# | Title | Focal Point | Other SDOs | ITU-T SGs | References to SDOs docs | References to ITU-T Recs. |
1 | NGN Functionality | Martin Brand (Vice-chairman of SG11, Austria) martin.brand[at]A1telekom.at
Andrey Koucheryavy (Russia) akouch[at]mail.ru
| ETSI | SG11 | ETSI (Requirements) - - - ETSI (Test suites) - -
| ITU (Requirements) Y.2201 Y.2012 Q.3909 ITU (Test suites) Q.3900
2 | Functions of broadband network as a part of NGN | Andrey Koucheryavy (Russia) akouch[at]mail.ru
| - | SG11 | - | ITU (Requirements) Y.2012 ITU (Test suites) Q.3906.1
3 | IMS architecture, signalling protocols and interfaces | Martin Brand (Vice-chairman of SG11, Austria) martin.brand[at]A1telekom.at | ETSI/3GPP | SG11 | ETSI (Requirements) TS 124 228 TS 124 229 TS 124 238 TS 124 428 TS 132 297 -
ETSI (Test suites) - TS 102 027-1 TS 102 027-2 TS 102 027-3 TS 101 553-1 TS 101 553-2 TS 101 580-1 TS 101 580-2 TS 186 011-1 TS 186 011-2 TS 186 011-3 | ITU (Requirements) - - - - - Y.2012
ITU (Test suites) Q.3904
Q.3946.1 Q.3946.2 Q.3946.3 - - - - - - - |
4 | SIP-IMS basic call and supplementary services | Martin Brand (vice-chairman of SG11, Austria) martin.brand[at]A1telekom.at
Gerhard Ott (Germany) gerhard.ott[at]telekom.de
| ETSI | SG11 | ETSI (Requirements)
| ITU (Requirements) The list of SDO’s standards and ITU-T Recommendations which specify requirements and relevant TSs for SIP-IMS basic call and supplementary services are available in TD1213 GEN/11
5 | NGN services | Martin Brand (Vice-chairman of SG11, Austria) martin.brand[at]A1telekom.at | - | SG11 | SDO (Requirements) -
| ITU (Requirements) - ITU (test suites) Q.3945 Q.3948 Q.3949
6 | IMS interconnection | Martin Brand (Vice-chairman of SG11, Austria) martin.brand[at]A1telekom.at
| ETSI | SG11 | ETSI (Requirements) TS 29.165 ETSI (Test suites) TS 101 585
| ITU (Requirements) Q.3401 ITU (Test suites) Q.3940
7 | SIP/PSN and ISDN/PSTN interworking | Martin Brand (Vice-chairman of SG11, Austria) martin.brand[at]A1telekom.at | ETSI | SG11 | ETSI (Requirements) - ETSI (Test suites) TR 101 667 (1999) TS 186 001-1 (Rel.7) TS 186 001-2 (Rel.7) TS 186 001-3 (Rel.7) TS 186 001-4 (Rel.7) | ITU (Requirements) - ITU (Test suites) - Q.3941.1 Q.3941.2 Q.3941.3 Q.3941.4
8 | NGN monitoring system | Martin Brand (Vice-chairman of SG11, Austria) martin.brand[at]A1telekom.at | - | SG11 | - | ITU (Requirements) Q.3902 Q.3910 Q.3911 Q.3912 ITU (Test suites) -
9 | NGN interworking | Martin Brand (vice-chairman of SG11, Austria) martin.brand[at]A1telekom.at
Gerhard Ott (Germany) gerhard.ott[at]telekom.de | ETSI, 3GPP | SG11 | ETSI (Requirements) TS 129.162 TS 129.163 TS 129.164 TS 129.165 - - - ETSI (Test suites)
TS 186 002-1 TS 186 002-2 TS 186 002-3 TS 186 002-4 TS 186 002-5 TS 102 710-1 TS 102 710-2 TS 101 572-2 TS 102 709-2
| ITU (Requirements) - - - - Q.1912.5 Q.3401 Q.3402 ITU (Test suites) Q.1912.5 B
Q.1912.5 C Q.1912.5 D Q.1912.5 E Q.1912.5 F - - - -
10 | Network and equipment performance (Benchmarking) | Martin Brand (Vice-chairman of SG11, Austria) martin.brand[at]A1telekom.at
Michael Mild (Sweden) michael.mild[at]softwell.se | ETSI (INT; STQ; MTS) | SG11 | ETSI (Requirements) TR 101 577
ETSI (Test suites) TS 186 025-1 TS 186 025-2 TS 186 025-3 TS 186 025-4 TS 186 008-1 TS 186 008-2 TS 186 008-3 TS 186 008-4 - | ITU (Requirements) Q.3930
ITU (Test suites) Q.3931.1 Q.3931.2 Q.3931.3 Q.3931.4 Q.3932.1 Q.3932.2 Q.3932.3 Q.3932.4 Q.3933
11 | Wired headset or headphone | Gaoxiong Yi (P.R.China) yigaoxiong[at]catr.cn | - | SG12 (Q3/12) | -
