11:00 - 11:15
| Registration |
11:15 - 11:30
| Opening Remarks
Malcolm Johnson, Deputy-Secretary General, ITU [
Biography ]
Maria Victoria Sukenik, Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 5 “Environment, Climate Change & Circular Economy" [
Biography ]
11:30 - 12:30
| Session 1:
Boosting Climate Actions Using Frontier Technologies Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, additive manufacturing, Big Data and among other frontier technologies have a transformative potential in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change. This session will explore the infinite possibilities that frontier technologies have to offer in fostering low carbon, climate resilient, sustainable growth and reaching the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
H.E. Ms Katrina Naut, Ambassador, Dominican Republic [ Biography ]
Maricela Muñoz, Minister Counsellor, Costa Rica: Tackling Climate Change through Smart Interventions and the Use of Technology: the Case of Costa Rica [
Biography | Presentation ]
Piyush Verma, Senior Energy Market Analyst, International Energy Research Centre, Ireland: ‘Zero Carbon Energy Society’ – Strategic Perspectives on Frontier Technologies [
Biography | Presentation ]
Pernilla Bergmark, Master Researcher, Ericsson: Halving Global Emissions by 2030 through Exponential Climate Action and Digital Technologies [ Biography | Presentation ]
David Oehmen, Associate Programme Officer, UNFCCC: The Role of Frontier Technologies in Implementing the Paris Agreement [
Biography | Presentation ]
Questions & Answers |
12:30 - 14:00
Lunch Break |
14:00 - 15:30
| Session 2: Frontier Innovators: Are We There Yet? This session will provide a platform to discuss the role of various stakeholders in fostering the use of new frontier technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, etc. It will also provide an opportunity to discuss new approaches and strategies implemented by policy makers, private sector, NGOs, academia and UN representatives.
H.E. Ms Makeda Antoine-Cambridge, Ambassador, Trinidad and Tobago [ Biography ]
Caitlin Kraft-Buchman, CEO/Founder, Women@theTable: The Smart Feminist City 3.0 [
Biography ]
Barbara Kolm, Director, Austrian Economics Center & Vice President Austrian national Bank: Combating Climate Change trough Growth & Innovation [
Biography | Presentation ]
Joel Alexander Mills, CEO, AugmentCity AS: Simulating the city of tomorrow, Today. [
Biography | Presentation ]
- Neil Sahota, Chief Disruption Officer (Emerging Technology) and IBM Master Inventor: Eco-Friendly Solutionists: Emerging Tech Is a Helping Hand [ Biography | Presentation ]
- Micco Grönholm, Head of Future, City of Helsingborg, Sweden: H22 - A Smarter City [ Biography | Presentation ]
Okan Geray, Strategic Planning Advisor, Smart Dubai Office: U4SSC – Guidelines on Strategies for Circular Cities [ Biography | Presentation ]
Questions & Answers |
15:30 - 16:00
| Coffee Break |
16:00 - 17:00 | Session 3: The Impacts of E-waste on Climate Change and Moving to a Circular Economy
The mismanagement of e-waste contributes significantly to carbon emissions. The environmental footprint of frontier technologies, which often involve the deployment of ICT, is frequently overlooked. This session will provide a platform to discuss strategies on greening the supply chain of the ICT sector and the role of international standards in supporting cities in transitioning to a circular economy.
Ms Kari Eik, Secretary General, OiER [ Biography ]
Nevine Tewfik, Senior International Relations Expert, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), Egypt: Overview of Q7/5 Work in Tackling E-waste and Achieving a Circular Economy [ Biography | Presentation ]
Anders Andrae, Senior expert, Huawei: Strategies and technologies for improving material efficiency [
Biography | Presentation ]
Sonia Valdivia, Program Manager, Sustainable Recycling Industries & Life Cycle Management, WRF: Impacts on Climate Change and Contribution to Circular Economy of Informal E-waste Recycling in Developing Countries [ Biography | Presentation ]
Leila Devia, Director of the Basel Convention Regional Centre for the South American Region, Argentina: The Impacts of E-waste on Climate Change and Moving to a Circular Economy [
Biography | Presentation ]
Questions & Answers |
17:00 - 17:30 | Closing Remarks |