ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Question 3

​Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) due to digital technologies

(Continuation of Question 3/5)


Information and communication technologies (ICTs) and digital technologies including telecommunications systems, radiocommunication systems, radio terminals and other electrical equipment and systems contribute to electromagnetic fields in the environment.

Telecommunications operators, manufacturers and governments, as well as other compliance entities have to assess (i.e. measure or calculate) and verify if the levels of electromagnetic fields emitted to the environment by ICTs and digital technologies comply with human exposure guidelines and limits recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

This Question will develop standards (ITU-T Recommendations) and guidelines for the protection of people exposed to EMF emitted by ICTs and digital technologies taking into consideration the existing EMF international standards and Recommendations dedicated to electrical, electronic and related technologies.

These Recommendations and guidelines should provide appropriate support to countries in establishing national regulations concerning assessment, evaluation, compliance and monitoring of RF EMF.

Taking into consideration the need to assess the levels of EMFs to which employees may be exposed to EMF, this Question will develop standards, guidelines, technical papers and methodologies for compliance with exposure limits of workers to electromagnetic fields including power supplies.

The following Recommendations and Supplements, in force at the time of approval of this Question, fall under its responsibility: Question

The purpose of this Question is to develop international standards (ITU-T Recommendations) and guidelines concerning construction and maintenance, use of radiocommunication installations and proper use of devices and information on factors affecting exposure from devices in order to assure compliance with RF EMF limits. These Recommendations and guidelines should provide appropriate support to countries in establishing national regulations concerning assessment and compliance of RF EMF exposure.

The Question will also develop standards, technical papers and methodologies for compliance with exposure limits of general public and workers to electromagnetic fields.
To achieve this goal, this question will address measurement and numerical modelling techniques and procedures for evaluating the electromagnetic fields due to digital technologies including, but not limited to, telecommunication systems, radio terminals.

Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to: Tasks

Tasks include, but are not limited to: An up-to-date status of work under this Question is contained in the ITU-T SG5 work programme 


WSIS Action Lines: Sustainable Development Goals:Recommendations: Questions: Study Groups: Standardization bodies: