ITU‑T Study Group 11: Signalling requirements, protocols, test specifications and combating counterfeit telecommunication/ICT devices
(Study Period 2022 - 2024)
ITU-T Study Group 11 has been attributed the responsibility for studies related to signalling-system
architecture, signalling requirements and protocols, for all types of networks such as future
networks (FN), cloud-computing networks, VoLTE/ViLTE-based network interconnection, virtual
networks, multimedia, next-generation networks (NGN), signalling for legacy network
interworking, satellite-terrestrial networks, software-defined networking (SDN) technologies,
network function virtualization (NFV) technologies, IMT-2020 networks and beyond, quantum key
distribution network (QKDN) and related technologies, and augmented reality.
Study Group 11 is also responsible for studies to combat counterfeit telecommunication/ICT
devices and mobile device theft.
Study Group 11 will also develop test specifications for testing conformance and interoperability
(C&I) for all types of networks, technologies and services, a testing methodology and test suites for
standardized network parameters in relation to the framework for Internet-related performance
measurement, as well as for existing and emerging technologies.
In addition, Study Group 11 will study a way to implement a testing laboratory recognition
procedure in ITU-T through the work of the ITU-T Conformity Assessment Steering Committee
Lead Study Group Roles
SG11 has been designated
Lead study group for the following specific areas of study:
- signalling and protocols
- establishing test specifications, conformance and interoperability
testing for all types of networks, technologies and services that are the subject of study and
standardization by all ITU-T study groups
- combating counterfeiting of ICT devices
- combating the use of stolen ICT devices
Recommendations under the SG11 responsibility