following table shows the “Consented” draft Recommendations (based on SG11-TD256/GEN).

# Q WP Draft new/revised Rec. No. Title Final TD A.5 justification
ITU-T Q.5006

Signaling requirements for hierarchical network slicing service​

ITU-T Q.4140 

Signalling requirements for service deployment in computing power network
ITU-T Q.5026
(ex Q.DIVS-IMT2020)
Signalling Requirements and Protocol for Providing Network-oriented Data Integrity Verification Service based on Blockchain in IMT-2020 network​

ITU-T Q.5027
(ex Q.IITSN)​
Protocol for IMT-2020 network Integration with Time Sensitive Network​SG11-TD513/GEN​SG11-TD395-R1/GEN​

Supplements, Handbooks, Technical Papers, Guidelines and Corrigenda

No Supplements were agreed at this meeting.

​3.2  Guidelines
No Guidelines were agreed at this meeting.

3.3  Handbooks
No Handbooks were agreed at this meeting.

  Technical Papers / Technical Reports
The following table shows the draft Technical Report agreed by the SG11 meeting (based on SG11-TD256/GEN​).

​Final TD
​Session-layer network coding protocol for multicast data transmission

3.5  Corrigenda
The following table shows the draft Corrigenda consented by the SG11 meeting (based on SG11-TD256/GEN​).
​Final TD
Corrigendum 1 to ITU-T Q.3063
Signalling procedures of calling line identification authentication

Recommendations/Technical reports/Supplements deleted
No Recommendations/Technical Reports/Supplements were deleted at this meeting.

5     SG11 Structure, Management and Rapporteurs
The SG11 Management is:
SG11 Chairman: Ritu Ranjan MITTAR (Ministry of Communications, India)
Note: according to “resolve 7” of Resolution 208 (PP-22), it is noted that Juan Matias CATTANEO (Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones, ENACOM), Arezu OROJLU (Communications Regulatory Authority, CRA) and Ibrahim BALA (Telecommunications and Post Regulatory Authority, Sudan) did not attend the meeting.

It was decided that, due to other commitments, the Rapporteur of Q12/11, Mr Ruslan Kirichek (SPbSUT, Russia) stepped down. Mr Anshul Kumar GUPTA (Ministry of Communications, India) was appointed as Rapporteur of Q12/11. Mr Ruslan Kirichek was thanked for his active work with ITU-T SG11.

There were no changes to the structure of SG11.

The current structure of ITU-T SG11, including acting Rapporteurs appointed for this particular meeting is available in SG11-TD244-R1/GEN​

6     Questions
There were no changes to the Questions texts at this meeting.

Liaison officers and Rapporteurs
Following the RG-WM Rapporteur calls, SG11 appointed Minrui Shi (China Telecommunication Corporation) as EWM liaison rapporteur as per WTSA Resolution 32. Also, SG11 appointed Dan Xu (China Telecom) as JCA-ML liaison officer and Kaoru Kenyoshi (NICT, Japan) as JCA-QKDN liaison officer. The final list of Liaison Officers and representatives can be found in SG11-TD245-R1/GEN.

8     Conformity Assessment Steering Committee
The fifteen meeting of the ITU-T Conformity Assessment Steering Committee (CASC) was held in Geneva on 12 May 2023 during the ITU-T SG11 meeting. TSB gave a comprehensive presentation about status of received applications from Testing Laboratories which seek ITU recognition (SG11-TD385/GEN). The presentation provides information about successfully registered Testing Laboratories and the applications which were rejected due to non-compliance with the criteria defined in ITU-T Guideline. This activity goes in close collaboration with the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC, The Memorandum of Understanding among ITU-T, the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) was updated and signed in August 2022. The description of the procedure and recognition criteria are defined in the ITU-T Guideline on Testing Laboratory Recognition procedure which were updated by ITU-T SG11 in July 2022.

In general, the following results achieved as of April 2023:
​ILAC representative presented an ILAC Report and gave a presentation about ILAC Testing Laboratory Assessment Procedure (SG11-TD398/GEN). It was noted that the final ILAC Assessment Procedure in the field of Telecommunications is supposed to be approved by ILAC in 2023.

It was noted at the meeting that according to Resolution 76, WTSA, ITU-T SGs are encouraged to provide to CASC a list of ITU-T Recommendations which could be candidates for the certification scheme. TSB was encouraged to collaborate with IAF on this matter.
SG11 noted the need to organize a webinar aimed at promoting awareness and increasing adherence to the ITU test laboratory recognition procedure. The relevant webinar is planned to be organized in 2023.

