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​BRSIS-SRS Convert - ​SRS Database Conversion Utility

The SRSConvert which allows you to convert databases is integrated into BRSIS, starting from BrSoft version 8.
In order to operate the SRSConverter, please install the BRSIS, available here

The SRS Database Conversion program is a utility which allows the user to co​nvert the data contained in an existing SRS-formatted database from an old version database to version a new database. This conversion is valid for any database produced by the BRSIS-Query, or SpaceCap software packages, as well as the SRS, SPS and SpaceIFIC databases supplied by the Radiocommunication Bureau. The purpose of the utility is primarily to allow the user to "upgrade" their existing, version databases to the last version database format, so that they may be used with the latest versions of the BR software.


  • ​Previous versions of the software are available here: archive page.
  • Oldest version of the software are available below: 

 Download Description Size Date


SRS database conversion utility V6 to V7

4.85 Mbytes 14 December 2012


​SRS database conversion utility V5 to V6
​08 September 2008


​SRS database conversion utility V4 to V5
​25 September 2006
SRS database conversion utility V2-V3 to V4
​2.8 MBytes
28 March 2003

License Agreement 

For further information contact: Space Administrative Software Division