ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

​​Setting Environmental Requirements for 5G


​Setting Environmental Requirements for 5G 

Taking into consideration the development of 5G systems, SG5 is developing a series of technical reports and international standards that will study the following environmental aspects of 5G: 

​Importance of Global Standards

ITU-T is the standardization branc​h of ITU. Assembled in specific Study Groups, international experts from 193 Member States, 700 Sector Member and 65 Academia Members develop the standards called ITU-T Recommendations.​

In particular, the ITU-T Study Group 5 offers the ideal platform for climate change stakeholders to exchange knowledge and expertise with the aim of identifying policy and standard needs to support the integration of ICTs in tackling climate change. ITU-T Recommendations are beneficial to:

The important ITU-T Recommendations on ICTs, environment and climate change, circular economy and energy efficiency developed by ITU-T Study Group 5 can be found here.​​

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