Also, CASC revised list of ITU-T technical experts who were appointed based on ITU-T Guideline “ITU-T CASC procedure to appoint ITU-T technical experts”.

All details are available in the CASC report (SG11-TD302/GEN​).

9     Signalling and protocols, including IMT-2020 and P2P communications related issues​​
SG11 consented the Corrigendum 1 to ITU-T Q.3063 “Signalling procedures of calling line identification authentication”. Also, SG11 agreed Technical Report TR-NCDP “Session-layer network coding protocol for multicast data transmission”. In addition, SG11 started seven signalling-related new work items. More details are available in SG11-TD257/GEN​.

With regard to IMT-2020 related aspects, SG11 consented the following draft Recommendations:​
​Also, SG11 started seven IMT-2020-related new work items and two P2P-related new work items. More details are available in WP1/11 and WP2/11 reports (SG11-TD298-R1/GEN and SG11-TD299-R2/GEN).

10     Signalling of Computing Power Networks (CPN)

SG11 consented the first draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.4140 (ex.Q.CPN) “Signalling requirements for service deployment in computing power network”. In this regard, SG11 closing plenary agreed to open a new Q.sub-series for CPN-related Recommendations which focus on signalling aspects – “Q.4140-Q.4159: Protocols and signalling for computing power networks”.
Also, SG11 has made progress on relevant ongoing work items on CPN as follows:​
More details are available in WP1/11 report (SG11-TD298-R1/GEN​) and WP3/11 report (SG11-TD300-R1/GEN​).​

11     ​QKDN protocols
SG11 has made progress on QKDN signalling requirements and protocols, including:
Also, SG11 started two more new work items on QKDN. More details are available in WP1/11 report (SG11-TD298-R1/GEN).​

12     Signalling security
Since 2016, SG11 continues its studies on implementation of security measures on signalling level in order to cope with different types of attacks on existing ICT infrastructure and services (e.g. OTP intercept, calls intercept, spoofing numbers, robocalls, etc.).
Among the solutions to be used against such attacks is the use of digital signature (digital certificates) in the signalling exchange which may guarantee the trustworthiness of the sender.
In 2020 and further in 2022, ITU-T SG11 developed three key standards which define the way on how digital certificate can be inserted into signalling exchange (ITU-T Q.3057, Q.3062 and Q.3063).
SG11 organized series of Webinars and Workshops to provide overview of existing signalling protocols and their security, as well as the way forward.
In May 2023, SG11 started a new work item Q.TSCA​ “Procedure for issuing digital certificates for signalling security”. The baseline text is available in SG11-TD401/GEN​.
All SG11 results and related events on signalling security are available on dedicated web page at:
More details are available in WP1/11 report (SG11-TD298-R1/GEN​).

13     Testing and monitoring specifications

SG11 agreed to start nine new work items on testing and monitoring aspects. Among the topics of new work items are: the testing of the robotics on the model network, performance monitoring of SRv6 network, methods and metrics for monitoring ML/AI in future networks including IMT-2020, monitoring parameters for protocols and resources of SDN/NFV and SD-WAN, interoperability testing for cloud-based control plane of vBNG, interoperability testing between CSP/CSC for DaaS, interoperability testing of orchestration in NGNe, testing requirements of DPI device.

More details are available in WP3/11 report (SG11-TD300-R1/GEN).​

14     Implementation of ITU C&I Programme
In May 2023, based on received contribution, SG11 revised its C&I action plan. Among other changes the updated SG11 C&I action plan defines a new procedure for collecting inputs related to:
Also, it was agreed to terminate the living list of Recommendations and related specifications within key technologies suitable for C&I testing as it is not updated since 2016 and it partially duplicates information contained in the reference table.

As a new procedure, SG11 Action plan defines (see SG11-TD507/GEN):
“ITU C&I TSB secretariat is requested to maintain the reference table and list of pilot projects based on received inputs from respective SGs.

The updates can be provided to TSB secretariat either via mailbox or via liaison statements addressed to SG11. TSB can update reference table and list of pilot projects without SG11 consideration and approval.

In case TSB receives request for registering ICT products in ITU Product Conformity Database which application refers to the test specifications developed by A.5 qualified SDOs, which are not listed in the current version of the Reference Table, TSB needs to inform respective SG on its plan to add reference to such test specification in the Reference table accordingly. The relevant SG or its management may provide their comments to TSB directly within particular highlighted timeframe.” The ITU C&I Portal will be updated accordingly.

