ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU-T activities on human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) due to radio systems and mobile equipment


​​ITU-T Recommendations on EMF​ 

This webpage provides references to the 

Please see presentation​ on ITU-T Recommendations on EMF.

​ITU-T Study Group 5

ITU-T Study Group 5 is responsible for studying ICT environmental aspects of electromagnetic phenomena and climate change. Study Group 5 develops standards on resistibility, human exposure to electromagnetic fields, circular economy, energy efficiency and climate change adaptation and mitigation.



​EMF Guide & Mobile App

The EMF Guide & Mobile App provides up-to-date information and education resources on Electromagnetic Fields suitable for all communities and governments stakeholders and is available online at or via the iOS and Google Play app stores. The latest version added information related to the EMF aspects of 5G. 
For more information, please see our Info Sheet
The work and activities on EMF issues
are carried out by ITU-T Study Group 5 under Question 3 “Human
exposure to electromagnetic fields
​(EMFs) due to digital technologies”

​EMF Estimator Software

EMF Estimator is a software application that implements the methodology described in ITU-T K.70 to calculate the cumulative radio frequency exposure levels in the vicinity of transmitting antennas. 

EMF Estimator