| ITU (requirements) P.381 ITU (Test suites) -
12 | QoS/QoE and NP | Martin Brand (Vice-chairman of SG11, Austria) martin.brand[at]A1telekom.at
Eva Ibarrola (Spain) eva.ibarrola[at]ehu.es
Minrui Shi (China) shimr[at]sttri.com.cn
Andrey Koucheryavy (Russia) akouch[at]mail.ru | ETSI | SG12 SG11 | ETSI (Requirements) - - - TR 102 775 TS 101 563 TS 102 928 - - ETSI (Test suites)
- TR 101 577 TS 186 025-1 TS 186 025-2 TS 186 025-3 TS 186 025-4 TS 186 008-1 TS 186 008-2 TS 186 008-3 | ITU (Requirements) Q.3925 Y.1542 Y.1543 Y.1541 Y.1541 - Q.MSPQuality Q.NP-req ITU (Test suites)
Q.QMS Q.3930 Q.3931.1 Q.3931.2 - - - - -
13 | RFID | Yong-Woon KIM (Korea) qkim[at]etri.re.kr
| JCA-IoT | SG11 | -
| ITU (Requirements) -
ITU (Test suites) Q.3950
14 | Internet speed access | Eva Ibarrola Rapporteur Q15/11 (Spain) eva.ibarrola[at]ehu.es Fidel Liberal (Spain) fidel.liberal[at]ehu.es
Armando Ferro (Spain) armando.ferro[at]ehu.es
Jose Luis Jodra (Spain) Joseluis.jodra[at]ehu.es
Eduardo Saiz (Spain) eduardo.saiz[at]ehu.es
Martin Brand (Austria) martin.brand[at]a1telekom.at
| ETSI | SG11 | ETSI (Requirements) EG 202 057-4 ETSI (Test suites) - - | ITU (Requirements) G.1000 ITU (Test suites) Q.3960 Q.3961 (draft) |
| |
| |
| | |
15 | Network management | WANG Zhili (China) zlwang[at]bupt.edu.cn | TM Forum | SG2 | TMF (Requirements) TMF513 TMF608 TMF814 TMF (Test suites)
| ITU (Requirements) M.3170.0 M.3170.1 M.3170.2 M.3170.3 ITU (Test suites) M.3170.4
16 | Broadband Cable Television Networks | Arthur Webster (USA) webster[at]its.bldrdoc.gov Satoshi Miyaji (Rapporteur for Q13/9, Japan) sa-miyaji[at]kddi.com
| 1. Japan Cable Labs 2. CableLabs 3. National Technical Committee 239 on Radio, Film and Television of Standardization Administration of China | SG9 | SDO (Requirements) -
(Test suites) -
| ITU (Requirements) - ITU (Test suites)
17 | Cable Television Terminal Devices | Arthur Webster (USA) webster[at]its.bldrdoc.gov
Satoshi Miyaji (Rapporteur for Q13/9, Japan) sa-miyaji[at]kddi.com | 1. Japan Cable Labs 2. CableLabs 3. National Technical Committee 239 on Radio, Film and Television of Standardization Administration of China
| SG9 | (Requirements) -
(Test suites) -
| ITU (Requirements) - ITU (Test suites) - |
18 | Cable Television Quality Assessment | Arthur Webster (USA) webster[at]its.bldrdoc.gov
Satoshi Miyaji (Rapporteur for Q13/9, Japan) sa-miyaji[at]kddi.com | 1. Japan Cable Labs
2. CableLabs
3. National Technical Committee 239 on Radio, Film and Television of Standardization Administration of China
| SG9 | (Requirements) - (Test suites)
- | ITU (Requirements) -
ITU (Test suites) - |
19 | Cloud Computing interoperability testing | Hideo Himeno (Japan) h-himeno[at]bc.jp.nec.com
HE Xiaowu (P.R.China) hexw[at]gsta.com | - | SG11 | Requirements - Test suites - | ITU (Requirements) - ITU (Test Suites) Q.FW-Cloud-iop
20 | OMCI-EPON | Hiroaki Mukai (Japan) Mukai.Hiroaki[at]ce.MitsubishiElectric.co.jp
Kazumi Onishi (Japan) oonishi997[at]oki.com
Kenji Nakanishi (Japan) k.nakanishi[at]cybersoken.com
| IEEE, BBF | SG15 (Q2/15) | SDO (Requirements) | ITU (Requirements)
Note: the implementers' Guide for Recommendation ITU-T G.9801 (Conformance and interoperability tests for OMCI-EPON) is available in TD 634 (GEN/11)
21 | Mobile Number Portability (MNP) | Vadim Plahov (Russia) plahov[at]zniis.ru
Igor Bukharev (Russia) bukharev[at]zniis.ru | - | SG11 | - | ITU (Requirements) Q.suppl.4
ITU (Test suites) Q.3905 |