More details are available in WP3/11 report (SG11-TD300-R1/GEN​).​

Combating counterfeit telecommunication/ICT devices/software and mobile device theft

SG11 started series of webinars on combating counterfeiting and stolen ICT devices. The first Episode “Existing challenges and solutions on combating counterfeiting of ICT devices” run virtually on 15 February 2023.
The second Episode is planned to be held during next SG11 meeting in Geneva, particularly on 13 October 2023 (TBC). Among other topics, it will also focus on exploring new opportunities for collaboration with organizations such as WIPO, WTO, WCO and Interpol.
SG11 has made progress on two ongoing new work items and started two new work items. More details are available in WP4/11 report (SG11-TD301-R1/GEN).​

16 Preparation for WTSA-24
The SG11 started preparation for WTSA-24. In May 2023, SG11 reviewed all the proposed revised Question texts and text for the mandate of SG11 according to the received contributions, based on the current list of Questions and SG11 mandate defined in SG11-TD259/GEN and SG11-TD260/GEN respectively.

The updated Questions texts as well as proposed changes for the SG11 mandate and lead roles are available in
SG11-TD264-R1/GEN and SG11-TD263/GEN.

The detailed report of the SG11 NSP-WTSA sessions is available in SG11-TD524-R1/GEN.​

17     ITU-T Focus Group on Testbeds Federations for IMT-2020 and beyond (FG-TBFxG)

Since its first meeting in April 2022, FG-TBFxG organized four meetings (April, July, November 2022 and March 2023) and made a good progress. Currently, FG-TBFxG have collected 12 use cases, and there are 11 ongoing work items, four of which are on mature stage and planned to be finalized soon.

Based on the request received from FG-TBFxG, SG11 agreed to extend the FG-TBFxG lifetime until June 2024.
The fifth FG-TBFxG meeting is to be held fully virtually from 3 to 5 July 2023. All interested parties are encouraged to subscribe to Focus Group mailing list ( (see instructions here).

In the meantime, in order to attract more stakeholders to focus group activities, FG-TBFxG is organizing a webinar the Episode #27: Digital transformation of testing: federated testbeds as a service which will be held on 21 June 2023. It will answer a key question whether testing activities may migrate to virtual environment and whether testing as a service based on federated testbeds can facilitate enabling quicker time-to-market for products and services. It will also examine up-to-date ecosystem of testbeds, including existing use cases and clarify on how federated testbeds framework defined in ITU-T Q.4068 could help with such challenge.

More details are available on the Focus Group webpage at:​.
18     ITU Webinars
ITU continues organizing series of events related to SG11 activities. Since January 2023, the following events were organized:
19     New Terms and Definitions
SG11 continues its practice to inform SCV about new terms and definitions of the work items proposed for consent. SG11 informed SCV about new terms and definitions extracted from work items consented at this particular meeting and those which are planned to be consented at the next SG11 meeting (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023, TBA). The liaison statement is available in SG11-TD476/GEN.​

20     Stale work items
SG11 considered the list of stale work items (SG11-TD252/GEN). There was one work item Q.PIS (Q13/11), which was supposed to achieve stale status in 3 months. This work item was advanced during this particular meeting based on received contribution.

21     Action plan
There were no changes in the SG11 action plan for the study period 2022-2024, which was agreed in July 2022 (SG11-TD139-R1/GEN).

22     Outgoing Liaison Statements

SG11 agreed 39 outgoing liaison statements (SG11-TD255/GEN), plus three outgoing LSs (SG11-TD331/GEN, SG11-TD243/GEN and SG11-TD337/GEN)  which were agreed by the Management Team by correspondence between January and May 2023.​

23     Approved new w​ork items
23.1  New work items initiated during ITU-T SG11 meeting (Geneva, 10-19 May 2023)
SG11 agreed to start 29 new work items. See SG11-TD257/GEN.

23.2  Work items initiated during the interim Rapporteur meetings

24     Work plan for interim Working Party and Rapporteur Group e-meetings​

SG11 decided to conduct several RGM meetings, as follows:
More details are available in SG11-TD258-R1/GEN​.​

25     Regional Groups meetings

There are two Regional Groups of SG11:
SG11RG-EECAT: Study Group 11 Regional Group for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia.
SG11RG-EECAT meeting took place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan from 23 to 25 May 2023. It was collocated with ITU Forum “Future networks” and C&I training which were held at the same venue. All details are available in the SG11RG-EECAT report (SG11RG-EECAT-TD9​).
The next meeting of SG11RG-EECAT is planned to be held in 2024 (TBC).

SG11RG-AFR: Study Group 11 Regional Group for Africa
There were no Regional Group meetings in the period from January to May 2023.​

​26     Promotion of ITU-T SG11 work
27     ​Next Study Group 11 meeting
It was noted that next SG11 meeting is planned to be held in Geneva from 10 to 20 October 2023, TBA.​