ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Terrestrial Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Browse by categories


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When a vessel changes name, does the MMSI number change?

​If the vessel changes its flag, yes the MMSI number must be changed, because the MID is different for each administration (flag state/country). Within each country it is the prerogative of the licensing administration to decide on the issuing of an MMSI.

What is List IV?

List IV " List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations" is an ITU Service Publication that contains information (i.e. call sign, MMSI, geographical coordinates, transmitting and receiving frequencies, etc.) of coast stations that provide watch-keeping using digital selective calling techniques and public correspondence service; transmit medical advice, navigational and meteorological warnings and urgent information (MSI) by means of narrow-band direct-printing techniques, meteorological bulletins, notices to navigators, radio time signals and AIS. It also contains information of port stations, pilot stations, coast Earth stations, VTS stations, contact information of rescue coordination centers, SAR agencies and Navarea coordinators. The description of the contents of List IV can be found in the Preface to the List.

In which format is List IV published?

This List is composed of a booklet (paper) containing the Preface and Reference tables and a CD ROM (in pdf format) containing the complete data of coast and special service stations.

Where to buy list IV?

Please contact:
Sales and Marketing Division
Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 20
Telephone: +41 22 730 6141
Telefax: +41 22 730 5194

How often is List IV published?

List IV "List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations" is published every two years by the International Telecommunication Union.
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