ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Terms of Reference

​ Terms of reference

The main objectives of ITU-T Study Group 2 Regional Group for the Americas (SG2RG-AMR) are as follows:
a. To increase the active participation of the Americas Region Member States and Sector Members in the work of ITU-T SG 2, and in the implementation of the ITU-Tassociated Recommendations.
b. To foster the discussion and study of scenarios on the challenges posed by the need of resources, faced by operators and regulators in the continent.
c. To encourage the participation of the Americas’ countries in the Group’s meetings, workshops and other SG2 events. The Study Group 2 Regional Group for the Americas will offer help to potential experts interested in joining and taking part in the e-mail lists informal discussions, to increase expert participation in the work related to the Questions. It will provide important information from various workshops and from the SG2 events, and will incite experts to submit documents at these events.
d. To urge the Americas’ countries to contribute to the work of ITU-T SG2 and, in particular, to contribute to the New/Revised Recommendations developed by ITU-T SG2.
e. To exhort the Americas’ countries to actively participate in Study Group 2 and in other meetings related to the Group's topics, at least when these meetings are held in the Americas region.
f. To ensure that ITU-T SG2 take advantage of the relevant information on regulations applicable to telecommunication networks, including the pilot tests that may be made.
g. To act as liaison between the telecommunication operators, regulators of the Americas, regional standardization bodies and ITU-T SG2.
h. To support any initiative leading to the evolution and consolidation of the Group.
i.  To strengthen standard-making capabilities within the region in accordance with Resolution 44 on “Bridging the Standardization Gap” (Rev. Hammamet, 2016).
j.  To encourage studies on the operational aspects and impact of the Internet, convergence (of services or infrastructure) and new services, such as OTT, on regional telecommunications networks and services.

Working methods

Most part of the work will have to be made with electronic tools, such as the already available Tools for Web Conference. Also, if necessary face-to-face meetings can be organized; they will have to be coordinated with the necessary anticipation to inform all the Member States of the Region. The Study Group 2 Regional Group for the Americas will meet at each meeting of SG 2 of ITU-T and will have to inform the Plenary of SG 2.

Mailing list

In order to subscribe to the mailing list for SG2RG-AMR (,  a TIES or a Guest account is required. TIES users can subscribe directly. If you do not yet have a TIES account, but are eligible for one, please apply for one here: If not, you can create a Guest account here: Once you have your Guest account, please send your request via email to