Important information
http://ifa.itu.int/t/2022/sg2/ | | |
/docs/(Mirror of the meeting documents in DMS - Read access only) |
/exchange/(Working and exchange area organized by SG structure - Read+Write access for the folders below) |
| gen | |
t22sg2all |
t22sg2all@lists.itu.int General distribution list of Study Group 2 |
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t22sg2nsp@lists.itu.int Mailing list for SG2 next study period discussions
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t22sg2dev | [No longer in use] Issues related to developing countries |
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t22sg2scv |
t22sg2scv@lists.itu.int Standardization Vocabulary Committee (SCV) relevant issues |
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t22sg2IPv6 | [No longer in use] Implementation of Resolution 64, IPv4 and IPv6 |
ewm | |
t22sg2ewm | [No longer in use] SG2 Electronic Working Method issues
| wp1 | | | |
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gen |
t22sg2wp1 |
t22sg2wp1@lists.itu.int Numbering, naming, addressing, routing and service provision |
| q1
t22sg2q1 | t22sg2q1@lists.itu.int Application of numbering, naming, addressing and identification plans for fixed and mobile telecommunications services |
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t22sg2numapp |
t22sg2numapp@lists.itu.int Applications for shared numbering resources |
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t22sg2cpnd | t22sg2cpnd@lists.itu.int Calling party number delivery, calling line identification and origination identification |
| | |
t22sg2e212 | [No longer in use] E.212 |
| | |
t22sg2enum | [No longer in use] ENUM Issues |
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t22sg2fon | [No longer in use] Future of numbering |
| | | t22sg2hgn | [No longer in use] Harmonization of global numbers |
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t22sg2misuse |
t22sg2misuse@lists.itu.int Best practice guide on misuse |
| | | misusereports
| misusereports@lists.itu.int Notifications of reports of possible misuse NOTE - this is a read-only mailing list |
| | | t22sg2np |
[No longer in use] Number portability |
| | | t22sg2e1641 |
[No longer in use] E.164.1 Editor's group |
| | | t22sg2egINR |
[No longer in use] Study the allocation criteria for the International Numbering Resource |
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t22sg2DNSINR |
[No longer in use] DNS based use of INRs |
| | q2
| t22sg2q2 | t22sg2q2@lists.itu.int Routing and interworking plan for current and future networks |
| | |
t22sg2spni |
[No longer in use] Service provider network identification |
| | q3
t22sg2q3 | t22sg2q3@lists.itu.int Service and operational aspects of telecommunications, including service definition |
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t22sg2telfin |
[No longer in use] Telecommunications finance |
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t22sg2mdr | [No longer in use] Mobile Disaster Relief |
| wp2 | | | |
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gen |
t22sg2wp2 | t22sg2wp2@lists.itu.int Telecommunication management and network and service operations |
| | q5
| t22sg2q5 |
t22sg2q5@lists.itu.int Requirements, priorities and planning for telecommunication/ICT management and operation, administration and maintenance (OAM) Recommendations
| | q6 | t22sg2q6 |
t22sg2q6@lists.itu.int Management Architecture and Security |
| | q7
| t22sg2q7 | t22sg2q7@lists.itu.int Interface specifications and specification methodology |
| rgs | | | |
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tsg2rgafr | tsg2rgafr@lists.itu.int ITU-T Study Group 2 Regional Group for Africa (SG2RG-AFR) |
| | | tsg2rgamr |
tsg2rgamr@lists.itu.int ITU-T Study Group 2 Regional Group for the Americas (SG2RG-AMR)
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tsg2rgarb | tsg2rgarb@lists.itu.int ITU-T Study Group 2 Regional Group for the Arab Region (SG2RG-ARB) |
/temp/(Temporary area - Read+Write access) |